Democrats Keep Warning About Islamophobia


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
From Biden on down, we must not fall to thinking badly about Muslims!
FBI hate crimes involving religion:
  • Anti-Jewish incidents: 51.4% of religion-related incidents
  • Anti-Sikh incidents: 11.6%
  • Anti-Islamic incidents: 9.6%
  • Anti-Catholic incidents: 6.1%
  • Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other): 3.1%
Has any Democrats warned about crimes against Jews?
They defend crimes against Jews. It’s just more claptrap to defend their pro terror agenda.

Well let's see now. 'Islamophobia' is 'fear of Islam.' Why should anyone be afraid of Islam? Beheadings videoed and done in the name of their Allah? 911 crashing a passenger liner into 2 of our skyscrapers killing thousands....In the name of their Allah? Doing a 'blitzkreig' on Israel, taking hostages, raping women, beheading babies? All in the name of their 'god?' Countless terrorist incidents over the decades? They call our country a 'great Satan?' I think there is plenty of evidence to fear Islam today.
Well let's see now. 'Islamophobia' is 'fear of Islam.' Why should anyone be afraid of Islam? Beheadings videoed and done in the name of their Allah? 911 crashing a passenger liner into 2 of our skyscrapers killing thousands....In the name of their Allah? Doing a 'blitzkreig' on Israel, taking hostages, raping women, beheading babies? All in the name of their 'god?' Countless terrorist incidents over the decades? They call our country a 'great Satan?' I think there is plenty of evidence to fear Islam today.
And the only protests from Muslims is when they hear fake news a Koran was flushed. Thousands murdered in the name of their god is not protest worthy.
Why are people so Islamophobic?








Well let's see now. 'Islamophobia' is 'fear of Islam.' Why should anyone be afraid of Islam? Beheadings videoed and done in the name of their Allah? 911 crashing a passenger liner into 2 of our skyscrapers killing thousands....In the name of their Allah? Doing a 'blitzkreig' on Israel, taking hostages, raping women, beheading babies? All in the name of their 'god?' Countless terrorist incidents over the decades? They call our country a 'great Satan?' I think there is plenty of evidence to fear Islam today. paraphrase Woody Allen " Just because I fear Muslims, doesn't mean they aren't out to get us".

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