Conservatives don't know what insurance is or what insurance companies do.

I've been doing this for 17 years.

BULLSHIT! Don't believe it for a second. Wondering why Conservatives must always lean on unverifiable personal anecdotes about themselves to bolster credibility where none exists? You say you've been in the industry for "17 years", yet you were not aware that Aetna deliberately lied about their reasons for dropping out of the exchanges? So it's shit like that, what makes it so hard for me to believe or trust in anything you say. So how about instead of making up things about yourself to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have, you shut the fuck up? Why is that so hard for you?

The current law was designed to collapse our system, it worked. I have a recording of Obama talking to Union folks telling them that Single Payer was his goal, but it would have to be brought about slowly. Well we are almost there. My personal belief is that they will start with a Medicare for all type system. This is where derp is correct, the larger Companies will become Administrative and nothing else. Right now they still must adhere to the business model they developed to try and cope with what the ACA has wrought.

So Obama passed a law that showed just how worthless, useless, and extraneous private insurance is so he could abolish it down the line? And this is a bad thing, why? Private insurance is parasitic. It does nothing to improve or enhance your care, it only restricts access to care. Private insurance serves no function when it comes to health care at all. It's just the mechanism by which your provider is reimbursed. My question to you, and it's one no Conservative has ever been able to answer, is why does there have to be a profit motive tied to the administration of reimbursements, and how does that improve or enhance the care you get from your provider?

The problem here is that the public at large does not have the ability to look any further than where the media directs their attention. It takes a business person to see all of the working parts.

No, the problem is that there are a bunch of poseurs like you who pretend to know things when you don't. How could a "business person" such as yourself not be aware of Aetna lying to consumers? That means you're either the shittiest businessman ever, or you're fucking lying. So which is it? Are you shitty or a liar? Take your time. Don't rush your answer.

1) Overhead, this is labor, this is benefits to employees, this Worker's Comp, this is property and casualty insurance, General Liabilty insurance.

Normal business expenses...yet no other business in this country -even the shady Financial Services sector- charges as much as a 20% fee for administration. You wouldn't tolerate your bank charging you 20% to make an online payment, so why do you tolerate an insurer charging you 20% to make a payment to your doctor? Are you stupid?

I should have read all posts before I gave you a complement. Anyway think what you want.
Gov getting involved in Medical Insurance was a scam from the beginning. Fact is the poor people got medical care via the government and the care was within reason...My sister was treated under the Medicaid and the care was outstanding.

Actually, privatizing the administration of reimbursements (health insurance) is the real scam here. Why do we need to pay as much as a 20% service fee for a private company, with a profit motive, to do the same thing Medicare does for a fraction of the cost? As of this day, no one has ever been able to make the case that for-profit health insurance does anything to improve or enhance your care. If anything, it restricts your access to care. Insurance companies are completely extraneous to health care. They are unnecessary and a moneysuck.
Oh talk about single payer, Aetna put out an article either today or last night that if congress wanted to talk about that they were open to discussion, as long as insurance companies were involved. From an agent's prospective can you imagine if Medicare for all a reality and they pushed Med Advantages? If that happens I wished I was 10 years younger.

Why would insurance companies be involved in single payer? Single payer would render insurance companies moot, unless they offered some kind of supplemental plans. But they should not be involved in the crafting of any single-payer system because they will seek to undermine it for their benefit.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire health insurance industry should be abolished and we should get fully-funded Medicare for All that covers everything, there is no need for supplemental plans.

Insurance companies are parasites that increase the cost of health care while not doing anything to improve or enhance it.
Oh talk about single payer, Aetna put out an article either today or last night that if congress wanted to talk about that they were open to discussion, as long as insurance companies were involved. From an agent's prospective can you imagine if Medicare for all a reality and they pushed Med Advantages? If that happens I wished I was 10 years younger.

Why would insurance companies be involved in single payer? Single payer would render insurance companies moot, unless they offered some kind of supplemental plans. But they should not be involved in the crafting of any single-payer system because they will seek to undermine it for their benefit.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire health insurance industry should be abolished and we should get fully-funded Medicare for All that covers everything, there is no need for supplemental plans.

