East Coast; Prepare to Freeze Your Butts Off! ...and the UK too.

Lol love this.

Huge cooling coming from cooler sun.
Britain faces FREEZING winters as slump in solar activity threatens 'little Ice Age'
"Climate experts warn the amount of light and warmth released by the sun is nosediving to levels "not seen for centuries".

"They fear a repeat of the so-called 'Maunder Minimum' which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago.

"The Met Office-led study warns although the effect will be offset by recent global warming, Britain faces years of unusually cold winters.

"A spokesman said: "A return to low solar activity not seen for centuries could increase the chances of cold winters in Europe and eastern parts of the United States but wouldn't halt global warming.

"Return of 'grand solar minimum' could affect European and eastern US winters."

"Long episodes of low solar activity were seen during the Maunder Minimum between 1645 and 1715 and the 'Dalton Minimum' from 1790 to 1830."

Then Climate Change goofballs claim its due to climate change primarily.
SHOCK CLAIM: World is on brink of 50 year ICE AGE and BRITAIN will bear the brunt
"Britain faces an 'all but unprecedented' situation thanks to a cocktail of climatic changes all happening at once to affect the weather.

"The northern Atlantic has been cooling steadily over the past few months leading to a colossal area of icy water to form off the UK coast.

"This is thought to be the result of changes in wind flow and salinity and could lead to lower than average temperatures in Britain all year round.

"The phenomenon has already raised fears this winter will be un usually brutal with months of sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow on the way.

"Long-term accumulative effects could be that parts of northern Europe, including Britain, will cool dramatically."

I remember when the MET was saying we would have consistently warmer winters. One AGW advocate said Brits will grow up never knowing snow again, lol.

But the Russians have predicted this for the last 15 years and it seems thet the MET is now conceding that they were right all along.

The Eastern US will see a cold winter too.

First big cold snap will bring sub-freezing lows, lake effect snow to Eastern U.S.

NOAA winter forecast: Snowy Northeast; rainy relief for California - CNN.com

Seems AGW advocates can predict weather changes once they are well into unfolding.

WTF does LOW SOLAR ACTIVITY mean. ----------the sun is down on fusion?
the sun has cycles just like the earth it's brightness and heat is variable.
the pseudo science shit Jim blowme is spewing is just that.
fun fact: the sun is closer to the earth in the fall and winter then iit is in spring and summer.

The pseudo science is the one that refuses to allow discussion of it's underlying theory. The pseudo science is the one that refuses to distribute it's findings, methods, and formulae to other scientists and refuses even FOIA requests because of what they are afraid we will find out.

In other words the pseudo science is the one that asserts the "science is settled" because as ANY scientist will tell you...nothing is ever settled.

Ah yes. You mean like this....

More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!

Maine prolly gets a substantial amount from Hydro Québec. I know Vermont does.

That bad, evil, wicked power generation that doesn't go better with Koch... :death:
Of course, we don't have many big businesses or industries (or jobs) that would use up a lot of our electricity, and the homes are heated with wood or forced hot water /oil primarily, so the demand for electricity is not as huge here as with Massachusetts... we had Natural Gas in Massachusetts as our means to heat, but it was forced HOT AIR, so this used a lot of electricity also, to blow it around....a fan ran when the heat was on....forcing it through the vents.
Of course, we don't have many big businesses or industries (or jobs) that would use up a lot of our electricity, and the homes are heated with wood or forced hot water /oil primarily, so the demand for electricity is not as huge here as with Massachusetts... we had Natural Gas in Massachusetts as our means to heat, but it was forced HOT AIR, so this used a lot of electricity also, to blow it around....a fan ran when the heat was on....forcing it through the vents.

I have electric heat. VERY expensive.
Of course, we don't have many big businesses or industries (or jobs) that would use up a lot of our electricity, and the homes are heated with wood or forced hot water /oil primarily, so the demand for electricity is not as huge here as with Massachusetts... we had Natural Gas in Massachusetts as our means to heat, but it was forced HOT AIR, so this used a lot of electricity also, to blow it around....a fan ran when the heat was on....forcing it through the vents.

I have electric heat. VERY expensive.

I couldn't believe how many electric baseboard heaters I saw when I lived in New England. Of all the ways to heat, that's about the least efficient. You just don't see that in other parts of the country.

Fans don't burn much power though. The power consumption is in generating the heat, however you do that.

The problem with forced air to me, is that it stirs up dust, at a time when you've already got the outside air sealed off. I much prefer some kind of radiation.
it's natures way of thinning the conservative herd.

Actually it's the progressives who are incapable of doing anything without government help who are going to be screwed. One thing I can attest to with cons is they can at least feed themselves and fix whatever breaks in their homes. Progressives though....you're screwed.
Making false assumptions again are we ?
Most all my "progressive"friends have and use all the required skills to feed themselves and are damn good at diy.
My con friends most often have someone else do the"heavy lifting", even if they can't afford it .
A class thing I guess.
Lol love this.

Huge cooling coming from cooler sun.
Britain faces FREEZING winters as slump in solar activity threatens 'little Ice Age'
"Climate experts warn the amount of light and warmth released by the sun is nosediving to levels "not seen for centuries".

"They fear a repeat of the so-called 'Maunder Minimum' which triggered Arctic winter whiteouts and led to the River Thames freezing 300 years ago.

"The Met Office-led study warns although the effect will be offset by recent global warming, Britain faces years of unusually cold winters.

