Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

LMAO Another lets all hate Trump because he won thread posted by Shittingbull who will never get over the fact that her hero, Hillary lost.

A Hillary who lost all on her own. A Hillary who was beaten by a better candidate. A candidate who got his message out to the people Hillary assumed would vote for her. Wrong.

Oh and lets all praise HuffPo for their "honest" reporting. LOL

By the time Donald Trump becomes president in a few, desperately shortening weeks, he will already have made falsehood a U.S. goal. Trump does not lie to cover up the truth; he lies to deny the possibility that such a thing even exists. His feints and reversals are the essence of his belief system; he espouses a philosophy of bullshit. Until now, those habitual falsehoods have been the idiosyncrasies of a private citizen with no real responsibility toward anyone but himself. Once he takes the oath, his style becomes policy. We will have to get used to a president who dismisses the intelligence apparatus he commands, who denies events that took place on live television, who does not care whether he is caught in an obvious contradiction. We will have to learn to read a leader who treats truth as one option among many. When he issues a howler from the Oval Office, and his minions faithfully repeat it, that won’t be propaganda, but showbiz.

The term propaganda comes from the Latin phrase denoting a 17-century committee of cardinals charged with spreading — propagating — the faith. The word has an overtone of menace: This is what to believe; accept it, or else. It also implies the existence of an overarching philosophy, a consistent way of accounting for (or willfully distorting) facts. The authoritarian rulers to whom Trump-haters reflexively compare him to, primarily Mussolini and Hitler, caged their people within a rigid version of the world. Those who expressed unsanctioned opinions chose to dash themselves against those ideological bars, usually with lethal consequences.

Trump, on the other hand, has stripped his public utterances of coherence, let alone ideology. His rhetoric is shot through with the language of coercion, but he always seems to be winking while he makes his flamboyant threats. (His more unhinged followers may act on them, however.) Instead of riling up crowds by preaching faith, or nationalist zeal, or dialectical materialism, he relies on his instincts as an entertainer. His highest value is not fanaticism, but sheer excitement and suspense. He fears only that we look away — and by getting elected president, he has ensured that we can’t.

In his collection of essays from the early 1950s, The Captive Mind, Czeslaw Milosz describes the mind games that citizens of the Soviet sphere played to insulate themselves against an all-consuming ideology. The friction between official policy and personal experience produced a population of actors, people who, even amongst themselves, recited lines they knew to be false and masked their thoughts, which were by definition dangerous. We Americans of 2016, instead of becoming actors and reading ideologically prescribed lines, have elected as president a performance artist who has no script at all. Trump’s mendacity is improvisational, insubstantial. He tosses out a daily spectacle of sparkling untruths that dazzle like fireworks and are replaced by others before they have a chance to flare out.

Trump’s lies can seem like ploys to divert us from some underlying, unspeakable truth. But in the spray of distractions, he seems to have forgotten what, if anything, he’s supposed to be hiding. Are his Twitter blasts a diversion from a plan to use the presidency as leverage in his business dealings? Is his overt corruption really a cover for a program of white supremacy? Or does it all mean nothing?

More: Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

Amen! We're in for a wild ride. Trump is scary enough - but his unhinged followers are even scarier!
NY mag is.....

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By the time Donald Trump becomes president in a few, desperately shortening weeks, he will already have made falsehood a U.S. goal. Trump does not lie to cover up the truth; he lies to deny the possibility that such a thing even exists. His feints and reversals are the essence of his belief system; he espouses a philosophy of bullshit. Until now, those habitual falsehoods have been the idiosyncrasies of a private citizen with no real responsibility toward anyone but himself. Once he takes the oath, his style becomes policy. We will have to get used to a president who dismisses the intelligence apparatus he commands, who denies events that took place on live television, who does not care whether he is caught in an obvious contradiction. We will have to learn to read a leader who treats truth as one option among many. When he issues a howler from the Oval Office, and his minions faithfully repeat it, that won’t be propaganda, but showbiz.

