Do Individual Congressmen of Either Party have an Obligation to Vote in a Speaker even if it Causes them to Lose the Next Election?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"
The American people are demanding a Speaker.
Republicans control the house. It's their responsibility to choose a speaker. If they can't, Hakeem Jeffries is perfectly capable of manning the post.
Are two on the wrong thread?

The question for this thread is this:

Do Individual Congressmen of Either Party have an Obligation to Vote in a Speaker even if it Causes them to Lose the Next Election?​

If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"
If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"

So, you think it is the will of their voters for the House to not have a Speaker and thus be unable to function?

What leads you to this conclusion?

Also, are they not elected to Represent their entire district, and not just those that voted for them?
If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"

Having watched the votes for Speaker so far...

It seems like every Republican is voting for speaker...

The problem is they haven't put someone forward that can get a majority of the votes on the floor...
So the real question is does the party in the majority have a responsibility to put forth a Speaker candidate that the majority of the House (in total) can support.

So, you think it is the will of their voters for the House to not have a Speaker and thus be unable to function?
You love to invent things I said instead of responding to what I said.

But since you asked, I think plenty of Americans would rather have no speaker at all than one like Kevin McCarthy, for example, who took Republican Party funding to run for Congress, made speeches about holding the line on spending against Dems to get Republican votes, and then - in order to avoid negative media stories - joined with Dems to pass a CR that not only continued the Pelosi budget, but added to it.

So . . . having failed in your attempt to change the subject, the question again is:

Do Individual Congressmen of Either Party have an Obligation to Vote in a Speaker even if it Causes them to Lose the Next Election?​

What leads you to this conclusion?

Also, are they not elected to Represent their entire district, and not just those that voted for them?
LoL, nope!

When has that ever worked in the history of ever?

You think a fifty-one percent Democrat majority in any district says to itself, "Well, sure . . . I voted for Quanique X Washington because xe is a Democrat. But, by Mother Earth, xe better represent the Republican voters also, I won't be voting for xem again, you betcha!"
But since you asked, I think plenty of Americans would rather have no speaker at all than one like Kevin McCarthy, for example, who took Republican Party funding to run for Congress, made speeches about holding the line on spending against Dems to get Republican votes, and then - in order to avoid negative media stories - joined with Dems to pass a CR that not only continued the Pelosi budget, but added to it.

So . . . having failed in your attempt to change the subject, the question again is:

How many is "plenty"? 20% 30% 50%?

Do Individual Congressmen of Either Party have an Obligation to Vote in a Speaker even if it Causes them to Lose the Next Election?

They have an obligation to do their job, winning the next election is not part of that job.

LoL, nope!

When has that ever worked in the history of ever?

You think a fifty-one percent Democrat majority in any district says to itself, "Well, sure . . . I voted for Quanique X Washington because xe is a Democrat. But, by Mother Earth, xe better represent the Republican voters also, I won't be voting for xem again, you betcha!"

You are conflating what SHOULD happen with what DOES happen.

You do not know this, but it is indeed a fact that they are elected to Represent their entire district, and not just those that voted for them
How many is "plenty"? 20% 30% 50%?
The 60% plus of Republicans who support Trump. Just like there are many Democrats who would rather no speaker at ALL than a Democrat who helps Republicans cut spending.
They have an obligation to do their job, winning the next election is not part of that job.
So, who specifically should make this sacrifice? Must be Republicans? Should not Hakeem, AOC, Pelosi, at al set the example by voting for the next speaker nominee regardless of party?
You are conflating what SHOULD happen with what DOES happen.

You do not know this, but it is indeed a fact that they are elected to Represent their entire district, and not just those that voted for them
Examples of Democrats doing that?
If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"
None of this is about the will of the voters....It's about the will of the lobbyists and the military-industrial complex...Check out which committees that the people blocking Jordan are on.

Spoiler alert: Armed Services and Appropriations.
Just like there are many Democrats who would rather no speaker at ALL than a Democrat who helps Republicans cut spending.

has that ever happened?

So, who specifically should make this sacrifice? Must be Republicans? Should not Hakeem, AOC, Pelosi, at al set the example by voting for the next speaker nominee regardless of party?

How about the group that fired the last Speaker.

Examples of Democrats doing that?

They do not do it either, there is no difference between the two parties
None of this is about the will of the voters....It's about the will of the lobbyists and the military-industrial complex...Check out which committees that the people blocking Jordan are on.

