Can Science Ever Prove One Way Or Another Whether Or Not People Are Born Gay?

The real fireworks would start if they not only found a gene responsible for homosexuality but developed an in-utero test for it. Two of the biggest democrat constituent groups would be at each other's throats, the homosexual lobby fighting to make abortions eliminating homosexual babies illegal, and the abortion lobby fighting to keep all abortion legal at all times for all reasons.

Why the obsession with finding a gene?
Homosexuals have always existed whether you can find a gene to blame or not.
Why the obsession with finding a gene?
Homosexuals have always existed whether you can find a gene to blame or not.
Because we always want to know the causes of malfunctions, and genetically speaking, being unable to reproduce is a major malfunction. If we can find a gene, we should be able to come up with a treatment, yes?
We know that many democrats would, which would set up the clash I was talking about.
We would abort our gay babies? No we wouldn't. I mean, we might. But not because it's gay.

What would you do? Have the gay baby? Would you love it? How come you don't love them when they come out at 15? I went to Cedar Point on Gay Day once by accident. It was fathers day. Why do gays go to Cedar Point on Fathers day? Because their fathers have disowned them.

And the park is packed that day. So must be a lot of fathers don't love their gay kids. Sad.

Yes, Republicans would abort a gay fetus. No question about it.
We would abort our gay babies? No we wouldn't. I mean, we might. But not because it's gay.
A lot of democrats absolutely would abort a gay baby, they just aren't going to tell you why. Remember, in a democrat's dream world, a woman doesn't have to have any reason at all to get an abortion, just get the test results and schedule it, bing bang boom, whenever you want to. Heck, they do it now for Down's Syndrome babies, what makes you think they wouldn't for gay babies?
What would you do? Have the gay baby?
Yes, I don't support abortion.
Would you love it?
Yes, that's my child you're talking about, not an enemy. Of course, I would love and protect said child. If he/she was born with a cleft lip or Down's Syndrome, I would do the same. I will illustrate. When my wife was 4 months pregnant with our daughter, her water broke, and I rushed her to the ER. The doctor said she had lost all her amniotic fluid and they needed to do an emergency D&C, but my wife saw our baby in the ultrasound way up at the top of her uterus, still moving. She told the doctor that as long as that baby was alive and kicking, they could not take her out. The doctor assured her absolutely that he would be in later that night performing emergency surgery to keep her from bleeding to death. The next morning, he gave her a 10% chance of keeping the baby because the amniotic fluid was recharging and the bleeding stopped, the next morning 20%, and so on until they sent her home on bed rest. That baby is now 31 years old. We do not get rid of children.
How come you don't love them when they come out at 15?
You mean like my grandson did? Want to tell me I don't love him the same as before? Go ahead.
I went to Cedar Point on Gay Day once by accident. It was fathers day. Why do gays go to Cedar Point on Fathers day? Because their fathers have disowned them.
Okay, and many of those fathers are democrats. Aversion to homosexuality is not political, it's biological.
And the park is packed that day. So must be a lot of fathers don't love their gay kids. Sad.
And many are democrats. Give people a means to know their developing baby is gay and many will choose to get rid of said baby. I don't agree with them, but I firmly believe many would.
Yes, Republicans would abort a gay fetus. No question about it.
Some would, for sure, just like many democrats would, and it would set up the clash I was talking about between the democrat constituent groups. We develop the test and 12 years later we notice a significant drop in the number of children coming out as gay. It's not rocket surgery to figure out why.
Because we always want to know the causes of malfunctions, and genetically speaking, being unable to reproduce is a major malfunction. If we can find a gene, we should be able to come up with a treatment, yes?
What if they don’t want to be treated to please you?
What if they don’t want to be treated to please you?
We let them ostracize themselves. There are some parents who don't want their deaf children to be treated, and we don't force them to do it. We do, however, look at them a little weird. Who wouldn't want their child to receive treatment that would enable them to avoid the harassment gay kids face and have a normal sexual relationship that can bear children? Gays face more stressful lives, from bullying to higher incidents of AIDS to deadly attacks by Muslims, etc. I ask again, who would not want their child to avoid all of that if they can, plus be able to produce grandchildren? Naturally, the gay community would fight tooth and nail to keep the flow of new recruits coming, but they would die out in a generation. At some point in the near future, being gay would be seen again as an extreme abnormality and the ultimate shame would befall parent who refused their child treatment.
She found him when he was like 20. Pathetic before he met her. She made a man out of him. And he's pathetic without her. We stopped trying to change or fix his odd behavior. The plus to this is he's very low maintenance. You know how most parents become more clingy/needy when they get old? He's relatively low maintenance. It's just upsetting because my brother and I go up north a lot on Friday's and come back Sunday. Sometimes my nephews come too. We have soooo many great memories. And dad stays home. It makes us angry too. What a dick. But he's not doing it to us. He's doing it to himself.

