
Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Today during the Committee hearing the CDC Director admitted the cloth masks Biden and Democrats have been mandating Americans wear, under penalty of fines, jail, rebuke, demonization, etc... DOES NEXT TO NOTHING TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID....which anyone with common sense knew from the beginning and which THE SCIENCE proved from the very start.

Just like Biden's lie to Americans that vaccinated individuals could not get COVID, the LIE to Americans that a thin cloth mask with something fashionable / cool on it could prevent you from getting COVID probably contributed to the deaths of Americans who were dumb enough to listen to and believe Biden and his administration.

CDC wonders: Two years in, should we maybe start encouraging people to wear better masks?

The CDC is 'thinking about changing its guidance about the wearing of cloth masks and call for the wearing of CDC-APPROVED N95 masks...

“Two years in, now 750,000 confirmed new cases/day, record hospitalizations >140,000, many weeks after Omicron warning, and they’re still thinking about it?”

The CDC is probably holding off on recommending all Americans use N95 masks is because if they do so they will immediately be asked, “Why didn’t you recommend them a year ago?” Doing so would also be an admission that cloth masks millions of Americans have been wearing provide minimal protection (from droplets, not microscopic virus particles) and are more of a symbol of surrender to Marxist / Socialist Democrat/Biden mandated compliance.

Think about it – we went from CDC-approved and recommended N95 protective masks to wearing cloth masks sewn and sold by ‘grandma’ on Amazon and thin cloth, masks adorned with all kinds of ‘cool’ slogans and designs for ‘fashion’ because Biden mandated mask wearing and basically said any kind will work - 'Just wear one'! As far as Biden and Democrats were / are concerned you could wear a diaper or a thong on your face and they would be satisfied.

From the very beginning of the mask mandates I and others have been pointing out that if you are wearing a cloth mask you could walk into a fish market and if you can smell the fish the microscopic COVID particles floating around – or as USSC Justice Sotomayor says, the ‘toxins’ being spewed by those around you – can pass through our cloth mask and be breathed in just as easily as the particles that travel though the mask and up your nose that allow you to smell the fish in the market you are in.

Telling the American people that they can wear a thin cloth mask and it will protect them from catching COVID is like handing out the same cloth masks to our military members before they go to war against an enemy that plans to use biological weapons against them and telling them the cloth masks will protect them just as well as their bio/chem combat masks.

Democrats and snowflakes say in defense of cloth masks, ‘Cloth masks are better than nothing’. Tell that to the troops you’re handing cloth masks to who are about to face an enemy that is going to use biological weapons on them!

Some Democrats have said, ‘We are saving N95 masks for healthcare workers’. Good idea – healthcare workers are going to need the N95 masks to take care of all the Americans wearing cloth masks who end up getting COVID!

“You’re far, far better protected in an N95 than you are in a cloth mask,” the CDC could have announced last January. Many Americans would have upgraded immediately. Some who did would have found the mask uncomfortable but worn it anyway for safety reasons. Others might have found it so uncomfortable that they ended up ditching it — but how many would have gone barefaced instead of reverting to a cloth mask? Or even to a surgical mask, eyeing that as a healthy compromise between comfort and protection?

Not long ago the CDC Director, in a moment of honesty, admitted that some of its guidance was based on effects on BUSINESS.

It’s not the CDC Director’s job to shade the guidance according to her pet theories of social psychology or potential impact on business. Her job is to encourage best practices scientifically and hope that the public follows them. It’s a cinch that some elderly people have died this past year after being infected while wearing a thin cloth mask who would have survived if they’d been instructed to be sticklers for N95s.

CDC wonders: Two years in, should we maybe start encouraging people to wear better masks?

No wonder the vast majority of Americans believe Biden has failed on COVID & does not trust Flip-Flopping Fauci, the CDC, Biden, or his administration regarding the virus / pandemic!
Again with this stupid thread?

I'll tell you the same thing I told you on the other three stupid threads.

Get a better mask and shut the fuck up

As the least retarded person here, I have to set the record straight for my fellow tards.

The mask catches your spittle as you cough. Even the cheapest masks can catch some spittle. Even your hand over your mouth can catch a little.

Look at the image above. Don't you want that guy to wear a mask, COVID or not? Do you really want to breath his spittle? It's the cough spittle that carries COVID virus to your lungs.

Masks are to prevent an infected you, from spreading COVID to others.

To keep you safe, you have to buy those really expensive, space-age masks that they can't keep in stock and that should go to hospitals where they're needed more.
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As the least retarded person here, I have to set the record straight for my fellow tards.

