EPA to Propose Strict Carbon Limits for Power Plants


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden going full retard and killing the American people and economy.

Every day something new, something stupid, something to screw us all.


Three people briefed on the administration’s plans told the New York Times that under the EPA’s new rules, almost all coal and gas-fired power plants would have to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.

Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that. In the case of gas plants specifically, plants could switch to a fuel source that doesn’t emit carbon like green hydrogen.

If implemented, the rule is likely to draw a legal challenge from Republican attorneys general, who have already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies.

“We are eager to review the EPA’s new proposed rule on power plants, and we’ll be ready once again to lead the charge in the fight against federal overreach,” explained West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement to the Times.

The Congressional Review Act could also be utilized to roll back the measure.

While the president has moderated on select energy projects, approving an Alaska oil drill over the objections of climate activists, he has been largely aggressive in fighting climate change. Last week, Biden announced the strictest-ever emissions standards in his ongoing bid to remake the auto industry.

Biden also announced the White House Office of Environmental Justice on Friday, which will “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms.” At a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Office, the president criticized Republican calls to end open-ended clean-energy tax cuts, included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. These tax credits could bring the total cost of the climate measures in that act to more than $1 trillion.


Biden going full retard and killing the American people and economy.

Every day something new, something stupid, something to screw us all.

Three people briefed on the administration’s plans told the New York Times that under the EPA’s new rules, almost all coal and gas-fired power plants would have to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.
Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that. In the case of gas plants specifically, plants could switch to a fuel source that doesn’t emit carbon like green hydrogen.
If implemented, the rule is likely to draw a legal challenge from Republican attorneys general, who have already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies.
“We are eager to review the EPA’s new proposed rule on power plants, and we’ll be ready once again to lead the charge in the fight against federal overreach,” explained West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement to the Times.
The Congressional Review Act could also be utilized to roll back the measure.
While the president has moderated on select energy projects, approving an Alaska oil drill over the objections of climate activists, he has been largely aggressive in fighting climate change. Last week, Biden announced the strictest-ever emissions standards in his ongoing bid to remake the auto industry.
Biden also announced the White House Office of Environmental Justice on Friday, which will “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms.” At a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Office, the president criticized Republican calls to end open-ended clean-energy tax cuts, included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. These tax credits could bring the total cost of the climate measures in that act to more than $1 trillion.

At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.

Because it's a moronic, expensive idea. Which explains why the leftists support it.

Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that.

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
The funny thing is...leftists don't understand that shit like this raises their electricity bill and causes power outages.

They can't put 2 and 2 together.
Gosh. I thought that happened 25 to 30 years ago?

I was living in Tampa, and I vaguely remember Tampa Electric being proud of their plant becoming clean...a big hoop Dee dah was made out of it....

So, I guess the rest of the country took a 30 yr. pass and did nothing all those years???
Gosh. I thought that happened 25 to 30 years ago?

I was living in Tampa, and I vaguely remember Tampa Electric being proud of their plant becoming clean...a big hoop Dee dah was made out of it....

So, I guess the rest of the country took a 30 yr. pass and did nothing all those years???
Coal plants installed scrubbers to capture the soot and particulates. That was reasonable and effective. I saw the exhaust plume from the Mexican Rosarito Beach coal powered plant back in 2000 and from ten miles out at sea we could see the particulates falling from the plume. They looked like rain falling from rain clouds.
Yea.....this will not end well...

You know what we need in America? More bloated bureaucracies full of power-hungry unelected officials controlling the details of our everyday life.

At least according to our president, who just signed an executive order establishing the White House Office of Environmental Justice.

"Environmental justice," yeah. What does that mean exactly? According to AP, "The White House said it wants to ensure that poverty, race and ethnic status do not lead to worse exposure to pollution and environmental harm."

Doesn't that just clear it right up?

In remarks about the move, Biden vowed that "under this order, environmental justice will become the responsibility of every single federal agency – I mean every single federal agency."

Biden going full retard and killing the American people and economy.

Every day something new, something stupid, something to screw us all.

Three people briefed on the administration’s plans told the New York Times that under the EPA’s new rules, almost all coal and gas-fired power plants would have to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.
Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that. In the case of gas plants specifically, plants could switch to a fuel source that doesn’t emit carbon like green hydrogen.
If implemented, the rule is likely to draw a legal challenge from Republican attorneys general, who have already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies.
“We are eager to review the EPA’s new proposed rule on power plants, and we’ll be ready once again to lead the charge in the fight against federal overreach,” explained West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement to the Times.
The Congressional Review Act could also be utilized to roll back the measure.
While the president has moderated on select energy projects, approving an Alaska oil drill over the objections of climate activists, he has been largely aggressive in fighting climate change. Last week, Biden announced the strictest-ever emissions standards in his ongoing bid to remake the auto industry.
Biden also announced the White House Office of Environmental Justice on Friday, which will “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms.” At a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Office, the president criticized Republican calls to end open-ended clean-energy tax cuts, included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. These tax credits could bring the total cost of the climate measures in that act to more than $1 trillion.

more money for the chinese
They're crashing it all on purpose.

