Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

this is great news.....meanwhile trump is in trouble for jaywalking again

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

If $5.10 impresses you then wait till you find out about BILLIONS Trump kids were handed after their daddy's brief White House stay.

I'm sure you'll get all red in the face demanding investigations and will bitch to no end about two tier blah blah blah.

Hunter Biden saying something is worth fuck all, so how about you fools stop with the silly this BIDENS! slight of hand and give it a fucking rest untill you ACTUALLY find something on Joe Biden.
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Happy Days are here again. The left knows that Biden is a crook so they're allowing their media to turn on him. I just hope Biden lives long enough to get led to prison in cuffs (or a straightjacket).

Happy Days are here again. The left knows that Biden is a crook so they're allowing their media to turn on him. I just hope Biden lives long enough to get led to prison in cuffs (or a straightjacket).


So in your head Joe, President of the United States of America needs to be jailed because his crackhead son said he is sitting with him?

Seriously dummy?
"Pay to play." Biden used his influence and position to manipulate and/or collude with foreign nations. He accepted 10% of money received by his nefarious and felonious son.
And you know this because...Hunter said he is sitting next to Joe? That he said that big guy gets 10%...of a deal that never materialized?

Has it ever occured to you that it's very likely that cracked out Hunter Biden was just name dropping his dad to help himself? That it's not in itself serious evidence that Joe himself did anything wrong?

You nutbags consistenty do not understand what it takes to establish a crime and then you spend a lifetime running around with blue balls about someone not being in jail and repeating to each other conspiracies about our justice system. Thats no way to live mr. Action.
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Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

The man does love the spotlight.

I wish he would quit talking about what he is going to do and just give us all the evidence to see.

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

The Bidens have proved themselves to be corrupt shakedown artists, using kickbacks for foreign aid to enrich their whole family. Maybe we should start questioning giving foreign aid at all.
And you know this because...Hunter said he is sitting next to Joe? That he said that big guy gets 10%...of a deal that never materialized?

Has it ever occured to you that it's very likely that cracked out Hunter Biden was just name dropping his dad to help himself?
A month ago, the left defended Hunter as perfectly innocent because there was no "evidence" that he was a lowlife criminal. His laptop was "planted by the Russians," (or some such nonsense). And now that the evidence is out, he's a bad guy all of a sudden. Just let the process take its course. Joe IS also a criminal, and there's enough evidence to certainly implicate him in several schemes.

Joe came out on national television and made it clear that he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings. We all know now that he was lying. But Joe has a very long history of lying. Why would someone cover their tracks with lies if they have nothing to hide?

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.

but so far, there have been no crimes shown?

what is being shown is money exchanging between business partners.

There is no mention of what the business's, business, is.

Comer acts as if it is a payoff for bribery or something illegal yet He has provided ZERO EVIDENCE of such, he's only showing money transactions between two companies who are in business together....

So, exactly what crime is involved in receiving money from a foreign company you are in business with?

Although extremely thuggish, if the whatsapp Hunter conversation is even real, what crime is committed if you yell at a business partner for not paying what they owe you?

Comer is full of innuendo, and unethical smearing of Hunter with his gov't power, but what has Comer shown us, that was actually illegal?
A month ago, the left defended Hunter as perfectly innocent
Thats just another fantasy in your head.

Hunter is on tape smoking crack, who da fuck do you think is telling you that he is "perfectly innocent"?

Even Joe Biden has been fully admitting that his son was a drug addict....or is Joe Biden not "left" enough for you?

Comer Says About to Expose More Biden Payments: 'Millions and Millions of Dollars' From 'Adversaries All Over the World'

25 Jun 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Newsmax Saturday and promised new evidence of funds wired to the Bidens from foreign countries. As we’ve reported, bombshell news broke Friday that Hunter Biden received $5.1 from a Chinese firm after he sent a threatening WhatsApp message to an associate, Henry Zhao. Hunter claimed in the message that he was “sitting here” with his father, a clear effort at intimidation.
Comer told host Eric Bolling that he has more information to share soon:
Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.​
He went on to claim that he has evidence of lots of transfers:
And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.​
Needless to say, the president is going to have a really tough time trying to keep pretending this story is no big deal if Comer delivers on his promise. Comer says there are millions and millions of dollars involved:

The AG denied at a press conference Friday that he presided over a two-tiered system of justice that gave Hunter Biden preferential treatment on tax charges and a gun count. Comer wasn’t having it:
Comer talks a big game, but so far, he’s largely been able to back it up. The more this information keeps coming out—much of it directly at odds with what the president has claimed in the past—the more compromised this presidency becomes. No wonder the calls to impeach the corrupt Merrick Garland are growing louder.

Regardless of how much factual criminal and treasonous evidence there is on the Joe Biden family crime syndicate, if there is no one to prosecute them for their crimes, what does it matter how much evidence there is that proves the crimes and treason?
I'd prefer it if Congress released the information at the same time as they announce they have that information.
Merrick Garland has shown his true self totally corrupt and evil Personna. One must thank the Gods e was kept from SCOTUS.


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