"A spokesman said: "A return to low solar activity not seen for centuries could increase the chances of cold winters in Europe and eastern parts of the United States but wouldn't halt global warming.

"Return of 'grand solar minimum' could affect European and eastern US winters."

"Long episodes of low solar activity were seen during the Maunder Minimum between 1645 and 1715 and the 'Dalton Minimum' from 1790 to 1830."

Then Climate Change goofballs claim its due to climate change primarily.
SHOCK CLAIM: World is on brink of 50 year ICE AGE and BRITAIN will bear the brunt
"Britain faces an 'all but unprecedented' situation thanks to a cocktail of climatic changes all happening at once to affect the weather.

"The northern Atlantic has been cooling steadily over the past few months leading to a colossal area of icy water to form off the UK coast.

"This is thought to be the result of changes in wind flow and salinity and could lead to lower than average temperatures in Britain all year round.

"The phenomenon has already raised fears this winter will be un usually brutal with months of sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow on the way.

"Long-term accumulative effects could be that parts of northern Europe, including Britain, will cool dramatically."

I remember when the MET was saying we would have consistently warmer winters. One AGW advocate said Brits will grow up never knowing snow again, lol.

But the Russians have predicted this for the last 15 years and it seems thet the MET is now conceding that they were right all along.

The Eastern US will see a cold winter too.

First big cold snap will bring sub-freezing lows, lake effect snow to Eastern U.S.

NOAA winter forecast: Snowy Northeast; rainy relief for California - CNN.com

Seems AGW advocates can predict weather changes once they are well into unfolding.

WTF does LOW SOLAR ACTIVITY mean. ----------the sun is down on fusion?
the sun has cycles just like the earth it's brightness and heat is variable.
the pseudo science shit Jim blowme is spewing is just that.
fun fact: the sun is closer to the earth in the fall and winter then iit is in spring and summer.

The pseudo science is the one that refuses to allow discussion of it's underlying theory. The pseudo science is the one that refuses to distribute it's findings, methods, and formulae to other scientists and refuses even FOIA requests because of what they are afraid we will find out.

In other words the pseudo science is the one that asserts the "science is settled" because as ANY scientist will tell you...nothing is ever settled.
False .
Of course, we don't have many big businesses or industries (or jobs) that would use up a lot of our electricity, and the homes are heated with wood or forced hot water /oil primarily, so the demand for electricity is not as huge here as with Massachusetts... we had Natural Gas in Massachusetts as our means to heat, but it was forced HOT AIR, so this used a lot of electricity also, to blow it around....a fan ran when the heat was on....forcing it through the vents.

I have electric heat. VERY expensive.

You have got to be paying an arm and a leg each month for heat....dear Lord!!!!!

I'm wondering if you can get a portable kerosene heater to use, just as a space heater which could save some money....but if you have younger children or a dog, it may not be that safe....I dunno?

We have one in case we lose power and the ignite and thermostats to the oil heat isn't working... and it heats up nearly the entire house, even the upstairs if we leave the door opened in the living room.
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.

Doesn't really follow. If you have two homes, or any number, you're still only IN one at a time.
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.

Doesn't really follow. If you have two homes, or any number, you're still only IN one at a time.
True but you still get a bill empty house or not.
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.
no, we sold the home in Massachusetts and bought this one in Maine with the profit, I was just looking at what it was there vs here....

but regarding your comment daws, i could have been renting the home in Massachusetts, and owned both...so your comment about owning 2 homes kind of jumped to conclusions.....don't cha think?
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.
no, we sold the home in Massachusetts and bought this one in Maine with the profit, I was just looking at what it was there vs here....

but regarding your comment daws, i could have been renting the home in Massachusetts, and owned both...so your comment about owning 2 homes kind of jumped to conclusions.....don't cha think?
Not really you still have to pay the bills.
WOW! I was just looking at what the electric rates are here in Maine vs our home in Massachusetts and my goodness, electric rates per Kwh, are CHEAP in Maine compared to Massachusetts!!! It's about a Dollar cheaper per Kwh used...in some cases, depending on the electric company, about $1.50 less per kwh....unbelievablely LESS!!!

Maybe this is because most of our electric comes from Hydro power, our own rivers or maybe Canada's rivers, I dunno????

ok, I need to count my blessings now!!!!
If you have 2 homes you have no ligit reason to bitch about the cost
If you do you should not have bought the second home.

Doesn't really follow. If you have two homes, or any number, you're still only IN one at a time.
True but you still get a bill empty house or not.

Not for heat you didn't use.
Of course, we don't have many big businesses or industries (or jobs) that would use up a lot of our electricity, and the homes are heated with wood or forced hot water /oil primarily, so the demand for electricity is not as huge here as with Massachusetts... we had Natural Gas in Massachusetts as our means to heat, but it was forced HOT AIR, so this used a lot of electricity also, to blow it around....a fan ran when the heat was on....forcing it through the vents.

I have electric heat. VERY expensive.

I couldn't believe how many electric baseboard heaters I saw when I lived in New England. Of all the ways to heat, that's about the least efficient. You just don't see that in other parts of the country.

Fans don't burn much power though. The power consumption is in generating the heat, however you do that.

The problem with forced air to me, is that it stirs up dust, at a time when you've already got the outside air sealed off. I much prefer some kind of radiation.
In Florida, heating was via electric, but we had a heat pump for AC and heat, when we lived there so it wasn't too bad...plus, it never really gets too cold.

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