He doesn't realize his grandsons think he's pathetic. He's not impressing us with his 8 year long mourn. We're just moving on and living our lives without him. He says "I want to be with ma". But he won't eat anything that's bad for him. Won't smoke weed to help him sleep. Won't even eat edibles. Why not if you don't give a fuck? Right? He says "I just don't want to suffer".

So I go watch the Lion's games with him on Sundays and I usually go over Friday night after work for fish dinner. And my brother tries to stop by every other week at least. He's a busy guy with a family. I'm close and single.

I always remind him there are guys like you out there who have lost kids who aren't acting like him. Very sorry for your loss. This is one of my big fears. I don't want to get sick and die before my dog and dad. Once those two are gone, fuck it. But I can't do that to them. Everyone else will get over it. It's life right?

Greek parents are very controlling. I've had this conversation with some Greek friends. It's a bit morbid but I asked them if a small part of them fantasises about the day both their parents are gone. One of them had lost both parents. And his mom was a fucking nut. He had to feel a bit free when she finally passed on. Or I have a neighbor who suddenly started fixing up her place and soon moved to a bigger place because she got her inheritance. My thinking is I'd rather have my dad and I don't need the money. So it's not the money for me. It's that my dad has me sort of tied down to Metro Detroit. If he wasn't around I might get a place in Florida and live there from Dec 1 to April 1. But right now I can't leave my dad for 4 months.

Here's another example of what a shit head he is. His sister is in Florida but he's faught with her off and on his whole life and in recent years decided he doesn't want to talk to her anymore. He's turning into his father. God I hope this doesn't happen to me. Anyways, I'm going to Florida this year all of February. My brother has a place in Ft Lauderdale. It's a two bedroom. My dad could help me drive down to Florida and visit his sister. But he says NOT WITHOUT MA.
Seals, please cut your dad some slack, When we lost our daughter it took 14 years to get through the grieving process. There were days where suicide was an option, the depression, pain and guilt was overwhelming. Your dad must of loved your mother so much to be suffering now. He probably is guilty that he lived and she died, he probably is angry that she died, lots of emotions, lots of pain.

It is a long and lonely process that everyone has to go through. Hopefully with you and your brother and grandkids help, it will eventually end.

For many years I had guilt if I enjoyed anything because my daughter was gone. It is not logical but it is a feeling you have to deal with.

Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope he can eventually move on but take it from me, it is tough as hell and I bet your dad has thought many of times he will never get over it but over a long time he will accept it and move on.
I doubt there is a gay gene any more than a serial killer gene or pedophile gene. Being gay could just be part of the myriad compulsive disorders.

I disagree. My sister was lesbian from conception. We all knew it. No amount of money can get me to have sex with a man. Period.
I disagree. My sister was lesbian from conception. We all knew it. No amount of money can get me to have sex with a man. Period.
That doesn't mean it's genetic. That would mean the gay gene would be recurring in families.

