Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Yep, deligitimizing him is the goal. that is the same goal behind their very organized caterwauling about the irrelevant popular vote totals.

Imo, this is utterly fabricated BS with ulterior motives

"I know liberals like i know every inch of my beautiful naked body."
Rush Limbaugh

If not for Russia, it would have been something else. The internet is full of claims that it was Trump that rigged these machines. It's how the liberal mind works.
Whether or not recounts will change the election results, it needs to be determined if any voting machines were hacked. If so the people responsible should go to prison and the type of voting machines that were hacked should never be used again.

This is more about confirming and/or guaranteeing the integrity if this election and all future elections.
Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results -

This isn't a crackpot story, multiple sources and the basis is science...

Considering the numerous hacking going on before hand this should be investigated.. Considering Comey practically tried to gift wrap the Election to Trump for Emails which Trump now admits aren't even worth investigating any more...

The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

Agreed, as the results stand today Trump is President... But irregularities in elections should be investigated...

Irregularities could be found but not affect the result.. This should not be a left or right issue but an accuracy issue, put it to bed early. Trump doesn't need to have the legitimacy of his presidency questioned like Obama's was....

I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Hillary's 2 million vote lead has already cast serious doubt on this election. Your infantile, wistful ranting is not going to change the fact that a lot more people voted for Clinton than Trump. This election is being stolen from Clinton. Period.

If the electoral college voters have a conscience, they will do the right thing and give the election to Clinton. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prevents the EC voters from choosing the legitimate winner, which is Clinton. In fact, the framers of the Constitution never intended for the winners of the most states or electorally strategic states to be President. This article from a Harvard law school professor says it all:

The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton.
Hillary's 2 million vote lead has already cast serious doubt on this election. Your infantile, wistful ranting is not going to change the fact that a lot more people voted for Clinton than Trump. This election is being stolen from Clinton. Period.

If the electoral college voters have a conscience, they will do the right thing and give the election to Clinton. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prevents the EC voters from choosing the legitimate winner, which is Clinton. In fact, the framers of the Constitution never intended for the winners of the most states or electorally strategic states to be President. This article from a Harvard law school professor says it all:

The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton.

Harvard. My what a surprise.

You snowflakes are the ones whining about losing the election, and then come here and call me infantile?

I don't deny that more people voted for Hillary, but that doesn't make her the winner.

You leftist losers wanting to change the rules in the middle of the game. What if we conducted sports the same way? After all, our Indians beat the Cubs because we had more runs scored in the series. Should we protest that they won the world series?

We have a system in which to decide the presidency. If you want to play by a different set of rules than we had since the founding of this country, then change them ahead of time and not after the election.

But because the goal is to get as many electoral votes as possible and not the most votes period, candidates use strategies to meet that goal. If activists in the college decide to give Hillary the win because of PV, then that's not having a conscience because the candidates strategized their campaign to get the most electoral votes and not the popular. If the goal was to get the popular, Trump would have campaigned differently.
Whether or not recounts will change the election results, it needs to be determined if any voting machines were hacked. If so the people responsible should go to prison and the type of voting machines that were hacked should never be used again.

This is more about confirming and/or guaranteeing the integrity if this election and all future elections.

Good God

You don't need a recount to determine if a machine was hacked.
The current rules are what they are. We should have changed them while we had the chance, after having survived the disaster that was the Bush administration, but we didn't.

Now we need to play our cards right over the next 4 years, and abolish the electoral college when we get the chance. The overwhelming majority of the country is on our side. We mustn't forget that.

Agreed, as the results stand today Trump is President... But irregularities in elections should be investigated...

Irregularities could be found but not affect the result.. This should not be a left or right issue but an accuracy issue, put it to bed early. Trump doesn't need to have the legitimacy of his presidency questioned like Obama's was....

I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.
It is called integrity... I don't agree with all things Stein says but I will agree she has integrity...

The Red team can't see this... The Red team thinks Russians are better than Moderate Democrats..

You can't see things outside we win or blue team wins... That's quite sad, there is a quite high amount of people that will side with a War Criminal over their fellow Americans...

Everyone but leftists has integrity, so I'm not surprised you see it. The only reason you're saying it is because you think she'd doing the favor to leftists. When Jill said that Hillary would be worse than Hillary, or that her foreign policy is much worse than Trump's, you leftists were all over her. Now she has momentum and using this stunt to push democrats to defect to Green Party.