The mask catches your spittle as you cough. Even the cheapest masks can catch some spittle. Even your hand over your mouth can catch a little.
So you would prefer wearing a cloth mask that catches spittle but let's in microscopic COVID-19 particles, from which you could catch the virus....

...rather than wear a CDC-approved N95 mask that catches spittle AND KEEPS OUT COVID PARTICLES?!

What was that about being the least retarded person here?


As the least retarded person here, I have to set the record straight for my fellow tards.

The mask catches your spittle as you cough. Even the cheapest masks can catch some spittle. Even your hand over your mouth can catch a little.

Look at the image above. Don't you want that guy to wear a mask, COVID or not? Do you really want to breath his spittle? It's the cough spittle that carries COVID virus to your lungs.

Masks are to prevent an infected you, from spreading COVID to others.

To keep you save, you have to buy those really expensive, space-age masks that they can't keep in stock and that should go to hospitals where they're needed more.
HAND WASHING Does more to prevent the spread of virus's, but atlas they are pimping these stupid masks.
Key facts: OP says “two years in”. Biden is on year one. The entire baseline of CDC recommendations came from Trump era leadership. Biden never shut down the country, that happened under Trump. We’ve been open and operating for a year. This thread is a joke.
Key facts: OP says “two years in”. Biden is on year one. The entire baseline of CDC recommendations came from Trump era leadership. Biden never shut down the country, that happened under Trump. We’ve been open and operating for a year. This thread is a joke.
More sick people under xiden in his year, shameful
Again with this stupid thread?

I'll tell you the same thing I told you on the other three stupid threads.

Get a better mask and shut the fuck up
IKR? How many times do I have to post this same fucking study?

“The results show that a respectively,” according to the University of Waterloo study’s conclusion.
standard surgical and three-ply cloth masks … filter at apparent efficiencies of only 12.4% and 9.8%,

But KN95 and N95 masks afford “substantially higher apparent filtration efficiencies (60% and 46% for R95 and KN95 masks, respectively) than the more commonly used cloth (10%) and surgical masks (12%), and therefore are still the recommended choice in mitigating airborne disease transmission indoors,”

You ever tried wearing a KN95 mask while attempting to do ANYTHING Lesh?

Well I have during crash recovery sims in Osan AB, ROK...anything above a brisk walk is torture...let alone wearing one for eight hours...12 hours.

OH...and 60% is perfectly sealed.

And...These tests were performed on dummies...not humans.

Check it out. fucking simps will keep blindly following and parroting your propaganda masters, like good little beta bitches.....


Masks weren’t for filtering out what you breathe in. They were a permanent version of coughing into your sleeve when you talked. I wear a kn95 which seems to be better for filtering but again it’s mainly for keeping your germs in not other germs out. Feel free to correct me I’ve only heard it said for 23 months.
Masks weren’t for filtering out what you breathe in. They were a permanent version of coughing into your sleeve when you talked. I wear a kn95 which seems to be better for filtering but again it’s mainly for keeping your germs in not other germs out. Feel free to correct me I’ve only heard it said for 23 months.
You cough while you talk? That seems odd
Key facts: OP says “two years in”. Biden is on year one. The entire baseline of CDC recommendations came from Trump era leadership. Biden never shut down the country, that happened under Trump. We’ve been open and operating for a year. This thread is a joke.
BS. Democrats are solely responsible for the mandates- shutdowns, masks, vaccine mandates.

Biden is only on year 1? Yet he is responsible fir more virus deaths than occurred under Trump.

Biden, Democrats, Fauci, Cuomo, Biden's He/She assistant / Deputy Health Czar- they all have blood on their hands.

The thread is a joke? Thank you for proving you douche bags talk about following the science but put Marcist/Democrat ideology ahead of science AND HUMAN LIVES!

Biden promised he would shut down COVID, declared victory over it, then it kicked his ass while killing more Americans than under Trump....because of FAILED policies like forgoing recommending masks that actually work for thin scraps of cloth that won't stop a fart let alone a CCP-created/leaked virus that has killed so many.

'Obamacare won't cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower costs, and you can keep your plan/doctor'.
- At least Obama's lies did not lead to thousands of Americans dying like Biden's & the CDC's have:

'Vaccinated people can't catch or pass on COVID-19...and cloth masks are great for preventing COVID'...
Lives saved from vaccinations: 1.1M. Yep. 1.1M.

'Comonwealthfund'? :p

The CDC recently Admitted the reported numbers of Americans who died from COVID are WAY off because a cast majority of them died from other things, had as many as 4, 5, 6 morbidities. At one point Democrats were counting someone who had a heart attack and died yet had the virus as a COVID death.

It's like when Obama claimed to have saved more jobs at 1 company than there were people actually working at the company....

Standard Democrat BS....

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