CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

Obviously you missed all those times Cruz has stood up on the floor, introduced new legislation, was attacked by Boehner and McConnell for 'rocking the cradle', him calling them out on the floor....

...not surprised.

That is not leadership

I have missed the times where Cruz worked with other Senators to bang out needed legislation

Because there aren't any. Reading The Cat in the Hat is not leadership

from the Party who's leader LITERALLY told the other side to "sit in the back of the bus"

comical shit

libs are losers who lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites

Except Obama never "literally" said that
Of course you have already been schooled on that misquote

no he literally DID say that dummy!!

Beating the blame drum, the President said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out.” Barack finished the “driving into a ditch” comment, with a stunning remark, “Now that progress has been made we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

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yea loon; those are quotation marks

now "school me" ok???

Do you understand what the term "literally" means?

Now, find where he said "sit in the back of the bus"....It has a different meaning than the driving into a ditch allegory

he LITERALLY said "they gotta sit in the back"
now tell me moron; what is the difference???
I thought the party had quite pretending?

From the party website.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on socialism vs. capitalism

Well it's not like Republicans ever tried to hide their affiliation.

View attachment 53556
Donald Trump Tweets Patriotic Image of His Face with Nazi Soldiers

Sieg Heil![/QUOTE]
Poor stupid Liberal don't know Reagan was an actor and this was a picture of him in a movie....

Time to start a 'GoFundMe' page to raise money for poor uneducated Liberals.

I think that is Obama's biggest failure as president

The naive assumption that Republicans would eventually come to their senses and work with him. I mean, it was done for every other President...why not him?

Obama reached his stride when he stopped bothering trying to get GOP support and just did what needed to be done. It is what is making his last two years as President his finest

Your complete lack of understanding of how our government works (or is supposed to) is mind-numbing!

Just because a man win=s the Presidency does not mean he gets whatever he wants. There's the whole 'division of powers' thing, the specific duties and authorities defined in the Constitution, etc... that you are CHOOSING (hopefully you are not that stupid) to ignore.

So you think Obama 'reached his stride' when he began violating his oath of office, violating the Constitution, refusing to enforce laws, and taking the nation to war without Congressional approval to do so?!

Yeah, figures....

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????
So conservatives are communists now?

Man you guys are confusing.

I thought the party had quite pretending?

From the party website.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on socialism vs. capitalism

Well it's not like Republicans ever tried to hide their affiliation.

View attachment 53556
Donald Trump Tweets Patriotic Image of His Face with Nazi Soldiers

Sieg Heil!

it's like you TRY to embarrass yourself
Ok! We get it. Blame someone else for the short comings of their own personal short comings.


The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.
That is not leadership

I have missed the times where Cruz worked with other Senators to bang out needed legislation

Because there aren't any. Reading The Cat in the Hat is not leadership

from the Party who's leader LITERALLY told the other side to "sit in the back of the bus"

comical shit

libs are losers who lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites

Except Obama never "literally" said that
Of course you have already been schooled on that misquote

no he literally DID say that dummy!!

Beating the blame drum, the President said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out.” Barack finished the “driving into a ditch” comment, with a stunning remark, “Now that progress has been made we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

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yea loon; those are quotation marks

now "school me" ok???

Do you understand what the term "literally" means?

Now, find where he said "sit in the back of the bus"....It has a different meaning than the driving into a ditch allegory

he LITERALLY said "they gotta sit in the back"
now tell me moron; what is the difference???

I'm done explaining what LITERALLY means to you
Ok! We get it. Blame someone else for the short comings of their own personal short comings.


The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

obama's been doing that his whole presidency

libs are losers who lie to themselves
from the Party who's leader LITERALLY told the other side to "sit in the back of the bus"

comical shit

libs are losers who lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites

Except Obama never "literally" said that
Of course you have already been schooled on that misquote

no he literally DID say that dummy!!

Beating the blame drum, the President said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out.” Barack finished the “driving into a ditch” comment, with a stunning remark, “Now that progress has been made we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

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yea loon; those are quotation marks

now "school me" ok???

Do you understand what the term "literally" means?

Now, find where he said "sit in the back of the bus"....It has a different meaning than the driving into a ditch allegory

he LITERALLY said "they gotta sit in the back"
now tell me moron; what is the difference???

I'm done explaining what LITERALLY means to you

of course you are COWARD; because obama told Republicans to sit in the back of the bus; and that is too clear for even a self-deceiving left-wing loser to spin

go cry

I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.

I think that is Obama's biggest failure as president

The naive assumption that Republicans would eventually come to their senses and work with him. I mean, it was done for every other President...why not him?