Goodbye, Neoliberalism. Join the GreenPartyUSA

And in regards Russians, they're not better than moderate Democrats, but they're far better than leftist progressives. Moderate Democrats were hijacked by leftists and almost extinct.
I don't think they really want a recount at all. I believe they are just trying to throw some doubt into the results to try and change the minds of the electors. These protests, riots and even death threats don't seem to be producing results, so this is a second avenue to try and cheat the election.

Simple minded people don't like full investigations... At the moment there is doubt, getting rid of that doubt should be in everyone's interest...

There you go, when there is no argument, there is always an insult.

What makes you think that you're not the one who's single minded?
Wait, first off, AGAIN I'm not a lefty. Second off, third loss in a row calling foul? Yea, two of the last three loses the Democrats have lost the Electoral Vote while winning the popular vote, which has only happened 4 times in U.S. history.

You don't like the Democrats crying foul? Then let them challenge the results, have then hand counted and proven wrong.

Once again, I think you're just scared that something if wrong and hacking will be proven and YOUR candidate Trump will be shown as a Russian shill.

You can keep saying you're not a leftist, but all you posted here is saying otherwise.

You can keep screaming "popular vote" and nobody but leftists idiots care, since popular votes are not those that count. Got it yet?

You can scream challenge, but why aren't the democrats that are challenging it, but Greens?

Keep saying "hacking", but unless there is an evidence of hacking instead of statistical guesses, all you can do is scream and be obnoxious.

And last, Trump is not OUR candidate, Trump IS your and mine president elect. Say it... do it, do it now.
Last edited:
Hillary's 2 million vote lead has already cast serious doubt on this election. Your infantile, wistful ranting is not going to change the fact that a lot more people voted for Clinton than Trump. This election is being stolen from Clinton. Period.

If the electoral college voters have a conscience, they will do the right thing and give the election to Clinton. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prevents the EC voters from choosing the legitimate winner, which is Clinton. In fact, the framers of the Constitution never intended for the winners of the most states or electorally strategic states to be President. This article from a Harvard law school professor says it all:

The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton.

Harvard. My what a surprise.

You snowflakes are the ones whining about losing the election, and then come here and call me infantile?

I don't deny that more people voted for Hillary, but that doesn't make her the winner.

You leftist losers wanting to change the rules in the middle of the game. What if we conducted sports the same way? After all, our Indians beat the Cubs because we had more runs scored in the series. Should we protest that they won the world series?

We have a system in which to decide the presidency. If you want to play by a different set of rules than we had since the founding of this country, then change them ahead of time and not after the election.

But because the goal is to get as many electoral votes as possible and not the most votes period, candidates use strategies to meet that goal. If activists in the college decide to give Hillary the win because of PV, then that's not having a conscience because the candidates strategized their campaign to get the most electoral votes and not the popular. If the goal was to get the popular, Trump would have campaigned differently.

"Harvard"....says the unsophisticated, unremarkable, intellectually dishonest Repug lump of shit.

There are no "rules", dumb fuck. The electoral college can vote any way they please, including voting for Clinton. And since Clinton won the popular vote by a large margin, she has a stronger claim to the presidency than Trump does.
Agreed, as the results stand today Trump is President... But irregularities in elections should be investigated...

Irregularities could be found but not affect the result.. This should not be a left or right issue but an accuracy issue, put it to bed early. Trump doesn't need to have the legitimacy of his presidency questioned like Obama's was....

I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.

Agreed, as the results stand today Trump is President... But irregularities in elections should be investigated...

Irregularities could be found but not affect the result.. This should not be a left or right issue but an accuracy issue, put it to bed early. Trump doesn't need to have the legitimacy of his presidency questioned like Obama's was....

I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.
Yeah just like the people in other banana republics who win by tampering with voting machines and ignoring the majority of their citizens
I agree lets checks all the states for irregularities. I really doubt the democrats want to.go.down.that path.

I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.

Looks like a lost Alzheimer's patient
"Harvard"....says the unsophisticated, unremarkable, intellectually dishonest Repug lump of shit.