The term propaganda comes from the Latin phrase denoting a 17-century committee of cardinals charged with spreading — propagating — the faith. The word has an overtone of menace: This is what to believe; accept it, or else. It also implies the existence of an overarching philosophy, a consistent way of accounting for (or willfully distorting) facts. The authoritarian rulers to whom Trump-haters reflexively compare him to, primarily Mussolini and Hitler, caged their people within a rigid version of the world. Those who expressed unsanctioned opinions chose to dash themselves against those ideological bars, usually with lethal consequences.

Trump, on the other hand, has stripped his public utterances of coherence, let alone ideology. His rhetoric is shot through with the language of coercion, but he always seems to be winking while he makes his flamboyant threats. (His more unhinged followers may act on them, however.) Instead of riling up crowds by preaching faith, or nationalist zeal, or dialectical materialism, he relies on his instincts as an entertainer. His highest value is not fanaticism, but sheer excitement and suspense. He fears only that we look away — and by getting elected president, he has ensured that we can’t.

In his collection of essays from the early 1950s, The Captive Mind, Czeslaw Milosz describes the mind games that citizens of the Soviet sphere played to insulate themselves against an all-consuming ideology. The friction between official policy and personal experience produced a population of actors, people who, even amongst themselves, recited lines they knew to be false and masked their thoughts, which were by definition dangerous. We Americans of 2016, instead of becoming actors and reading ideologically prescribed lines, have elected as president a performance artist who has no script at all. Trump’s mendacity is improvisational, insubstantial. He tosses out a daily spectacle of sparkling untruths that dazzle like fireworks and are replaced by others before they have a chance to flare out.

Trump’s lies can seem like ploys to divert us from some underlying, unspeakable truth. But in the spray of distractions, he seems to have forgotten what, if anything, he’s supposed to be hiding. Are his Twitter blasts a diversion from a plan to use the presidency as leverage in his business dealings? Is his overt corruption really a cover for a program of white supremacy? Or does it all mean nothing?

More: Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

Amen! We're in for a wild ride. Trump is scary enough - but his unhinged followers are even scarier!
Omg...all your threads are articles,
mostly from Huff Post, with the link at the end,
followed with an amen!, most of the time and some gibberish!
He's a LWNJ and incapable of critical thought.....

Lacooter hasn't gotten the memo yet------------> the MSM and left wing kookadoodles no longer control the narrative of the country.

That being said, I have no problem with Lakhota giving us his/her opinion, then defending it. I do have a problem with just putting forth opinion pieces from everywhere else with no facts in evidence. That is just being lazy, and being a snowflake. And so, you back to being Lacooter-)
By the time Donald Trump becomes president in a few, desperately shortening weeks, he will already have made falsehood a U.S. goal. Trump does not lie to cover up the truth; he lies to deny the possibility that such a thing even exists. His feints and reversals are the essence of his belief system; he espouses a philosophy of bullshit. Until now, those habitual falsehoods have been the idiosyncrasies of a private citizen with no real responsibility toward anyone but himself. Once he takes the oath, his style becomes policy. We will have to get used to a president who dismisses the intelligence apparatus he commands, who denies events that took place on live television, who does not care whether he is caught in an obvious contradiction. We will have to learn to read a leader who treats truth as one option among many. When he issues a howler from the Oval Office, and his minions faithfully repeat it, that won’t be propaganda, but showbiz.

The term propaganda comes from the Latin phrase denoting a 17-century committee of cardinals charged with spreading — propagating — the faith. The word has an overtone of menace: This is what to believe; accept it, or else. It also implies the existence of an overarching philosophy, a consistent way of accounting for (or willfully distorting) facts. The authoritarian rulers to whom Trump-haters reflexively compare him to, primarily Mussolini and Hitler, caged their people within a rigid version of the world. Those who expressed unsanctioned opinions chose to dash themselves against those ideological bars, usually with lethal consequences.

