Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

What Lil' Donnie was offered

"official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia," documents that were cast as full of "obviously very high-level and sensitive information" that was "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

Did Trump Jr. refuse such an untoward offer and immediately alert the FBI? No.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. gleefully replied.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.


We are saying that we didn't solicit dirt from a hostile government known to be trying to fuck up our election and our entire democratic system of choosing representation. AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT FOR A YEAR and on TV and, in Kushner and Sessions case, under oath or on federal disclosure forms.
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Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

Don't you know, no Liberal candidate ever talked to anyone that ever had contact with any foreign nation or anyone with degrees of seperation from foreign entities. *(that's why their foreign relations are always so bad) *L*

No Liberal Candidate ever dug dirt, that's what they have their protected illegal alien gardeners for.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
You are against verifiable lies? You proudly voted for the kuunt witch in a pants suit? That is funny as fuck. You, are dumber than all fuck. Not to mention a pathetic double talking hypocrite.

Give us your best analysis of the golden showers dossier.

I will be expecting for an asshole like you to tell me that it is not the same. Of course not.
  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assasinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it. He met with terrorists, and Israeli Subversives to accomplish this and provided classified intel to try to stage a soft coup in Israel.
  • Obama met with Black Lives Matters a Domestic Terrorist Group after their calls to Assasinate cops were heard, and after numerous police officers had been assassinated, He gave cop killers a hero's welcome in The White House
  • Obama & Clinton met with every Russian Operative The Left is accusing The Trump of Colluding with before and after the Illegally Wiretapped meetings, and the classified intel on these meetings were leaked to the press
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffers flew to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who was hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 US Dollars for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press
  • Obama met with Iranian Agents to work out a deal to Circumvent Sanctions against Iran (in violation of US and International Law) to deliver pallets of Euros in the dead of night to pay ransom to terrorists for hostages
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf, and then sealed the investigation and closed it within days of that meeting
  • Loretta Lynch met with Comey and ORDERED him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda in Libya, & her stock broker, and has been sharing State Secrets with her friends at Wall Street to make her and Bill Wealthy
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia afterwards as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey let her despite two federal orders strictly ordering her not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.
  • Podesta met with Russian Operatives and was paid to lobby Congress and The President to go "easy on Putin" and Obama later meets with a Putin Representative whom he told in a hot mic moment "I will have more flexibility after the election"
  • Trump Jr a private citizen, Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion. Later it is found that the Ukrainian Lawyer worked for Fusion GPS, the same Ukranian people Clinton met with at The Ukranian Embassy who produced the Fake Russian Dossier that Comey paid $30,000 for and leaked to The Press.
The only thing that outrages the Left are discussions about Baby Adoptions
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Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?

A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.
  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assasinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffer fly to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy.
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who is hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press.
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf.
  • Loretta Lynch meets with Comey and tells him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda, & her stock broker
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey lets her despite two federal orders not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.
  • Trump Jr Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion
The only thing that outrages the Left are discussions about Baby Adoptions
I seem to remember someone digging dirt on Romney. Something about women in a binder and he gave a haircut to someone in the 60s at his university.

LOL, and the left went crazy.

You see any reason to take any of those coils of shit seriously?
War Room playbook!

Trump is running it, don't blink, don't back down, don't hide.

Stay out in front. Keep pushing.

A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Then everyone from the NY Times to Hillary Clinton need to be put in prison over the Trump Dossier.
Rick Santorum says this Don Jr. situation doesn't look good and that it's possible Don Jr could be charged with something.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

Dims don't look for dirt because they live in it.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
From a hostile power? No.
  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assasinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it. He met with terrorists, and Israeli Subversives to accomplish this and provided classified intel to try to stage a soft coup in Israel.
  • Obama met with Black Lives Matters a Domestic Terrorist Group after their calls to Assasinate cops were heard, and after numerous police officers had been assassinated, He gave cop killers a hero's welcome in The White House
  • Obama & Clinton met with every Russian Operative The Left is accusing The Trump of Colluding with before and after the Illegally Wiretapped meetings, and the classified intel on these meetings were leaked to the press
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffers flew to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who was hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 US Dollars for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaks to the press
  • Obama met with Iranian Agents to work out a deal to Circumvent Sanctions against Iran (in violation of US and International Law) to deliver pallets of Euros in the dead of night to pay ransom to terrorists for hostages
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf, and then sealed the investigation and closed it within days of that meeting
  • Loretta Lynch met with Comey and ORDERED him to back the Phuck off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation which is Obstruction of Justice
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda in Libya, & her stock broker, and has been sharing State Secrets with her friends at Wall Street to make her and Bill Wealthy
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia afterwards as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey let her despite two federal orders strictly ordering her not to, then let's her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself.
  • Podesta met with Russian Operatives and was paid to lobby Congress and The President to go "easy on Putin" and Obama later meets with a Putin Representative whom he told in a hot mic moment "I will have more flexibility after the election"
  • Trump Jr a private citizen, Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions and gives full disclosure of the emails too and somehow that's Russian Collusion. Later it is found that the Ukrainian Lawyer worked for Fusion GPS, the same Ukranian people Clinton met with at The Ukranian Embassy who produced the Fake Russian Dossier that Comey paid $30,000 for and leaked to The Press.
The only thing that outrages the Left are discussions about Baby Adoptions
so yea - when they practice what they preach i'll give a shit. til then they're an annoying 3 year old mad at not getting enough cartoon time in.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?

A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Most courts have interpreted things of value as having monetary value, such as cars, or property, or jewelry.

Political information has never met this threshold.

Lawyer: Nope, Donald Trump Junior Is Not Guilty of an Improper Campaign Solicitation from a Foreign National

two excerpts.

The Code of Federal Regulations makes the law immunizing Trump Jr.’s actions precisely clear: any foreign national individual may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74. For example, as the Federal Election Commission advises all, “an individual can provide volunteer services to a candidate or party without considering the value of those service a contribution to the candidate or party.” Section 30121 of Title 52 does not apply to voluntary activity or services. The thing “of value” must be actual money, or its transferable equivalent, not a volunteer of services or information.

The Twitter Legal Brigade is big on reading that "of value" caveat expansively, claiming it means pretty much "anything helpful to you." But actual lawyers fluent in the field know it means cash or cash-equivalents, and specifically does not include volunteered services or information.

Otherwise, if volunteering information in coordination with a campaign constituted donations, everyone from John Harwood to Chuck Todd (and maybe all of CNN) made millions in donations to the Hillary campaign, as WikiLeaks emails disclosed.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
The problem for you kind is you don't really understand "national security". I'm guessing it's because so many Republicans admire certain foreign aspects. Like Nazism and Mother Russia. If you could take away healthcare for millions of Americans, even putting children in danger, and laugh at their suffering and predicament, then what else are you capable of?
Your kind wants America to be like Russia so of course you don't see helping them as an issue. Putin has murdered over 60 journalists since 1990. You want to do that here so of course, you don't see that as a threat to the American political system. It's all perfectly clear.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
Is this what your excuses are limited to now?

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