I am of the opinion that it is a compulsive disorder rather than a genetic disposition. People are born with compulsions. Animals can be born with compulsions.
Seals, please cut your dad some slack, When we lost our daughter it took 14 years to get through the grieving process. There were days where suicide was an option, the depression, pain and guilt was overwhelming. Your dad must of loved your mother so much to be suffering now. He probably is guilty that he lived and she died, he probably is angry that she died, lots of emotions, lots of pain.

It is a long and lonely process that everyone has to go through. Hopefully with you and your brother and grandkids help, it will eventually end.

For many years I had guilt if I enjoyed anything because my daughter was gone. It is not logical but it is a feeling you have to deal with.

Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope he can eventually move on but take it from me, it is tough as hell and I bet your dad has thought many of times he will never get over it but over a long time he will accept it and move on.

He constantly complains about his life before her and after her. I told him. "So you had 50 good years right?" and he agrees and I say, "and no way you will have a 51st? No way you will have 1 more good year before you go?

He said, when he sees my nephews graduate college, get married or have kids, he will be happy but then sad because Ma isn't hear.

Thank YOU. Your feedback will make me stop getting mad about it or mad at him when he Ground Hog Days me. You know what that means? It's when you have the same conversation over and over again like Bill Murray in the Groundhog Day movie. Great movie. But that's what I call it when he tells me a story I've heard a million times.

Plus I honestly worry it's Dementia.

I tell my nephews I don't care if I get my feelings hurt, tell me if you've heard the story already.

My dad gets mad when I point out he's in a conversation loop. A loop we talk about ever fucking time I come over. How he met ma, and sometimes it bleeds into who did him wrong, or them wrong. Or how cousins never hang out. Or how coaches don't matter. Anyone could coach BAMA he says. Or how there must be a god. Does he forget I've already debunked his bad arguments? He must have because he's using them on me again. LOL. I love when he used Dogs to prove god exists. All the different breeds. Not realizing we did that. We made dogs. At once time they were all wolves. That proves evolution dumb ass. Nope. He still argues.
Of course science can examine homosexuality ... and regularly does ...

My male guppies have been fucking the females to death ... so I moved the females into a different tank and now the males are fucking each other ... they're not gay, they're just "fucking" machines ... they fuck the plants, the snails, even the damn bubble stone ... fuck fuck fuck fuck is all they do all day long ... of course it's genetic ... worse than rabbits ... they understand evolution better than you and I ...

Is it "beastiality" if we're cross-pollinating plants? ... that's sex, and we're participating ... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ... think about that next time your dog comes in covered in seed pods ... and you gotta clean him ... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ...
Why? I know many left wingers that have views that are unconstitutional, you have views that are unconstitutional and that is fine by me. Opinions are fine, trying to control thoughts is also unconstitutional.
Is Trump being unconstitutional here?

As part of his arguments against special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.
Is Trump being unconstitutional here?

As part of his arguments against special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.
What is he doing that is unconstitutional?
What is he doing that is unconstitutional?
It's what he did. It's what he's claiming. He's claiming he can't be charged with crimes he committed as president. Doesn't the constitution cover this abuse of power?

As part of his arguments against special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.

What does the constitution say? I think he violated his oath to uphold the laws and constitution. You know what he did. 4 charges 91 counts I believe. 4 separate cases. All with lots of evidence. You'd have to be a OJ didn't do it type to say Trump's innocent. You know the evidence. Seems guilty to me. You?
It's what he did. It's what he's claiming. He's claiming he can't be charged with crimes he committed as president. Doesn't the constitution cover this abuse of power?

As part of his arguments against special counsel Jack Smith’s federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.

What does the constitution say? I think he violated his oath to uphold the laws and constitution. You know what he did. 4 charges 91 counts I believe. 4 separate cases. All with lots of evidence. You'd have to be a OJ didn't do it type to say Trump's innocent. You know the evidence. Seems guilty to me. You?
Claiming? Claiming something now violates the Constitution? He can claim what he wants, free speech does not violate the Constitution, in fact it is protected by the Constitution.

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