Spoiler alert: Armed Services and Appropriations.
Good point!

My point still stands, though. For better, worse, or complete disaster, no congressperson will sacrifice their seat so they we can have a speaker.

After a brief fake shutdown, they'll figure out a way to fund without a speaker. Or the RINOs will cut a secret deal with Dems to elect a weakling Rep who will be Jeffries' waterboy.

Dems will leak that deal and GG can say the GOP got punked and be right.
Good point!

My point still stands, though. For better, worse, or complete disaster, no congressperson will sacrifice their seat so they we can have a speaker.

After a brief fake shutdown, they'll figure out a way to fund without a speaker. Or the RINOs will cut a secret deal with Dems to elect a weakling Rep who will be Jeffries' waterboy.

Dems will leak that deal and GG can say the GOP got punked and be right.
Standing in the way could well be putting those seats at risk.
Good point!

My point still stands, though. For better, worse, or complete disaster, no congressperson will sacrifice their seat so they we can have a speaker.

After a brief fake shutdown, they'll figure out a way to fund without a speaker. Or the RINOs will cut a secret deal with Dems to elect a weakling Rep who will be Jeffries' waterboy.

Dems will leak that deal and GG can say the GOP got punked and be right.

What about those members of the GOP in the House that represent districts where Biden won, should the back someone like Jordan and risk their seats or should they stand their ground and never back someone like Jordan?
Standing in the way could well be putting those seats at risk.
I doubt it, to be honest. Standing in the way of what? Of more spending hikes? That's what those Rep birds run on in the first place.

Standing in the way of having a speaker? I doubt voters see that as tragically as Foxnews and CNN do. I think the typical non RINO Republican voter sees the wailing and gnashing of teeth about no speaker as just a ploy to bash Reps who mean what they say.
What about those members of the GOP in the House that represent districts where Biden won, should the back someone like Jordan and risk their seats or should they stand their ground and never back someone like Jordan?
They should vote as they told their voters they would vote. If they ran a "spending hikes ain't so bad" campaign then they should hold out for a speaker who will work with Hakeem, Pelosi at al to spend, spend, spend.

If they ran on holding the line on spending then it would be a betrayal to vote for an enabler of Democrat mega spending.
If so, which congressmen in particular should do that? Which one should stand up and say, "I'm going against the will of my voters, because voters be damned, we MUST have a Speaker!"
Actually if they just chose a moderate republican, like Scalise to get behind, their voters back home would agree with them.

Where the 18 republican congressmen from districts that Biden won in 2020 to support Jordan who is leading the impeachment against Biden, would certainly be against the will of the people they represent.
They should vote as they told their voters they would vote. If they ran a "spending hikes ain't so bad" campaign then they should hold out for a speaker who will work with Hakeem, Pelosi at al to spend, spend, spend.

If they ran on holding the line on spending then it would be a betrayal to vote for an enabler of Democrat mega spending.
You don't understand the powers of the speaker of the house. Half their power has already been exercised, in setting committee assignments. The rest is in steering legislation, and as long as the speaker doesn't block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote, it doesn't make a difference who is speaker.
Actually if they just chose a moderate republican, like Scalise to get behind, their voters back home would agree with them.
The Republicans who voted against Scalise stated plainly why they did. If the voters punish them for that, so let it be. I doubt it, though.
Where the 18 republican congressmen from districts that Biden won in 2020 to support Jordan who is leading the impeachment against Biden, would certainly be against the will of the people they represent.
See my answer to golfing gator.

You don't understand the powers of the speaker of the house. Half their power has already been exercised, in setting committee assignments. The rest is in steering legislation, and as long as the speaker doesn't block legislation from coming to the floor for a vote, it doesn't make a difference who is speaker.
Yeah, I get that.

We'll either have a speaker who goes along with Democrats to avoid media critism, a speaker who stands firm and doesn't bring overspending bills to the floor, an acting speaker given power to bring bills to the floor, or no speaker at all.

A speakerless House and a "shutdown" would be played for all the drama that can be milked out of it on network news, but it would have little effect on average Americans.
Yeah, I get that.

We'll either have a speaker who goes along with Democrats to avoid media critism, a speaker who stands firm and doesn't bring overspending bills to the floor, an acting speaker given power to bring bills to the floor, or no speaker at all.
Then you don't get it. Republicans still hold the majority. The only way those overspending bills can get passed is if republicans go along with it.

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