Insurance companies are parasites that increase the cost of health care while not doing anything to improve or enhance it.
Medicare for all capitalism would be the ideal solution you give everybody a voucher convertible to cash at the end of the year for 5000 to $20,000 a year and let them shop for their own health care that would reduce prices by 80% and dramatically improve quality.
Oh talk about single payer, Aetna put out an article either today or last night that if congress wanted to talk about that they were open to discussion, as long as insurance companies were involved. From an agent's prospective can you imagine if Medicare for all a reality and they pushed Med Advantages? If that happens I wished I was 10 years younger.

Why would insurance companies be involved in single payer? Single payer would render insurance companies moot, unless they offered some kind of supplemental plans. But they should not be involved in the crafting of any single-payer system because they will seek to undermine it for their benefit.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire health insurance industry should be abolished and we should get fully-funded Medicare for All that covers everything, there is no need for supplemental plans.

Insurance companies are parasites that increase the cost of health care while not doing anything to improve or enhance it.
If insurance companies are parasites do you want to make all forms of insurance illegal??
Ed, go to the healthcare forum and find the email to the senate and email today how you feel.
Oh talk about single payer, Aetna put out an article either today or last night that if congress wanted to talk about that they were open to discussion, as long as insurance companies were involved. From an agent's prospective can you imagine if Medicare for all a reality and they pushed Med Advantages? If that happens I wished I was 10 years younger.

Why would insurance companies be involved in single payer? Single payer would render insurance companies moot, unless they offered some kind of supplemental plans. But they should not be involved in the crafting of any single-payer system because they will seek to undermine it for their benefit.

As far as I'm concerned, the entire health insurance industry should be abolished and we should get fully-funded Medicare for All that covers everything, there is no need for supplemental plans.

Insurance companies are parasites that increase the cost of health care while not doing anything to improve or enhance it.

And of course the 1% will pay for it all, right?
Gov getting involved in Medical Insurance was a scam from the beginning. Fact is the poor people got medical care via the government and the care was within reason...My sister was treated under the Medicaid and the care was outstanding.

Actually, privatizing the administration of reimbursements (health insurance) is the real scam here. Why do we need to pay as much as a 20% service fee for a private company, with a profit motive, to do the same thing Medicare does for a fraction of the cost? As of this day, no one has ever been able to make the case that for-profit health insurance does anything to improve or enhance your care. If anything, it restricts your access to care. Insurance companies are completely extraneous to health care. They are unnecessary and a moneysuck.

I'd like to see evidence that there is a 20% service fee. Can you document this?
Gov getting involved in Medical Insurance was a scam from the beginning. Fact is the poor people got medical care via the government and the care was within reason...My sister was treated under the Medicaid and the care was outstanding.

Actually, privatizing the administration of reimbursements (health insurance) is the real scam here. Why do we need to pay as much as a 20% service fee for a private company, with a profit motive, to do the same thing Medicare does for a fraction of the cost? As of this day, no one has ever been able to make the case that for-profit health insurance does anything to improve or enhance your care. If anything, it restricts your access to care. Insurance companies are completely extraneous to health care. They are unnecessary and a moneysuck.

I'd like to see evidence that there is a 20% service fee. Can you document this?

I'd like to see that myself.
Gov getting involved in Medical Insurance was a scam from the beginning. Fact is the poor people got medical care via the government and the care was within reason...My sister was treated under the Medicaid and the care was outstanding.

Actually, privatizing the administration of reimbursements (health insurance) is the real scam here. Why do we need to pay as much as a 20% service fee for a private company, with a profit motive, to do the same thing Medicare does for a fraction of the cost? As of this day, no one has ever been able to make the case that for-profit health insurance does anything to improve or enhance your care. If anything, it restricts your access to care. Insurance companies are completely extraneous to health care. They are unnecessary and a moneysuck.

I'd like to see evidence that there is a 20% service fee. Can you document this?

I'd like to see that myself.

The Derp

Until he documents it he is just another liar.
Gov getting involved in Medical Insurance was a scam from the beginning. Fact is the poor people got medical care via the government and the care was within reason...My sister was treated under the Medicaid and the care was outstanding.

