Zone1 Christians have to endure a "crucifixion" before getting to Heaven? "Quo Vadis?"


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I've been through Hell ever since I "got right with God" many moons ago, a couple decades ago. Sometimes I have gotten seriously angry at God for allowing all the terrible things that happened to happen. Jesus helped me through it all, but sometimes I wonder where He is... (some very long stories there).

So I began to wonder if all Christians have to go through something akin to what Jesus went through at Calvary. Here is an interesting site about St Peter, whom Jesus chose to start building His Church:

The difference is that He was innocent of sin. None of us are. Nearly every misery we suffer is brought on by our own actions. We just have to remember that while it seems the pain is endless, our time here really is brief and it sets the stage for eternity.
The difference is that He was innocent of sin. None of us are. Nearly every misery we suffer is brought on by our own actions. We just have to remember that while it seems the pain is endless, our time here really is brief and it sets the stage for eternity.
well said. I'm wondering what faith community you belong to, but am afraid to ask because I don't want to start yet another argument.

In any case, it is so true that we almost always are the ones who have, somehow or another, brought on our own sufferings.

Then again, I have been the victim over and over of OTHER people's evil

Everyone else can say the same. Proof of that can be found in this statement:

Look who is "president" of our once Christian nation!

I've been through Hell ever since I "got right with God" many moons ago, a couple decades ago. Sometimes I have gotten seriously angry at God for allowing all the terrible things that happened to happen. Jesus helped me through it all, but sometimes I wonder where He is... (some very long stories there).

So I began to wonder if all Christians have to go through something akin to what Jesus went through at Calvary. Here is an interesting site about St Peter, whom Jesus chose to start building His Church:

You will go through hell here on earth with or without God.

The choice is yours.
You will go through hell here on earth with or without God.

The choice is yours.
I've had the same thought. I once reminisced about my life before coming back to Jesus in a big way

and compared it to the After and wondered which one was better. that was probably a thought from the evil one and in time, i realized

what u say here.
I consider human life to be a gift. Don't know about all this Hell business.
Hell is real. The devil and his demons have to go somewhere when Jesus casts them out and Hell is where they belong. Hell is where evil goes rampant but does not harm the soul who loves(loved) Christ
I've been through Hell ever since I "got right with God" many moons ago, a couple decades ago. Sometimes I have gotten seriously angry at God for allowing all the terrible things that happened to happen. Jesus helped me through it all, but sometimes I wonder where He is... (some very long stories there).

So I began to wonder if all Christians have to go through something akin to what Jesus went through at Calvary. Here is an interesting site about St Peter, whom Jesus chose to start building His Church:

Oh, so now you have to be tortured to be saved?

You religious types are nuts.
but here's something I do know: Hell is within... before it is a place you go to after death
So much for going to Purgatory to work your way into Heaven...
Hell is not within. They Holy Spirit does not share a room with demons. Where there is light, darkness flees.
And Jesus told us where to find Hell, if you were as smart as you think you are, you would be able to answer the question correctly:

Matthew 12: 40 “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

As a Christian that has blessed since birth, I see no reason why my Father in Heaven would want me to suffer. Just the opposite. He wants me to flourish, so I do...
well said. I'm wondering what faith community you belong to, but am afraid to ask because I don't want to start yet another argument.

In any case, it is so true that we almost always are the ones who have, somehow or another, brought on our own sufferings.

Then again, I have been the victim over and over of OTHER people's evil

Everyone else can say the same. Proof of that can be found in this statement:

Look who is "president" of our once Christian nation!

America was never a Christian nation.
Hell is real. The devil and his demons have to go somewhere when Jesus casts them out and Hell is where they belong. Hell is where evil goes rampant but does not harm the soul who loves(loved) Christ
Pure bullshit. Hell and death are dispatched into the Lake of Fire by Jesus:
Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.
He didn't throw Hell into Hell...
America was never a Christian nation.
From day one it has been a Christian nation on bended knee.

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