Trump, on the other hand, has stripped his public utterances of coherence, let alone ideology. His rhetoric is shot through with the language of coercion, but he always seems to be winking while he makes his flamboyant threats. (His more unhinged followers may act on them, however.) Instead of riling up crowds by preaching faith, or nationalist zeal, or dialectical materialism, he relies on his instincts as an entertainer. His highest value is not fanaticism, but sheer excitement and suspense. He fears only that we look away — and by getting elected president, he has ensured that we can’t.

In his collection of essays from the early 1950s, The Captive Mind, Czeslaw Milosz describes the mind games that citizens of the Soviet sphere played to insulate themselves against an all-consuming ideology. The friction between official policy and personal experience produced a population of actors, people who, even amongst themselves, recited lines they knew to be false and masked their thoughts, which were by definition dangerous. We Americans of 2016, instead of becoming actors and reading ideologically prescribed lines, have elected as president a performance artist who has no script at all. Trump’s mendacity is improvisational, insubstantial. He tosses out a daily spectacle of sparkling untruths that dazzle like fireworks and are replaced by others before they have a chance to flare out.

Trump’s lies can seem like ploys to divert us from some underlying, unspeakable truth. But in the spray of distractions, he seems to have forgotten what, if anything, he’s supposed to be hiding. Are his Twitter blasts a diversion from a plan to use the presidency as leverage in his business dealings? Is his overt corruption really a cover for a program of white supremacy? Or does it all mean nothing?

More: Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

Amen! We're in for a wild ride. Trump is scary enough - but his unhinged followers are even scarier!

There is not 1 fact about Trump n that entire article.

It should be easy to give the actual quotes from Trump, and then tear his verfified lies apart.

There is not even 1 quote from Trump in that entire article. Seems he gives the author plenty of material, why not be specific?

Is it your contention there are no cases of verified lies having been told by Donald Trump? Or...are you simply suggesting that the OP would be improved if dozens of examples were included?
By the time Donald Trump becomes president in a few, desperately shortening weeks, he will already have made falsehood a U.S. goal. Trump does not lie to cover up the truth; he lies to deny the possibility that such a thing even exists. His feints and reversals are the essence of his belief system; he espouses a philosophy of bullshit. Until now, those habitual falsehoods have been the idiosyncrasies of a private citizen with no real responsibility toward anyone but himself. Once he takes the oath, his style becomes policy. We will have to get used to a president who dismisses the intelligence apparatus he commands, who denies events that took place on live television, who does not care whether he is caught in an obvious contradiction. We will have to learn to read a leader who treats truth as one option among many. When he issues a howler from the Oval Office, and his minions faithfully repeat it, that won’t be propaganda, but showbiz.

The term propaganda comes from the Latin phrase denoting a 17-century committee of cardinals charged with spreading — propagating — the faith. The word has an overtone of menace: This is what to believe; accept it, or else. It also implies the existence of an overarching philosophy, a consistent way of accounting for (or willfully distorting) facts. The authoritarian rulers to whom Trump-haters reflexively compare him to, primarily Mussolini and Hitler, caged their people within a rigid version of the world. Those who expressed unsanctioned opinions chose to dash themselves against those ideological bars, usually with lethal consequences.

Trump, on the other hand, has stripped his public utterances of coherence, let alone ideology. His rhetoric is shot through with the language of coercion, but he always seems to be winking while he makes his flamboyant threats. (His more unhinged followers may act on them, however.) Instead of riling up crowds by preaching faith, or nationalist zeal, or dialectical materialism, he relies on his instincts as an entertainer. His highest value is not fanaticism, but sheer excitement and suspense. He fears only that we look away — and by getting elected president, he has ensured that we can’t.

In his collection of essays from the early 1950s, The Captive Mind, Czeslaw Milosz describes the mind games that citizens of the Soviet sphere played to insulate themselves against an all-consuming ideology. The friction between official policy and personal experience produced a population of actors, people who, even amongst themselves, recited lines they knew to be false and masked their thoughts, which were by definition dangerous. We Americans of 2016, instead of becoming actors and reading ideologically prescribed lines, have elected as president a performance artist who has no script at all. Trump’s mendacity is improvisational, insubstantial. He tosses out a daily spectacle of sparkling untruths that dazzle like fireworks and are replaced by others before they have a chance to flare out.

