Epic Smack Down Of Megyn Kelly By Newt Gingrich

Megyn is just another starlet seeking fame by any means possible.
SHes already got the fame. She just calls it like she sees it and dishes it out to both sides. Reps are so sensitive to any media critique or challenge... automatically makes them a liberal in the tank for Clinton. Get real
ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing
Wow. Gingrich completely fell apart in that interview. He devolved into a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

The man is a walking bag of hypocrisy. He impeached Billy over a blowjob, while he himself was committing adultery. He blames the GSEs for the crash, while he was employed by the GSEs during the bubble and could not say enough good things about them.

How does this man with zero integrity get airplay?
Her ratings are crashing, she won't be around much longer.

ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing

Womens sexual assault concerns??????????? is that what you said?

What about the women assaulted by Bill Clinton and then destroyed by Hillary Clinton? Do they count?
Wow. Gingrich completely fell apart in that interview. He devolved into a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

The man is a walking bag of hypocrisy. He impeached Billy over a blowjob, while he himself was committing adultery.

bullshit, he took the partisan bitch apart for her hypocrisy and lies.
I find it the height of hilarity Groper Don and his surrogates are now whining about all the media attention he is getting.

He would not be the GOP nominee were it not for all the free media attention he basked in at the beginning of this process. He got more air time than all his competitors put together, and he sure wasn't complaining then!

Just a few short months ago, he was crowing about "all Trump, all the time".

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Wow. Gingrich completely fell apart in that interview. He devolved into a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

The man is a walking bag of hypocrisy. He impeached Billy over a blowjob, while he himself was committing adultery.

bullshit, he took the partisan bitch apart for her hypocrisy and lies.
Look at his face in the final minute. Total meltdown. He turned into a snitty little five year old.

"Billy did it, too!" :crybaby:
Her ratings are crashing, she won't be around much longer.

ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing

Womens sexual assault concerns??????????? is that what you said?

What about the women assaulted by Bill Clinton and then destroyed by Hillary Clinton? Do they count?
Yes they count, but you can't just change the subject to Bill and negate everything that Trump said and did... that tactic doesn't work
Wow. Gingrich completely fell apart in that interview. He devolved into a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

The man is a walking bag of hypocrisy. He impeached Billy over a blowjob, while he himself was committing adultery.

bullshit, he took the partisan bitch apart for her hypocrisy and lies.
Kelly is equally tough and critical on Trump and Hillary. That doesn't make her partisan
Her ratings are crashing, she won't be around much longer.

ANd there it is! Trump calling out Newt for an "AMAZING interview with Kelly". Well he had one day (yesterday) where he tried to stay on message, minus the employees on Obamacare error and the Biden Barn fight... but now the focus gets to go back to Trump/Newt being clueless to womens sexual assault concerns. He's always gotta be the tough guy... so easy to take the bait. It really is amazing

Womens sexual assault concerns??????????? is that what you said?

What about the women assaulted by Bill Clinton and then destroyed by Hillary Clinton? Do they count?
Yes they count, but you can't just change the subject to Bill and negate everything that Trump said and did... that tactic doesn't work
The tactic actually backfires. Especially with women.

This is what Groper Don and his minions will never get. Logical fallacies always bite you in the ass. They are telling the world Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.

It's like watching someone hit themselves in the head with a hammer and telling their friends, "I just beat the shit out of that bitch!" :lol:
There's already a thread on this.

What you're really seeing here, is Newt Gingrich in total melt--down. He knows his political commentary days are OVER, and who is going to come out the hero in all of this will be Megyn Kelly.

She has been repeatedly attacked by the Reich wing--starting from the very 1st debate, when she brought up Trump's issues with women. You ignored her warnings, like you did everyone else's, and now you're going to pay for it, including Newt Gingrich.

Megyn Kelly is one NASTY woman--LOL And she will rise to the cream of the crop, top of the hill journalist, and she'll have her pick of wherever she wants to go.

Any right wing talk show host, their guests, any politician who has endorsed, supported or even defended Donald Trump will end up as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.

The First Trump casualty is sitting Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte--that endorsed Trump, and just now un endorsed him. Too late!
IT'S A STAMPEDE! Republicans flee Trump in unprecedented fashion month before election

"Steve Berman at The Resurgent has dire news about the Senate race in New Hampshire — and I don’t want to say it’s all Donald Trump’s fault . . . but it’s all Donald Trump’s fault:

[Democrat challenger and sitting Governor Maggie] Hassan is now up between 1 and 7 points in the last two polls. FiveThirtyEight gives Hassan a 65.8 percent chance of winning what should have been a safe senate seat from a popular Republican.

As New Hampshire goes, so goes the nation. If the highly elastic presidential polling has moved the down ballot race in the Granite State, imagine what it’s doing in other key senate races that are more positively correlated to the top of the ticket.

The highest probability event based on FiveThirtyEight’s model is that Democrats take control 51 to 49.

All you have to do, as this video effectively does, is take Sen. Ayotte’s claim that she would “absolutely” see Donald Trump as a role model, and contrast that with his own piggish statements over the years. Voila! A seat the GOP should keep is in severe jeopardy.

Donald Trump is the greatest gift the GOP could give the Democrats. We told you this. We told you, over and over. Some of you didn’t listen — and your “reward” may well be worse than losing the presidency.

If you’re a fervent Trump supporter, please: go into a closet and don’t come out again until never.

This ends the public service announcement".
Ayotte Set to Lose Senate Race for Saying Donald Trump is a Good Role Model | RedState


You were warned.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

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Wow. Gingrich completely fell apart in that interview. He devolved into a five year old. "Billy did it, too!"

The man is a walking bag of hypocrisy. He impeached Billy over a blowjob, while he himself was committing adultery. He blames the GSEs for the crash, while he was employed by the GSEs during the bubble and could not say enough good things about them.

How does this man with zero integrity get airplay?
Via the deplorable Republicans that support him.

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Serial adulterer, Newt, accusing anyone of being obsessed with sex, is fucking hilarious :lol:
Typical arrogant know it all kuuunt.
We got a real winner here. It's a wonder how the world deplorable got thrown out there and how women are going to be the reason why Trump gets booted out of this race
Newt Gingrich, who impeached a President over a blowjob, just accused someone ELSE of being obsessed with sex!

What a basket case.
This is fantastic. FINALLY somebody put that partisan bitch in her place. Newt, you ARE the man!

Newt is hardly a man....he was cheating on his cancer stricken wife at the same time he was prosecuting Bill Clinton. And he's trying to defend a sexual assault, that has already bragged about it. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Thanks for proving that you don't have any dignity or credibility as a human being. Trump and Newt have also proved it.
I'm sick and tired of people like you using language that's inflamatory and not true.

Like Hillary selling a uranium mine?

Like Benghazi?

Like Hillary engaging in pay for play?

Like Hillary receiving money from the Clinton Foundation?

Like Hillary being owned by Wall Street?

Oh, wait, this is another double standard.


So did someone send Condi Rice and Colin Powell emails with possibly classified material in it? Who knows? Powell had an AOL account and together, the two of them turned over a grand total of ZERO emails to the State Department. ZERO. Get that? ZERO. The rules apparently only apply to Democrats in general and Mrs. Clinton in particular.

Republicans can ignore email rules and requests.

Democrats should go to jail.

And Newt is a crying baby sack of shit.


Newt has a history of tantrums.

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