Democrats attempt to defend Hunter Biden

Still waiting for that Smoking Gun

You still have no influence peddling and nothing to connect to the President

I can see why Republicans demanded a closed hearing.
They don’t want to admit they still have nothing
Please don't embarrass yourself by jumping on their ridiculous "No Evidence" talking point.
Please don't embarrass yourself by jumping on their ridiculous "No Evidence" talking point.
What I can’t get over is the hypocrisy of liberals. They keep insisting no evidence and defending Hunter, who together with his family members received and laundered tens of millions of dollars from Communists while cheering on the quarter-billion punishment of Trump for a victimless crime.
If Joe took any action via his authority as VP to help his drug addict son take in millions, that’s a crime. And he did that by firing the prosecutor who was finding the dirt on Burisma, where his son (who knew nothing about energy) was paid $1 million a year.
The prosecutor was corrupt and everyone knew it except conservatives who aren’t told the truth by their media.

There was no investigation into Burisma.

The allegation of the bribe turned out to be a hoax.

If Joe took any action via his authority as VP to help his drug addict son take in millions, that’s a crime. And he did that by firing the prosecutor who was finding the dirt on Burisma, where his son (who knew nothing about energy) was paid $1 million a year.
Hunter and dear old dad are guilty as hell Lisa, but they're also untouchable.

The value in chasing Hunter down is in establishing a political appearance that shows Joe is guilty by association at least.

However, the only hope is in the Dems exposing the dirt on dad themselves to get him out of the way. There's no other possibility and the R's are smart enough to know it too!

Representative Dan Goldman (D., N.Y.) is leading his party in its vigorous defense of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings as he testifies before congress.
“There is a very understandable, coherent business explanation for every single thing that they asked for,” Goldman asserted.

These dishonest Democrat Politicians who are attempting to defend Hunter Biden's influence peddling crimes are only cementing their reputation as pathological liars.
Dems lie about everything.
People who trust Dem politicians are fools.
Hunter would be nobody if he was not the son of Joe Biden.
They were influence peddling and they took $millions$ from foreign countries.
Dan's right.

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