Trump’s lies can seem like ploys to divert us from some underlying, unspeakable truth. But in the spray of distractions, he seems to have forgotten what, if anything, he’s supposed to be hiding. Are his Twitter blasts a diversion from a plan to use the presidency as leverage in his business dealings? Is his overt corruption really a cover for a program of white supremacy? Or does it all mean nothing?

More: Donald Trump’s War Against Facts

Amen! We're in for a wild ride. Trump is scary enough - but his unhinged followers are even scarier!

There is not 1 fact about Trump n that entire article.

It should be easy to give the actual quotes from Trump, and then tear his verfified lies apart.

There is not even 1 quote from Trump in that entire article. Seems he gives the author plenty of material, why not be specific?

Is it your contention there are no cases of verified lies having been told by Donald Trump? Or...are you simply suggesting that the OP would be improved if dozens of examples were included?
The OP would be improved if they didn't use democrat fake news....
I don't have time for this. I'm too busy trying to replace the doctor I wanted to keep, the medical plan I also wanted to keep, and trying to return all the stuff I bought with the $2,500.00 savings I never got that Barry had also promised was coming my way.

Where is the direct quotes from which your lie and smear is based? You have in fact posted a fake news lie that Trump himself has repeated.

The CIA provided the same talking points to Republican Congress members that Obama and Clinton based that opinion upon. It was not a lie unless you believe Petraeus lied to the President about.,

(Trump Online Video Accuses Clinton Of Lying About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks. Donald Trump released an online video on May 10 attacking Hillary Clinton over the 2012 Benghazi attacks. According to The Washington Post, Trump’s video “takes aim at confusion over what caused the attacks on a diplomatic compound that was initially linked by Obama administration officials to rage over an anti-Muslim video released online.” The video echoes accusations by Clinton’s critics to suggest she lied about the cause of the attacks. From the May 10 Washington Post article:)

Trump’s Latest Clinton Attack Comes Straight Out Of Fox News’ Benghazi Playbook

Furthermore the later investigation found the attackers themselves told the small crowd that the video was why they were there.

So you have just logged in a perfect example of what the OP is about.

Trump and fake news a oerfect fit.

More from the link:

. NY Times: Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Told Witnesses The Benghazi Attack Was In Response To Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Video. According to The New York Times, Ahmed Abu Khattala, who was captured in June 2014 by U.S. military on an indictment for murder in connection with his role as a suspected ringleader of the Benghazi attacks, "told fellow Islamist fighters" on the night of the attack "and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video" mocking Islam that inspired demonstrations in Cairo:

Trump uses Fake News and suppresses real news that does not conform to whatever political assault he decides to use.

Susan Rice repeated the CIA talking points verbatim on the Sunday Morning News Programs. She did not lie on whit.
Is there a point buried somewhere in your anti Trump manifesto?

Yep, and his unhinged NaziCon cult can't see it. Why is that...?

Can't see what, exactly?

You posted an article about Trump's lies and it doesn't cite any specific lies, and somehow it's supposed to be compelling?

Tonto isn't too bright. Her ancestors would have abandoned her by the creek.

She's a biased hack who just can't believe her hero, Hillary, didn't win. And yeah. Her mother would have abandoned her at birth.

She also can't believe that anyone would vote for Trump.

Of course Shittingbull is Shittingbull and an idiot of epic proportions. LOL
BuckToothMoron, post: 16168554

No she didn't. She went on MTP and explained that the Bush White House misled her by promising to avoid war if Saddam allowed UN inspectors to return.

Trump has unknowingly backed her up on that when he told all you formerly Iraq War mongers that Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

Was Trump lying then or not? Trump approved of going into Iraq on Howard Stearn's Show. And now denies what is on tape.

Where is the direct quotes from which your lie and smear is based? You have in fact posted a fake news lie that Trump himself has repeated.

