Corruption! Biden accounts found

I'm still waiting for Russia, China, and Ukraine to wire me some money too.

I don't have anything to offer in return, but I am a cool dude. :laughing0301:
You mean like the orange douchebag gave money to Stormy and yet claims he did not have sex with her? Like that?

Where can I get some of that? If the douchebag is so generous that he pays without having sex - that works for me, too.
You dont find this to be concerning? He is getting money from weird corrupt countries, he denied getting money for years, and now that we have the receipts, youre acting like nothing is unusual here. You arent a tiny bit suspicious?
LOL You don't find it to be concerning that Coomer has been peddling the same shit for the last year and a half? How many of those "bank subpoenas" has he issued? Then when it fizzles out, he comes back with the same shit and tries it all over again.

Heck, I remember the same Maria Bartiromo taking Jim Jordan to task because he kept claiming he had evidence, and then nothing came of it.

But I guess you retards will keep swallowing the same shit over and over again expecting that somehow this time it will change to honey. Keep hoping, retards. While we all have a good laugh at your expense. :itsok:
Agreed. They should be booked into a federal prison with signs around their necks "I rape minors" and see how that works out with the convict population....

3rd gen trailer trash.jpg
They deserve much worse

Hillary has long been a crook from stealing furniture from the White House.....

Clintons left White House almost 25 years ago...and you are still talking about some furniture? You need to go get your head checked.

Republicans in Congress and Administrations had their 10 years to move along something resembling criminal charges against Clintons.

TIME'S UP, time to move on from never-panned-out bullshit about has-been politicians.
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The real historical implication will happen after Trump returns to the White House, the investigation into Biden's corruption goes into high gear, and we find out every detail about everything he and his corrupt family were involved in.
Yeah, yeah, you're going to politicize law enforcement and engage in open lawfare, yet another time.

You Stalinist turds have been doing that nonstop for the past 20 years. You're always going to dial up the Stalinism to "11". Since you can't behave any more badly than you already behave, threatening to behave more badly is an empty threat.

Only your side does that stuff. Ours doesn't. You're corrupt dogshit, we're moral patriots.
Suuuuuuuuuuuure they did.

Anyways, it's true. If you just repeat the crazy talk enough times, it becomes true! Your cult says so!
You think they HAVENT received 24 million+? Where did you come up with this weird conspiracy theory? :cuckoo:
LOL You don't find it to be concerning that Coomer has been peddling the same shit for the last year and a half?
Are you talking about the Biden bank records, the 150+ SARs, the whistle blowers, the texts and emails, the witnesses and the dozens of shell companies? Yes, i find it VERY concerning. Dont you?
Clintons left White House almost 25 years ago...and you are still talking about some furniture? You need to go get your head checked.

Republicans in Congress and Administrations had their 10 years to move along something resembling criminal charges against Clintons.

TIME'S UP, time to move on from never-panned-out bullshit about has-been politicians.
Doesn't matter she's a shit human being and always has been and you defend her cause you're also a shit human being
Are you talking about the Biden bank records, the 150+ SARs, the whistle blowers, the texts and emails, the witnesses and the dozens of shell companies? Yes, i find it VERY concerning. Dont you?
The shit that you guys can't prove, will never have any proof, and yet....keep constantly claiming that Biden's impeachment is imminent?

Yes, it does concern me. But, I guess, since you are part of the lying retards, it doesn't concern you.
LOL You don't find it to be concerning that Coomer has been peddling the same shit for the last year and a half? How many of those "bank subpoenas" has he issued? Then when it fizzles out, he comes back with the same shit and tries it all over again.

Heck, I remember the same Maria Bartiromo taking Jim Jordan to task because he kept claiming he had evidence, and then nothing came of it.

But I guess you retards will keep swallowing the same shit over and over again expecting that somehow this time it will change to honey. Keep hoping, retards. While we all have a good laugh at your expense. :itsok:
Hopefully at some point we'll see these Red Hats turn on the people that have been lying to them. That will be something to see.
The shit that you guys can't prove, will never have any proof, and yet....keep constantly claiming that Biden's impeachment is imminent?

Yes, it does concern me. But, I guess, since you are part of the lying retards, it doesn't concern you.
The Red Hats are trying to spin this as a positive for them. LOL!

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