Democrats are now party of the rich

At least you couldn't refute what I posted, just a two bit snarky comeback.
It's all you socialists got these days.
Both parties serve the rich.duh! Now buy Trump stock before the annual report comes out! Quick!
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.

What do u mean now? Its always been this way. Anytime the left points a finger its always, I say always, let this soak in, because its always PROJECTION, A DISTRACTION, DISTORTION, ANTONYM, AMBITION AND OR CONFESSION. the moment they declared reps. Only care about the rich is clearly code for the left are rich and their demonicrats will take care of them.
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.

That should have been obvious during COVID. No sane person could believe that mom and pop store was more hazardous to the few customers inside than the huge box stores with many more customers inside but who did they shut down? The small business who was far more likely to vote GOP than are the big businesses that are almost all 'woke' leftists who vote and contribute to Democrats. And those big businesses were all allowed to stay open.
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.

If this is true explain this one

You don't have to explain. This explains it all

Caitlyn Jenner Net Worth​

$25 Million


She knows that social wedge issues is just something the rich use to divide us poor people. Otherwise Republicans would have nothing to offer poor and middle class people.
If this is true explain this one

You don't have to explain. This explains it all

Caitlyn Jenner Net Worth​

$25 Million

View attachment 953699

She knows that social wedge issues is just something the rich use to divide us poor people. Otherwise Republicans would have nothing to offer poor and middle class people.

Let's see if "She" is good to follow.
She volunteered to have 'His' dick and balls cut off.
That about sums it up.

Plus, comparing the UK to the US is stupid. A water bound country can easily control immigration. A Country with extreme amounts of surface area can't do it so good.
Let's see if "She" is good to follow.
She volunteered to have 'His' dick and balls cut off.
That about sums it up.

Plus, comparing the UK to the US is stupid. A water bound country can easily control immigration. A Country with extreme amounts of surface area can't do it so good.

All I'm saying is SHE proves that this whole tranny in the bathrooms stuff is to rile you up. As much as you guys hate HIM, ultimately, he don't care. He knows to vote for the party that benefits him more fiscally. How can you not see it? If a tranny you hate votes for you, if rich blacks are voting for and donating to Republicans, you have to ask yourself why? Why would a rich arab, gay, black, woman, hispanic be voting Republican? It's the money dummy!

They are greedy. They like trickle down. They like tax loopholes and a party that doesn't go after rich tax cheats. That's the GOP boy
All I'm saying is SHE proves that this whole tranny in the bathrooms stuff is to rile you up. As much as you guys hate HIM, ultimately, he don't care. He knows to vote for the party that benefits him more fiscally. How can you not see it? If a tranny you hate votes for you, if rich blacks are voting for and donating to Republicans, you have to ask yourself why? Why would a rich arab, gay, black, woman, hispanic be voting Republican? It's the money dummy!

Which HIM are you referring to? If you mean the altered through science person, "He" shall never be a complete "She" and I don't want her going into a public bathroom with small girls that use it. You are letting your support of the Orange One get in the way here since I already know that you don't either.

They are greedy. They like trickle down. They like tax loopholes and a party that doesn't go after rich tax cheats. That's the GOP boy

You just summed up the MAGAt party. The real GOP would be on this like stink on a stick.
Which HIM are you referring to? If you mean the altered through science person, "He" shall never be a complete "She" and I don't want her going into a public bathroom with small girls that use it. You are letting your support of the Orange One get in the way here since I already know that you don't either.

You just summed up the MAGAt party. The real GOP would be on this like stink on a stick.
I don't think Caitlyn gives a fuck what you want. He's going into the ladies room.

Did you see him walk into a pro Palestinian mob?
She was like I dare you

Which HIM are you referring to? If you mean the altered through science person, "He" shall never be a complete "She" and I don't want her going into a public bathroom with small girls that use it. You are letting your support of the Orange One get in the way here since I already know that you don't either.

You just summed up the MAGAt party. The real GOP would be on this like stink on a stick.
Trump said that if Jenner - who won an Olympic gold medal as Bruce Jenner - were to walk into Trump Tower, she could use whichever bathroom she wanted. Instead, Jenner used the women's room - without incident - at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Manhattan.Apr 28, 2016

If this is true explain this one

You don't have to explain. This explains it all

Caitlyn Jenner Net Worth​

$25 Million

View attachment 953699

She knows that social wedge issues is just something the rich use to divide us poor people. Otherwise Republicans would have nothing to offer poor and middle class people.

What are you trying to say here?....
The Biden fund raiser in New York raised 25 million dollars for Joe Biden's campaign. Ther is no doubt that Biden has turned his back on middle class Americans.
Trump spoke to some oil industry execs and told them he wanted them to raise $1 billion for his campaign and he'd make it worth their while.

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