The CIA provided the same talking points to Republican Congress members that Obama and Clinton based that opinion upon. It was not a lie unless you believe Petraeus lied to the President about.,

(Trump Online Video Accuses Clinton Of Lying About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks. Donald Trump released an online video on May 10 attacking Hillary Clinton over the 2012 Benghazi attacks. According to The Washington Post, Trump’s video “takes aim at confusion over what caused the attacks on a diplomatic compound that was initially linked by Obama administration officials to rage over an anti-Muslim video released online.” The video echoes accusations by Clinton’s critics to suggest she lied about the cause of the attacks. From the May 10 Washington Post article:)

Trump’s Latest Clinton Attack Comes Straight Out Of Fox News’ Benghazi Playbook

"Furthermore the later investigation found the attackers themselves told the small crowd that the video was why they were there."

So you have just logged in a perfect example of what the OP is about.

Trump and fake news a oerfect fit.

More from the link:

. NY Times: Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Told Witnesses The Benghazi Attack Was In Response To Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Video. According to The New York Times, Ahmed Abu Khattala, who was captured in June 2014 by U.S. military on an indictment for murder in connection with his role as a suspected ringleader of the Benghazi attacks, "told fellow Islamist fighters" on the night of the attack "and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video" mocking Islam that inspired demonstrations in Cairo:

Trump uses Fake News and suppresses real news that does not conform to whatever political assault he decides to use.

Susan Rice repeated the CIA talking points verbatim on the Sunday Morning News Programs. She did not lie on whit.

Furthermore the later investigation found the attackers themselves told the small crowd that the video was why they were there.

Where is that specific evidence? Link it.
Last edited:

Where is the direct quotes from which your lie and smear is based? You have in fact posted a fake news lie that Trump himself has repeated.

The CIA provided the same talking points to Republican Congress members that Obama and Clinton based that opinion upon. It was not a lie unless you believe Petraeus lied to the President about.,

(Trump Online Video Accuses Clinton Of Lying About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks. Donald Trump released an online video on May 10 attacking Hillary Clinton over the 2012 Benghazi attacks. According to The Washington Post, Trump’s video “takes aim at confusion over what caused the attacks on a diplomatic compound that was initially linked by Obama administration officials to rage over an anti-Muslim video released online.” The video echoes accusations by Clinton’s critics to suggest she lied about the cause of the attacks. From the May 10 Washington Post article:)

Trump’s Latest Clinton Attack Comes Straight Out Of Fox News’ Benghazi Playbook

Furthermore the later investigation found the attackers themselves told the small crowd that the video was why they were there.

So you have just logged in a perfect example of what the OP is about.

Trump and fake news a oerfect fit.

More from the link:

. NY Times: Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Told Witnesses The Benghazi Attack Was In Response To Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Video. According to The New York Times, Ahmed Abu Khattala, who was captured in June 2014 by U.S. military on an indictment for murder in connection with his role as a suspected ringleader of the Benghazi attacks, "told fellow Islamist fighters" on the night of the attack "and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video" mocking Islam that inspired demonstrations in Cairo:

Trump uses Fake News and suppresses real news that does not conform to whatever political assault he decides to use.

Susan Rice repeated the CIA talking points verbatim on the Sunday Morning News Programs. She did not lie on whit.

You posted fake news with disappearing ink. Not a single word you wrote is true or accurate. Hillary lies about everything. Bill and her are not even married, Chelsea is adopted from an Irish potato farm. Do some research fool. The bulldyke planned the Benghazi attack and even funded it through the Clinton Foundation.
BuckToothMoron, post: 16168554

No she didn't. She went on MTP and explained that the Bush White House misled her by promising to avoid war if Saddam allowed UN inspectors to return.

Trump has unknowingly backed her up on that when he told all you formerly Iraq War mongers that Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

Was Trump lying then or not? Trump approved of going into Iraq on Howard Stearn's Show. And now denies what is on tape.

Hillary blackmailed GWB and forced him to start that war. She wanted the war to distract the public from her burgeoning lezzy afair with Huma. How do you not know this stuff?
Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump would never be President.

Why did she lie to the American Public?

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