Cease Fire Talks On Gaza Must Succeed!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Countries hosting and who have influence with Hamas need to pressure them with all they got to accept a deal to release all the hostages and Israel needs to as part of the cease fire deal agree to allow the Palestinians in Gaza from northern Gaza to return to northern Gaza and create living conditions where they are not living in a humanitarian crisis, this humanitarian crisis is unconscionable. If a cease fire is reached and after it is concluded Israel needs to evacuate the civilians from Rafah and defeat the four Hamas battalions in Rafah quickly so these horrible and health damaging living conditions for civilians in Gaza can be corrected.
Countries hosting and who have influence with Hamas need to pressure them with all they got to accept a deal to release all the hostages and Israel needs to as part of the cease fire deal agree to allow the Palestinians in Gaza from northern Gaza to return to northern Gaza and create living conditions where they are not living in a humanitarian crisis, this humanitarian crisis is unconscionable. If a cease fire is reached and after it is concluded Israel needs to evacuate the civilians from Rafah and defeat the four Hamas battalions in Rafah quickly so these horrible and health damaging living conditions for civilians in Gaza can be corrected.
as long as hamas exists there will never be peace,,

their very existence is based on killing jews,,
Countries hosting and who have influence with Hamas need to pressure them with all they got to accept a deal to release all the hostages and Israel needs to as part of the cease fire deal agree to allow the Palestinians in Gaza from northern Gaza to return to northern Gaza and create living conditions where they are not living in a humanitarian crisis, this humanitarian crisis is unconscionable. If a cease fire is reached and after it is concluded Israel needs to evacuate the civilians from Rafah and defeat the four Hamas battalions in Rafah quickly so these horrible and health damaging living conditions for civilians in Gaza can be corrected.
Countries hosting and who have influence with Hamas need to pressure them with all they got to accept a deal to release all the hostages and Israel needs to as part of the cease fire deal agree to allow the Palestinians in Gaza from northern Gaza to return to northern Gaza and create living conditions where they are not living in a humanitarian crisis, this humanitarian crisis is unconscionable. If a cease fire is reached and after it is concluded Israel needs to evacuate the civilians from Rafah and defeat the four Hamas battalions in Rafah quickly so these horrible and health damaging living conditions for civilians in Gaza can be corrected.
What hostages?
The "humanitarian crisis" is caused by the people who don't distinguish between combatants and civilians as a matter of policy.
No. Caused by terrorists hiding among civilians, in civilian buildings, even in civilian hospitals with connecting tunnels running to other civililian buildings, and using civilian as shields to evade capture while they fight. All of these are against internation rules of war, being perpetrated by the same terrorist, that attacked across the border intentionally targeting civilian Israelis at a concert and in their homes, taking captives hostage, torturing, and raping.
No. Caused by terrorists hiding among civilians, in civilian buildings, even in civilian hospitals with connecting tunnels running to other civililian buildings, and using civilian as shields to evade capture while they fight. All of these are against internation rules of war, being perpetrated by the same terrorist, that attacked across the border intentionally targeting civilian Israelis at a concert and in their homes, taking captives hostage, torturing, and raping.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
The Israelis are simply defending their country, and trying to hunt down the terrorist coward HAMAS, as is their choice if they are to be secure. I support Israeli self determanance.
No. Caused by terrorists hiding among civilians, in civilian buildings, even in civilian hospitals with connecting tunnels running to other civililian buildings, and using civilian as shields to evade capture while they fight. All of these are against internation rules of war, being perpetrated by the same terrorist, that attacked across the border intentionally targeting civilian Israelis at a concert and in their homes, taking captives hostage, torturing, and raping.

'Civilians' that elected and are 98% supportive of the vermin getting them killed. Hamas represents them. No need to be concerned about their self-inflicted problems, just take care of business and let the feral animals go squat in Egypt and Iran.
Who cares? It's none of our business.
Yeah. It kind of is. You see, The Jews are Hebrews (who created Jerusalem over 2000 years ago and most of the Jews that migrated back to Israel after WWII, are descendants of Israel's Hebrews. In short, they are the descendants of the original inhabitants and thus an indigenous people. Islam invaded what is now Israel, over 1500 years after the Hebrews built Jerusalem. Many of its original inhabitants migrated out of the area of Israel, because of the successive invasions. Once back, they simply wanted their original homeland back. Many claim the Philistines were there first. Very likely, but recent DNA studies of those remains found them to be of European descent.
Back to the problem at hand. The Quran teaches its followers that when their warriors conquer an infidel land, it is then theirs and should the infidels reclaim their land, they are to be considered "occupiers," which is why the Muslim Palestinians claim the Jews (Hebrews) as "occupiers."
Now, why all of this bother us. Unlike Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, et cetera, Islam has never veered from its original dictates, that it is conquer the entire world by the sword and to rule over and or kill all infidels (non-believers).
They have tried conquering Europe for centuries, in battle, only to be beaten back. They are also instructed by the Quran to perform "da'wah," or migration to infidel lands and call other Muslims to do so, in the effort to change the infidel lands over to Islam, via any means necessary.
Once they have sufficient numbers in the infidel lands, they begin intimidating non-Muslims and once in control. Force all non-Muslims to submit to them. We are seeing examples of it in England and other areas of Europe. You want to eat a nice meal in peace in an outdoor restaurant in predominantly Muslim areas of England, forget it during the Muslim period of fasting. You can expect to be harassed.
After this is posted, you will find a few posting their little memes of "fake news or a laughing face," but the facts are the facts.
The Somalis have already gotten the state government of Minnesota to change its flag to a vague similarity to the Somali flag, because of sheer numbers.
Countries hosting and who have influence with Hamas need to pressure them with all they got to accept a deal to release all the hostages and Israel needs to as part of the cease fire deal agree to allow the Palestinians in Gaza from northern Gaza to return to northern Gaza and create living conditions where they are not living in a humanitarian crisis, this humanitarian crisis is unconscionable. If a cease fire is reached and after it is concluded Israel needs to evacuate the civilians from Rafah and defeat the four Hamas battalions in Rafah quickly so these horrible and health damaging living conditions for civilians in Gaza can be corrected.
You’d demand a ceasefire with Nazi germany too.
that would depend on how far back you go,,

if you go far enough the Palestinians were all jews before the muslim hoards conquered them,,
There we no "Palestinians" before Arafat told them to call themselves that after the six day war. Before that, they were just undistinguished Arabs.

Their very invention was to create a special propaganda tool for the purpose of extinguishing Israel.
There we no "Palestinians" before Arafat told them to call themselves that after the six day war. Before that, they were just undistinguished Arabs.

Their very invention was to create a special propaganda tool for the purpose of extinguishing Israel.

That’s right. Arafat invented them.

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