Dow has Longest Winning Streak in 6 Years !!

I'm jealous? Of who? You who can't donate $20 to a site you're on 5 hours a day or jealous of the bouncer dating A PR girl? :71:

That is all that counts. But if it were really true, you'd have no need to try to brag about it.
So you surrender.
I won't donate to USMB or any Political Figure.
Sorry that those are your Standards.
Sick Standards ^^^^^.
COVID...Dec today.

Trump POTUS .....Before COVID and 13 months of COVID.
Imagine your Shock to actually learn that trump was running the show during COVID.......How much stupid can you write in one post?

trump was running the show during COVID. Dumbass.
We know what happened. Shutdowns lasted way too long. And schools never needed to be shut down. But Biden and the Democrat school unions are to blame for the poor education we now have.
Trump went along with the “science” because that’s what the Democrats were yelling at us. He should have fired Fauci and the other clowns. Biden should have as well. However, the economy got real bad when Biden took over and ranked the economy further with high inflation and interest rates way up too. Credit card balances out of control again with an average interest rate of 22%. Way to go Brandon!
No, you're busted, cheapskate. You're either a liar or a tighter penny-pinching tight-ass than Scrooge was.
Oh Child.
Please consider leaving a tip, giving to charity, or donating your time.
Honorable things that apparently don't exist in your pathetic self-centered life.
We know what happened. Shutdowns lasted way too long. And schools never needed to be shut down. But Biden and the Democrat school unions are to blame for the poor education we now have.
Trump went along with the “science” because that’s what the Democrats were yelling at us. He should have fired Fauci and the other clowns. Biden should have as well. However, the economy got real bad when Biden took over and ranked the economy further with high inflation and interest rates way up too. Credit card balances out of control again with an average interest rate of 22%. Way to go Brandon!
Shutdowns happened UNDER POS45, aka trump. FACT.
The worst public schools are in RED States. FACT.
Fauci is your boogeyman. FACT
Credit Cards are your Problem. Pay your DEBT.
I have 3 Credit Cards, I pay 0% interest. You know why? Yes You Do.
My 401K is at an All-Time High, but I do pay a bit more for gas, thanks OPEC+
Facts are Facts.
Get onboard with the givers.

It will improve your life.
Get onboard.
Facts? Listen to yourself:
I'm super successful and gave back to the community, now I spend my days as a bickering food store online.

What a f'n fag.
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In the example, the rich gained $500,000 while the middle class gained $10,000 However, due to inflation and taxes, the middle class gave back their gains. The rich did not. In fact, the middle class income adjusted for inflation and tax increases has dramatically fallen. With Trump, the incomes dramatically rose even with inflation and taxes for the middle class. By the way, what about the poor? How did they make out with inflation and loss of jobs? Not so good at all. Very poorly. But, you Demorats don't care about the poor anymore. Communists always want to discount the poor and eliminate them. Just like Stalin and Mao did, killing 100 million people to prop up their economies.
That is not communism it is capitalism.
Do you not want the rich to get richer?

Isn't that what trickle down (supply side) advocates for?

Seems odd for Republicans to attack Biden because the rich get richer.

It's almost like trumpers have no personal values at all and just shift their views based on what supports whatever narrative is a hot political item.
Even Trump gotz richer but they never bitch about that...
Facts? Listen to yourself:
I'm super successful and gave back to the community, now I spend my days as a bickering food store online.

What a f'n fag you are.
Partially true, mostly false.
Here are the Facts:

Super Successful.....Depends on your definition. Fact is
1). 800K in 401K (partial Roth) Fund. NOT drawing from, don't need to draw.
2). SS not collected yet.
3). Pension paying $3,700 per Month
4). Part time Job, since no SS yet, because y'all know that under 68ish****, you have your SS stopped if you make more than like $24K**** per year. I make $58K on this part-time job. ****guessing on the exact numbers.
5) Wife still works full time, she has the Insurance plan......sweet deal. Wife obviously NOT collecting SS yet either.

Any of the above you would like to dispute.
Feel free.
Partially true, mostly false.
Here are the Facts:

Super Successful.....Depends on your definition. Fact is
1). 800K in 401K (partial Roth) Fund. NOT drawing from, don't need to draw.
2). SS not collected yet.
3). Pension paying $3,700 per Month
4). Part time Job, since no SS yet, because y'all know that under 68ish****, you have your SS stopped if you make more than like $24K**** per year. I make $58K on this part-time job. ****guessing on the exact numbers.
5) Wife still works full time, she has the Insurance plan......sweet deal. Wife obviously NOT collecting SS yet either.

Any of the above you would like to dispute.
Feel free.
I'm an ex-astronaut who steals foodstamps from the poor to stock the pantry in my space shuttle.
I'm an ex-astronaut who steals foodstamps from the poor to stock the pantry in my space shuttle.
Cool story Loser.
Try some facts.

Does my story seam unattainable?
To you, probably.

I'm not rich by many standards, but I'm happy.
Makes me even happier that you are upset.

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