Europe's Farmer Revolt spreads To Ukraine & now India/Canada.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
The European Farmers Revolt is spreading rapidly & with the recent addition of the commercial fishing industry & also transportation workers now allied with farmers is pushing back against the one world without borders CC/GW globalist elitists.

Here more close to home for many of us on our USMB, we Americans have our own negative(political) issues to confront. Farmers facing g'ment restrictions on working their fields(climateers again) just drives up the purchase cost of various foods that YOU purchase. For Americans it is of the utmost importance to dismantle the EPA $pecial interest monkey that is driving up Americans co$t of living. Below just ONE of the problems facing American farmers, again from the anti-farming enviro-whackos.


There really wasn't any doubt that resistance would be over the top, right up until people started to experience the consequences firsthand and in person.

That is happening with something like half of the world's population, if combined with people of moral conscience. The large majority of denialists won't be long in following. Even some of the hardest core denialists such as those in Florida have become believers in the length of time it takes for a super hurricane to pass over.

The insurance companies don't need to be told twice on what to believe!
China is the largest emitter of imaginary climate changing CO2, so the fix is — to stomp the life out of European farmers?

Is the AGWCult evil, misguided or both?
Surprising -- at least to me -- that the Popular Revolution has started this way .

In the UK there are 105000 registered farmers and population is around 65 million +.
So ,for example , about 0.16 % of total are farmers and rising to 1.0%, allowing for family and workers ,say .
For such a small percent to produce a "tilt" moment is unusual .
Experts suggest it usually needs to be at least 3% .
Are the experts wrong?
Or is it not a true Tilt Moment?
Or do the surface events mask a much wider "sea" of unreleased emotion which will break out quickly ?

Keep watching .

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