CNN's New Poll on Trump Likability in the Battleground States Just Threw A Holy Hand Grenade Into The Left's Narrative


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likability - not job approval - likability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to pollsters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster. (In other words, his true favorability is ostensibly much higher.)

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.
Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the Rust Belt Swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likeability - not job approval - likeability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to posters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster.

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.

I love it. It's the light dawns on marble head part of the whole thing that I am enjoying the most.

The shock, the outrage, the sheer scramble to explain the how and why. chef's kiss

Hold on to your butts commies! He's coming!
LOL.....Meet the Press was going on just this morning how Trump has never broke 46%. :laughing0301:

46, 47....

Potato, tomato....

In all seriousness though, when it comes to the polls: They can be wrong, but also be consistent.

For example: On election day 2020, the Real Clear Politics average had Biden winning the popular vote by 7.

Now we all know that didn't happen - but he did "win". COUGH

Same in 2016 of course.

The polls are consistent in that they always, ALWAYS underrate Orange Man.

And this year, for the first time he is leading in those very same polls.

Polls that never had him in the lead ONCE in 2020, and I think only once or twice in '16.

Now, using the powers of extrapolation and logic:

What does that tell you?
I gets confusing as to when you are supposed to pay attention to and ignore the polls.
Indeed - however taking the "naivety" aka politically uneducated masses into account in e.g the USA. A Trump win wouldn't come as a surprise to me at all. After-all that is exactly as to where DEMAGOGUES show up and/or come in.

And to be fair to MAGA's - they simply are the natural balance/reaction in regards to those extreme lefty/Lib policies and laws that have been instituted since the 60 ties, in a foremost conservative minded US society.
Indeed - however taking the "naivety" aka politically uneducated masses into account in e.g the USA. A Trump win wouldn't come as a surprise to me at all. After-all that is exactly as to where DEMAGOGUES show up and/or come in.

And to be fair to MAGA's - they simply are the natural balance/reaction in regards to those extreme lefty/Lib policies and laws that have been instituted since the 60 ties, in a foremost conservative minded US society.

Yeah, the demagogue attempting to throw his political opponent in prison.

The demagogue who labeled half the country "semi-fascist".

The demagogue who lets illicit drugs and criminals flood over a porous border while siphoning citizens' tax payer dollars overseas to fund dangerous wars that no one here has an interest in.

He truly is the enemy of our DEMOCRACY*!

*We're a Republic.
Yeah, the demagogue attempting to throw his political opponent in prison.

The demagogue who labeled half the country "semi-fascist".

The demagogue who lets illicit drugs and criminals flood over a porous border while siphoning citizens' tax payer dollars overseas to fund dangerous wars that no one here has an interest in.

He truly is the enemy of our DEMOCRACY*!

*We're a Republic.
You adorable child, who obviously doesn't even know what a DEMAGOGUE is:

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational arguments:
Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likability - not job approval - likability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to pollsters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster. (In other words, his true favorability is ostensibly much higher.)

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.

So now CNN is your go to source since you agree with the numbers. Fascinating.

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