Diane Feinstein passes away

Two names I have heard as replacements
Kamala Harris if she can be convinced it clears the way for Newsome to step in as the Dem candidate and the second name being tossed around is Megan Markle. Since Newsome says the only qualification is that the candidate be black and female
Otherwise they ain't got nobody.
Mr. Westwall knows he is right, and he has never engaged in a conspiracy theorist to my knowledge of current events. You, on the other hand are led by a leash pulled by anyone who opposes the fake allegations, fake news, and fake narratives invented in the smoke-filled "Get Trump" Clinton war room as revenge against Trump for winning the Trump v, Hillary presidency. Down boy, down. :rolleyes-41:
Everything you people know is a conspiracy theory, Super Duper. The election hoax the vaccine hoax and on and on the corrupt Bidens no evidence no chance just a bunch of crap from admitted scumbags, for dupes only.... If you had any good evidence of anything, you would have gone to court with it long ago. Poor America.
Mr. Westwall knows he is right, and he has never engaged in a conspiracy theorist to my knowledge of current events. You, on the other hand are led by a leash pulled by anyone who opposes the fake allegations, fake news, and fake narratives invented in the smoke-filled "Get Trump" Clinton war room as revenge against Trump for winning the Trump v, Hillary presidency. Down boy, down. :rolleyes-41:
And of course the Trump Clinton War room is more total BS
There's been some mention { Not by the Lamestream } that
her death could have been somewhat prevented.They used her
for at least a year maybe 2 as a voting member.Apparently not
caring a whit about her frail condition.Which was fairly easy to
notice.Even though they masqueraded it no end.
Which explains the rush to come to her aid { once dead }
as if a Hero who they cared about immensely.
Keep that in mind folks.
Everything you people know is a conspiracy theory, Super Duper. The election hoax the vaccine hoax and on and on the corrupt Bidens no evidence no chance just a bunch of crap from admitted scumbags, for dupes only.... If you had any good evidence of anything, you would have gone to court with it long ago. Poor America.

That is certainly how it looks to anyone who mindlessly believes and obeys every lie that Big Brother tells him; not having the intellectual capacity, the courage, or the will to dare to open his eyes, to see what is right in front of him, to dare to try to see or think for himself.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Everything you people know is a conspiracy theory, Super Duper. The election hoax the vaccine hoax and on and on the corrupt Bidens no evidence no chance just a bunch of crap from admitted scumbags, for dupes only.... If you had any good evidence of anything, you would have gone to court with it long ago. Poor America.
Gone to court, what in leftist la la land ? You see how that turned out after the 2020, and now you derps are at it again.
Gone to court, what in leftist la la land ? You see how that turned out after the 2020, and now you derps are at it again.
Another conspiracy with no evidence except against your scumbag seditionist lying orange Mussolini waannabe..... Your brainwashed BS disrespect for our fine public servants law enforcement and institutions is an anti American disgrace.
That is certainly how it looks to anyone who mindlessly believes and obeys every lie that Big Brother tells him; not having the intellectual capacity, the courage, or the will to dare to open his eyes, to see what is right in front of him, to dare to try to see or think for himself.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus dupe. Everyone in the world who isn't brainwashed by GOP crap thinks you are all nuts...
There's been some mention { Not by the Lamestream } that
her death could have been somewhat prevented.They used her
for at least a year maybe 2 as a voting member.Apparently not
caring a whit about her frail condition.Which was fairly easy to
notice.Even though they masqueraded it no end.
Which explains the rush to come to her aid { once dead }
as if a Hero who they cared about immensely.
Keep that in mind folks.
IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!!! Well, no.
Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus dupe. Everyone in the world who isn't brainwashed by GOP crap thinks you are all nuts...

Everything you “know” are the lies that our corrupt government, and the complicit news media, have told you.

It is no honor at all to be seen as “sane” in a world that is overwhelmingly infested with lies and madness.
Everything you “know” are the lies that our corrupt government, and the complicit news media, have told you.

It is no honor at all to be seen as “sane” in a world that is overwhelmingly infested with lies and madness.
Just on your ridiculous scary divisive disrespectful imaginary scumbag propaganda machine.... There is no election vaccine or Biden fraud at all just your BS from your admitted scumbag pundits..... The entire world and even half of your stupid party thinks you are insane you are so misinformed.... But many thanks to the GOP for the stupidest wars ever 9/11 through sheer incompetence a corrupt world depression in 2000 and 8 and the stupidest pandemic response anywhere based on the dangers of perfectly good vaccines. Change the channel.

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