There are no "rules", dumb fuck. The electoral college can vote any way they please, including voting for Clinton. And since Clinton won the popular vote by a large margin, she has a stronger claim to the presidency than Trump does.

Since popular vote doesn't count, she won nothing.
I have absolutely no problem with the United Nations or some independent third party performing a recount of all 50 states, not just Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Based on what I've read, the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are suspicious. It simply does not pass the smell test that all 3 states suddenly "turned red" after 20+ years of voting Democrat for President. In Wisconsin, Clinton received 7 percent fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic-voting machines compared with counties that used optical scanners and paper ballots. That is an irregularity that absolutely should be investigated.

There is little doubt in my mind that this election was stolen from Clinton. It happened to Kerry and Gore, and now it has happened yet again. Clinton is the legitimate President-Elect. She won the popular vote by a wide margin and probably won the electoral college as well.

Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.

Looks like a lost Alzheimer's patient

You sound like a tolerant leftist. Oh wait... nevermind.
Of course, anytime a Democrat loses it must be rigged. It couldn't be that you ran a woman under FBI investigation that revealed confidential information of our country to our enemies.

Clinton didn't "lose", you fucking idiot. Anybody who has a lead of over 2 million fucking votes is the winner. Case closed.

Fucking idiot.

The one that goes to the White House is the winner.

Looks like a lost Alzheimer's patient

You sound like a tolerant leftist. Oh wait... nevermind.
What happened? Your brain had too much trouble stringing words together?
Wait, first off, AGAIN I'm not a lefty. Second off, third loss in a row calling foul? Yea, two of the last three loses the Democrats have lost the Electoral Vote while winning the popular vote, which has only happened 4 times in U.S. history.

You don't like the Democrats crying foul? Then let them challenge the results, have then hand counted and proven wrong.

Once again, I think you're just scared that something if wrong and hacking will be proven and YOUR candidate Trump will be shown as a Russian shill.

No, I think that if left in the hands of Democrats to do a recount, that's when the cheating will take place. And if Russians are doing anything, then the whole damn country needs to be recounted--not just states that may give Hil-Liar an edge.

If you want to protest voting machines, the time to do it is before the election and not after. You can't wait to see if your candidate loses, and if they do, then change the rules of the game. We all agreed to use these voting machines to count the ballots, and that's the way it should stay. If you think they can be hacked, then urge your representatives to change the way of counting ballots simple as that. Electronic voting machines have about a 3% tolerance. This was known before going in the game.

The professor has been saying for over a decade that the voting machines are vulnerable as has others. It was up to the states to listen, the didn't. That's not the fault of the political parties.
Hillary's 2 million vote lead has already cast serious doubt on this election. Your infantile, wistful ranting is not going to change the fact that a lot more people voted for Clinton than Trump. This election is being stolen from Clinton. Period.

If the electoral college voters have a conscience, they will do the right thing and give the election to Clinton. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prevents the EC voters from choosing the legitimate winner, which is Clinton. In fact, the framers of the Constitution never intended for the winners of the most states or electorally strategic states to be President. This article from a Harvard law school professor says it all:

The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton.

Harvard. My what a surprise.

You snowflakes are the ones whining about losing the election, and then come here and call me infantile?

I don't deny that more people voted for Hillary, but that doesn't make her the winner.

You leftist losers wanting to change the rules in the middle of the game. What if we conducted sports the same way? After all, our Indians beat the Cubs because we had more runs scored in the series. Should we protest that they won the world series?

We have a system in which to decide the presidency. If you want to play by a different set of rules than we had since the founding of this country, then change them ahead of time and not after the election.

But because the goal is to get as many electoral votes as possible and not the most votes period, candidates use strategies to meet that goal. If activists in the college decide to give Hillary the win because of PV, then that's not having a conscience because the candidates strategized their campaign to get the most electoral votes and not the popular. If the goal was to get the popular, Trump would have campaigned differently.

"Harvard"....says the unsophisticated, unremarkable, intellectually dishonest Repug lump of shit.

There are no "rules", dumb fuck. The electoral college can vote any way they please, including voting for Clinton. And since Clinton won the popular vote by a large margin, she has a stronger claim to the presidency than Trump does.

Well thats interesting, you want a litle over 100 counties to rule over the 3,000 plus counties.

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