Dem elites shouldn’t be laughing at Trump’s civil trial outcome — they just made him a political martyr

Maybe, but not resoundingly. Not by enough to shut down MAGA. We need a President dedicated to the notion of representing the entire country, and not just their party's agenda.
dblack, the parties are organized to 'represent' our needs, and in fact, they represent to their needs. That's not going to stop.
dblack, the parties are organized to 'represent' our needs, and in fact, they represent to their needs. That's not going to stop.
The parties have "organized" to represent the desires of their party (rather than the good of the nation). That's a direct result of lesser-of-two-evils voting. Either party could nominate a candidate who rejects that idiocy - and they'd win in a landslide. But they won't do that as long as we keep playing the current game. As long as we give them our votes, they have no reason to change.
Doc7505 asks a serious question.

We are lectured by our MAGA chums, all led by an orange crime prophet, swept along by a fake alarmism, being overwhelmed by their irrational fears of a world only the Orange Prophet supposedly can stop.

We should be compassionate with them, but not allow our sympathy to enable their neuroses.

Making him face the courts is the best way to pop the Orange Bubble.
Trump doesn't have the ability to stop or reverse the nation's decline, but if he gets re-elected, he could slow down the decline.

Actually reversing the decline would require a revolution.
Are you looking forward to the Trump-Biden debates?
No, a resounding NO.
Why, they both have very little left to say, and the moderators do a piss poor job of any form of moderation.

I can't stand it when they interrupt each other.

Your thoughts?
We are lectured by our MAGA chums, all led by an orange crime prophet, swept along by a fake alarmism, being overwhelmed by their irrational fears of a world only the Orange Prophet supposedly can stop.

We should be compassionate with them, but not allow our sympathy to enable their neuroses.

Making him face the courts is the best way to pop the Orange Bubble.


We are lectured by our MAGA chums, all led by an orange crime prophet, swept along by a fake alarmism, being overwhelmed by their irrational fears of a world only the Orange Prophet supposedly can stop.

We should be compassionate with them, but not allow our sympathy to enable their neuroses.

Making him face the courts is the best way to pop the Orange Bubble.

Are you off your medication?
The system will jail anyone acting like the crazies in MAGA if they break the law. The progs get no passes either. We are nation of laws and justice.

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