Obama reached his stride when he stopped bothering trying to get GOP support and just did what needed to be done. It is what is making his last two years as President his finest

Your complete lack of understanding of how our government works (or is supposed to) is mind-numbing!

Just because a man win=s the Presidency does not mean he gets whatever he wants. There's the whole 'division of powers' thing, the specific duties and authorities defined in the Constitution, etc... that you are CHOOSING (hopefully you are not that stupid) to ignore.

So you think Obama 'reached his stride' when he began violating his oath of office, violating the Constitution, refusing to enforce laws, and taking the nation to war without Congressional approval to do so?!

Yeah, figures....

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?
I think that is Obama's biggest failure as president

The naive assumption that Republicans would eventually come to their senses and work with him. I mean, it was done for every other President...why not him?

Obama reached his stride when he stopped bothering trying to get GOP support and just did what needed to be done. It is what is making his last two years as President his finest

Your complete lack of understanding of how our government works (or is supposed to) is mind-numbing!

Just because a man win=s the Presidency does not mean he gets whatever he wants. There's the whole 'division of powers' thing, the specific duties and authorities defined in the Constitution, etc... that you are CHOOSING (hopefully you are not that stupid) to ignore.

So you think Obama 'reached his stride' when he began violating his oath of office, violating the Constitution, refusing to enforce laws, and taking the nation to war without Congressional approval to do so?!

Yeah, figures....

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question
Except Obama never "literally" said that
Of course you have already been schooled on that misquote

no he literally DID say that dummy!!

Beating the blame drum, the President said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out.” Barack finished the “driving into a ditch” comment, with a stunning remark, “Now that progress has been made we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

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yea loon; those are quotation marks

now "school me" ok???

Do you understand what the term "literally" means?

Now, find where he said "sit in the back of the bus"....It has a different meaning than the driving into a ditch allegory

he LITERALLY said "they gotta sit in the back"
now tell me moron; what is the difference???

I'm done explaining what LITERALLY means to you

of course you are COWARD; because obama told Republicans to sit in the back of the bus; and that is too clear for even a self-deceiving left-wing loser to spin

go cry

Again ...find where Obama said "SIT IN THE BACK OF THE BUS"

You have that right. Crybaby stupid teabagger.


I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.

obama won "historic" decisions like the one on obamacare because HIS LAWYERS WER ARGUING that obamacare was THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT OBAMA WAS TELLING AMERICANS IT WAS, and that is a TAX

now isnt that right idiot?

you're proud of that/????

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I think that is Obama's biggest failure as president

The naive assumption that Republicans would eventually come to their senses and work with him. I mean, it was done for every other President...why not him?

Obama reached his stride when he stopped bothering trying to get GOP support and just did what needed to be done. It is what is making his last two years as President his finest

Your complete lack of understanding of how our government works (or is supposed to) is mind-numbing!

Just because a man win=s the Presidency does not mean he gets whatever he wants. There's the whole 'division of powers' thing, the specific duties and authorities defined in the Constitution, etc... that you are CHOOSING (hopefully you are not that stupid) to ignore.

So you think Obama 'reached his stride' when he began violating his oath of office, violating the Constitution, refusing to enforce laws, and taking the nation to war without Congressional approval to do so?!

Yeah, figures....

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question

Supreme Court has upheld it TWICE
You have that right. Crybaby stupid teabagger.


I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.


and you're crying about us

what does that make you mindless moron??????
Your complete lack of understanding of how our government works (or is supposed to) is mind-numbing!

Just because a man win=s the Presidency does not mean he gets whatever he wants. There's the whole 'division of powers' thing, the specific duties and authorities defined in the Constitution, etc... that you are CHOOSING (hopefully you are not that stupid) to ignore.

So you think Obama 'reached his stride' when he began violating his oath of office, violating the Constitution, refusing to enforce laws, and taking the nation to war without Congressional approval to do so?!

Yeah, figures....

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question

Supreme Court has upheld it TWICE

answer the question coward

obama sucessfully argued it was the opposite of what he told 300 million Americans it was right??
no he literally DID say that dummy!!

Beating the blame drum, the President said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out.” Barack finished the “driving into a ditch” comment, with a stunning remark, “Now that progress has been made we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

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Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

yea loon; those are quotation marks

now "school me" ok???

Do you understand what the term "literally" means?

Now, find where he said "sit in the back of the bus"....It has a different meaning than the driving into a ditch allegory

he LITERALLY said "they gotta sit in the back"
now tell me moron; what is the difference???

I'm done explaining what LITERALLY means to you

of course you are COWARD; because obama told Republicans to sit in the back of the bus; and that is too clear for even a self-deceiving left-wing loser to spin

go cry

Again ...find where Obama said "SIT IN THE BACK OF THE BUS"


again i already did above

keep trying,........................

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