Actually As of this day, no one has ever been able to make the case that for-profit health insurance does anything to improve or enhance your care. If anything, it restricts your access to care. Insurance companies are completely extraneous to health care. They are unnecessary and a moneysuck.
For profit makes everything cheaper this is why West Germany was five times more prosperous then East Germany. 1+1 = 2 A liberal is a liberal because he lacks the IQ to understand how capitalism works.
Ed, go to the healthcare forum and find the email to the senate and email today how you feel.
I feel that healthcare capitalism would cut the price by 80% and add 10 to 20 years to our life span. These are the approximate numbers we saw in the east west German comparison and remarkably similar to numbers we saw in many other direct comparison situations. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand what is horribly obvious to conservatives and libertarians
Ed, go to the healthcare forum and find the email to the senate and email today how you feel.
I feel that healthcare capitalism would cut the price by 80% and add 10 to 20 years to our life span. These are the approximate numbers we saw in the east west German comparison and remarkably similar to numbers we saw in many other direct comparison situations. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand what is horribly obvious to conservatives and libertarians

Well I guess you didn't go to that thread and email the senate, no surprise. You got all the answers so why don't you email senate? Gave you the address.
Ed, go to the healthcare forum and find the email to the senate and email today how you feel.
I feel that healthcare capitalism would cut the price by 80% and add 10 to 20 years to our life span. These are the approximate numbers we saw in the east west German comparison and remarkably similar to numbers we saw in many other direct comparison situations. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand what is horribly obvious to conservatives and libertarians

Well I guess you didn't go to that thread and email the senate, no surprise. You got all the answers so why don't you email senate? Gave you the address.

why don't you work very very hard to learn the arguments and promote them before one and all, including senators?
Ed, go to the healthcare forum and find the email to the senate and email today how you feel.
I feel that healthcare capitalism would cut the price by 80% and add 10 to 20 years to our life span. These are the approximate numbers we saw in the east west German comparison and remarkably similar to numbers we saw in many other direct comparison situations. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand what is horribly obvious to conservatives and libertarians

Well I guess you didn't go to that thread and email the senate, no surprise. You got all the answers so why don't you email senate? Gave you the address.

why don't you work very very hard to learn the arguments and promote them before one and all, including senators?

You know, you may need help, I gave you an email address to write the senate with your ideas on healthcare and what did you do with it? Come back to me and ask me to work hard. Well I did email them with my ideas, at least I did my part and they may not even look at it, but if everyone had sent their ideas maybe you won't end up with a shit plan, which I'm most certain you will. If you're even in the U.S. and not a free shit now.
if everyone had sent their ideas maybe you won't end up with a shit plan,
You're very sweet but we don't need to send our ideas to Washington when we send our Senators to Washington who bring our ideas with them. We have libsocialist healthcare because fool liberals vote for libsocialist senators.

If you want to do your part as you say, learn the capitalist ideas , teach them to others and vote correctly!!
I'd like to see evidence that there is a 20% service fee. Can you document this?

According to the ACA, health insurance companies must spend at least 80% of your premium on your health care. So that means they can keep as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. It's called the 80/20 rule. Here it is, explained clearly.
Medicare for all capitalism would be the ideal solution you give everybody a voucher convertible to cash at the end of the year for 5000 to $20,000 a year and let them shop for their own health care that would reduce prices by 80% and dramatically improve quality.

Why would that be ideal? Why not just have a single payer that can use its leverage to bargain for prescription drugs that is funded by a flat payroll tax? You can eliminate the Medicare tax, eliminate insurance premiums, eliminate co-pays and co-insurance, eliminate drug costs, and eliminate the expenses physician offices of having to service multiple insurers. And in your plan, what if you end up spending more on health care than the voucher you get? Like, what if you get cancer or get hit by a bus? Those costs are going to exceed the top you've set here. The problem with right-wing health care proposals is that they haven't put much thought into them. And it shows.

If insurance companies are parasites do you want to make all forms of insurance illegal??

Let's start with health insurance and go from there.
And of course the 1% will pay for it all, right?

Well, they didn't trickle-down like we were promised they would. So if they're not going to trickle down, they should see their taxes go up.

They don't care what tax rate you pay, so why do you care what tax rate they pay?

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