Zone1 Donkey Derbies

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Okay so I'm not sure if any of you guys ever heard of this before but our local baseball team just had this event yesterday and people are absolutely going nuts over it.

It's exactly the same thing as a regular derby but with donkeys. The reason why PETA___ err, umm, I mean people are going nuts over this is because they're saying it's cruel for the donkeys because of the weight being carried and the donkeys get stressed out.

So I was like okay I don't think that the donkeys are getting stressed out but they might have something about the weight. Now I'm not going to post the video since it's my local baseball team so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

As they did show a clip of the event and the people riding the donkeys were sticks and no I'm not exaggerating either. The donkeys were bucking their riders off but I see that as just being donkeys, not because they were stressed out.

Anyways, the reason why I'm posting about this is because this was WAY too interesting of a topic not to start a conversation about it because I'm really curious of who all has heard of this event and what you guys think about it as I have never heard of it myself until a couple nights ago.

Oh yeah and now they're having a Karen night too which is mean yet hilarious at exactly the same time. I think that the baseball team should have just ignored this on one hand but on the other hand it is pretty funny. 😂
From ShatGPT

The first recorded donkey derby race in the UK appears to be from the early 20th century, although the exact date of the very first race is not well-documented. Donkey derbies have been a part of British local fairs and charity events for many years, often organized to raise funds for various causes.

One notable early example of a donkey derby event was held in Wivelsfield Green, Sussex in 1955. This event was organized as a charitable activity in aid of the Sunshine Homes for Blind Babies and other charities

Not a very good answer from Shat GPT
Never heard of it. But at first glance, I imagined the derby part of it as demolition derby.

Not a pretty picture, to be sure.
Okay so I'm not sure if any of you guys ever heard of this before but our local baseball team just had this event yesterday and people are absolutely going nuts over it.

It's exactly the same thing as a regular derby but with donkeys. The reason why PETA___ err, umm, I mean people are going nuts over this is because they're saying it's cruel for the donkeys because of the weight being carried and the donkeys get stressed out.

So I was like okay I don't think that the donkeys are getting stressed out but they might have something about the weight. Now I'm not going to post the video since it's my local baseball team so you're just going to have to take my word for it.

As they did show a clip of the event and the people riding the donkeys were sticks and no I'm not exaggerating either. The donkeys were bucking their riders off but I see that as just being donkeys, not because they were stressed out.

Anyways, the reason why I'm posting about this is because this was WAY too interesting of a topic not to start a conversation about it because I'm really curious of who all has heard of this event and what you guys think about it as I have never heard of it myself until a couple nights ago.

Oh yeah and now they're having a Karen night too which is mean yet hilarious at exactly the same time. I think that the baseball team should have just ignored this on one hand but on the other hand it is pretty funny. 😂
Much ado about nothing.

Donkeys are beats of burden, they carry people all the time. Besides, I'd bet the ones that "race" once a year are pampered pets the rest of the time.
My mom told me she played donkey baseball once as a kid.
We have Donkey Derby Days every year in Cripple Creek. We have a herd of wild donkeys whose ancestors worked in the gold mines hauling ore. You hop on one and try to get it to the finish line. But the donkeys have a mind of their own. It's a riot.
My mom told me she played donkey baseball once as a kid.
We have Donkey Derby Days every year in Cripple Creek. We have a herd of wild donkeys whose ancestors worked in the gold mines hauling ore. You hop on one and try to get it to the finish line. But the donkeys have a mind of their own. It's a riot.

It looked like a whole lot of fun and donkeys might be stubborn, but they're also adorable. 🥰 This whole entire thing just went off the deep end and got blown WAY out of proportion. 🙄
Donkeys are beats of burden, they carry people all the time.
I can imagine someone like you De CrepitUS beating poor animals for your own pleasure .
What is wrong with you ?
Fancy admitting it publicly .
Now the wokesters are threatening to take it to their local news stations and animal protective services. Give me a break!! :rolleyes:
I can imagine someone like you De CrepitUS beating poor animals for your own pleasure .
What is wrong with you ?
Fancy admitting it publicly .
Ooh, you found a typo.

Are you really that easy to please?

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