It smells to me like typical leftist dirty politics.

Unless they can hold the White House until 2040, when a Republican gets in there they will remove this nonsense and then the Democrats will be telling us how Republicans want to pollute our water and air by removing environmental regulations, even if they didn't start them yet.
Biden going full retard and killing the American people and economy.

Every day something new, something stupid, something to screw us all.

Three people briefed on the administration’s plans told the New York Times that under the EPA’s new rules, almost all coal and gas-fired power plants would have to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.
Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that. In the case of gas plants specifically, plants could switch to a fuel source that doesn’t emit carbon like green hydrogen.
If implemented, the rule is likely to draw a legal challenge from Republican attorneys general, who have already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies.
“We are eager to review the EPA’s new proposed rule on power plants, and we’ll be ready once again to lead the charge in the fight against federal overreach,” explained West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement to the Times.
The Congressional Review Act could also be utilized to roll back the measure.
While the president has moderated on select energy projects, approving an Alaska oil drill over the objections of climate activists, he has been largely aggressive in fighting climate change. Last week, Biden announced the strictest-ever emissions standards in his ongoing bid to remake the auto industry.
Biden also announced the White House Office of Environmental Justice on Friday, which will “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms.” At a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Office, the president criticized Republican calls to end open-ended clean-energy tax cuts, included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. These tax credits could bring the total cost of the climate measures in that act to more than $1 trillion.

Limit energy production and you limit life choices and maximize government control
Biden going full retard and killing the American people and economy.

Every day something new, something stupid, something to screw us all.

Three people briefed on the administration’s plans told the New York Times that under the EPA’s new rules, almost all coal and gas-fired power plants would have to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. At present, fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-powered plants capture emissions from their smokestacks.
Carbon capture would not be mandated, but the strict caps on pollution rates would require plants to adopt some other technology if not that. In the case of gas plants specifically, plants could switch to a fuel source that doesn’t emit carbon like green hydrogen.
If implemented, the rule is likely to draw a legal challenge from Republican attorneys general, who have already sued the Biden administration to stop other climate policies.
“We are eager to review the EPA’s new proposed rule on power plants, and we’ll be ready once again to lead the charge in the fight against federal overreach,” explained West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement to the Times.
The Congressional Review Act could also be utilized to roll back the measure.
While the president has moderated on select energy projects, approving an Alaska oil drill over the objections of climate activists, he has been largely aggressive in fighting climate change. Last week, Biden announced the strictest-ever emissions standards in his ongoing bid to remake the auto industry.
Biden also announced the White House Office of Environmental Justice on Friday, which will “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms.” At a ceremony celebrating the creation of the Office, the president criticized Republican calls to end open-ended clean-energy tax cuts, included in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. These tax credits could bring the total cost of the climate measures in that act to more than $1 trillion.

Libs are stupid and cowardly

They pick on Americans but not china where most of the emissions come from
It smells to me like typical leftist dirty politics.

Unless they can hold the White House until 2040, when a Republican gets in there they will remove this nonsense and then the Democrats will be telling us how Republicans want to pollute our water and air by removing environmental regulations, even if they didn't start them yet.

The problem is the democrats aren’t playing the democracy game anymore…….the energy companies know that even if the republicans win once in a while, the democrats control the agencies, and will lock down the energy sector again….

how do you invest in new energy and infrastructure knowing the democrats will pull the rug out from under you?

We have a real problem…….and I don’t know how we turn it around before the democrats kill millions…
The problem is the democrats aren’t playing the democracy game anymore…….the energy companies know that even if the republicans win once in a while, the democrats control the agencies, and will lock down the energy sector again….

how do you invest in new energy and infrastructure knowing the democrats will pull the rug out from under you?

We have a real problem…….and I don’t know how we turn it around before the democrats kill millions…

Let's hope Trump wins next election because he doesn't give a shit what people say about him when he wants to do something. His last term he eliminated a bunch of stupid environmental regs.

Democrats are so FOS when they speak about helping the poor. What can hurt the working poor more than doubling their fuel costs? Here in Cleveland we have articles about how our electric rates will double by this summer. But what the hell, air conditioning should only be for the elite anyway as far as a Democrat is concerned.
Yea.....this will not end well...

You know what we need in America? More bloated bureaucracies full of power-hungry unelected officials controlling the details of our everyday life.

At least according to our president, who just signed an executive order establishing the White House Office of Environmental Justice.

"Environmental justice," yeah. What does that mean exactly? According to AP, "The White House said it wants to ensure that poverty, race and ethnic status do not lead to worse exposure to pollution and environmental harm."

Doesn't that just clear it right up?

In remarks about the move, Biden vowed that "under this order, environmental justice will become the responsibility of every single federal agency – I mean every single federal agency."

Electricity is racist!

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