Evidence of Machine Hacking for Biden Comes Out in Michigan: Citizens Should Demand the Ballot Images


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
This is the side of election fraud never spoken of, and hard to detect. Unless people access the ballot images.

Election integrity experts say this may be far more of a problem than voting from graveyards. Those take time to fill out. Machine hacking can add or subtract 100, 1000, or 10,000 votes from a candidate with about the same small number of keystrokes.


Evidence of Machine Hacking for Biden Comes Out in Michigan: Citizens Should Demand the Ballot Images

Evidence of vote-counting machine hacking has emerged in Michigan. Republican officials are questioning how a deep red county like Antrim, which went 62% - 32% Trump over Clinton in 2016, and 60% - 38%Romney over Obama in 2012, could suddenly flip to 62% Biden to 38% Trump. Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula have always been notoriously red.

The concern is not the small number of votes in the one small county, but the possibility that the weakness in the vote-counting machine used across Michigan, Imagecast Precinct, may have been used in less noticeable ways to build Biden's slim margin across the state.

A Michigan state representative has called the results in Antrim County "upside down."

In election watching parlance, this is primary evidence of a machine hack. Machine hacking is when optical vote-counting machines are hacked to add or subtract votes erroneously, to deliver an advantage to a candidate. If there is one thing only that optical scan machine must be able to do very precisely, it is to count votes. And they do. But not when they are programmed specifically to alter those votes.

At the annual Def Con Annual Hacking Conference in Las Vegas, the hacking of vote-counting machines has been called "child's play."

HBO documentary Hacking Democracy, vote-count hacking demonstration
Evidence of vote-counting machine hacking has emerged in Michigan. Republican officials are questioning how a deep red county like Antrim, which went 62% - 32% Trump over Clinton in 2016, and 60% - 38% Romney over Obama in 2012, could suddenly flip to 62% Biden to 38% Trump.
Easy, the Tramp and Romney vote counts were the ones hacked and the Biden vote count is real.
Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.
Election fraud as in "actually counting mail-in ballots?" Are Trump sycophants for real or are they just some bad joke the universe is playing on humanity for its miserable stewardship of the planet?
Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.
Stop pretending you idiots know there is election fraud. If you were so concerned that Trump is going to win based on what the actual votes say, you would just let these people do their jobs and investigate any funny business afterwards. I mean my god your inconsistency is childish. You say stop the vote in PA but say do recount in others. Your narrative changes based on the state of the race. You’re childish morons. It’s impossible to take you seriously.
Billy, don't tell me you did not see evidence including videos. Let me guess, you think Sleepy Joe threatening the Ukraine to lay off Burmisa to protect his crackhead son was a Photoshopped. The reality is Tom Fitton has been warning the American public about the "mail in" fraud potential for months, and President Trump hired Tom not long ago for oversight of unconstitutional judges. Rest assured President Trump and his legal team were ready and waiting for the Democrat voter fraud which is why Rudy and others filed lawsuits in such a timely manner. :dunno:
Billy, don't tell me you did not see evidence including videos. Let me guess, you think Sleepy Joe threatening the Ukraine to lay off Burmisa to protect his crackhead son was a Photoshopped. The reality is Tom Fitton has been warning the American public about the "mail in" fraud potential for months, and President Trump hired Tom not long ago for oversight of unconstitutional judges. Rest assured President Trump and his legal team were ready and waiting for the Democrat voter fraud which is why Rudy and others filed lawsuits in such a timely manner. :dunno:
Lol you idiots just need to admit that you don’t actually think there is fraud. You’re just desperate to win this election any way you can. Secretly, you don’t care what’s fair. You care that you’re side wins. That’s it.
Billy, don't tell me you did not see evidence including videos. Let me guess, you think Sleepy Joe threatening the Ukraine to lay off Burmisa to protect his crackhead son was a Photoshopped. The reality is Tom Fitton has been warning the American public about the "mail in" fraud potential for months, and President Trump hired Tom not long ago for oversight of unconstitutional judges. Rest assured President Trump and his legal team were ready and waiting for the Democrat voter fraud which is why Rudy and others filed lawsuits in such a timely manner. :dunno:
Lol you idiots just need to admit that you don’t actually think there is fraud. You’re just desperate to win this election any way you can. Secretly, you don’t care what’s fair. You care that you’re side wins. That’s it.

SillyBilly, anyone that is aware and awake knows of the commie credo of "The ends justifies the means if it furthers the communist agenda. No deed is too disgusting as there is no line in the sand that those of your ilk will not cross. Those like yourself have no moral compass to guide you by. I want to live free and decide my own path. My destiny and future decided by my own gumption and ability to learn skills that will make me successful. I do not need nor want "cradle to grave" protection of big daddy "gubermint" and this country was founded on the principles of deciding what was best for your efforts by your abilities. Wimps like you are parasites that wish to benefit from the sweat of others and you have no shame in stating as much. In the great big scheme of things? Your kind are nothing but leeches. I can't put it in any simpler terms than that.
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Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.
Election fraud as in "actually counting mail-in ballots?" Are Trump sycophants for real or are they just some bad joke the universe is playing on humanity for its miserable stewardship of the planet?
Yea, and the glare from the sun is so blinding I can't read the ballots...
let's cover the windows

Nothing to see here


Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
What in the world is happening in Detroit???

Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.
Election fraud as in "actually counting mail-in ballots?" Are Trump sycophants for real or are they just some bad joke the universe is playing on humanity for its miserable stewardship of the planet?
Yea, and the glare from the sun is so blinding I can't read the ballots...
let's cover the windows

Nothing to see here

View attachment 411454

Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
What in the world is happening in Detroit???

Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.
Election fraud as in "actually counting mail-in ballots?" Are Trump sycophants for real or are they just some bad joke the universe is playing on humanity for its miserable stewardship of the planet?
Yea, and the glare from the sun is so blinding I can't read the ballots...
let's cover the windows

Nothing to see here

View attachment 411454

Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
What in the world is happening in Detroit???

You guys keep posting Judge Judy! You do know she is a died in the wool Democrat who would tell Trump to quit Peeing on her leg, etc!
Rudy and other legal experts have filed a number of lawsuits in regards to obvious democrat election fraud. The election fraud will not stand.

Just look at who Dislikes this thread! Any real American would want to get at the truth here no matter what. I have to laugh how people keep saying "Where's the proof?" or saying that Trump has no evidence, but you start investigations based on reasonable SUSPICION, you don't start them if you already HAVE the proof!

We will get at the bottom of this no matter how much the democrats kick and scream.

Funny how ONCE AGAIN, Democrats SAY that every vote matters and is at the heart of our liberty, then when you try to PROVE every vote is accurate, they scream bloody murder!
trumps pollsters and count watchers were/are not allowed to see the ballots being counted in Pa AND in Wi, as per Rudy G. That is illegal. Why would the dems not let them watch the counts?

The bigger question is WHY WERE DEMOCRATS IN CHARGE of every vote-counting center in every swing state where suspicious activity was recorded and now fraud is suspected?

What, are democrats in sole charge of being the final arbiter of counting ballots?
This is the side of election fraud never spoken of, and hard to detect. Unless people access the ballot images.

Election integrity experts say this may be far more of a problem than voting from graveyards. Those take time to fill out. Machine hacking can add or subtract 100, 1000, or 10,000 votes from a candidate with about the same small number of keystrokes.


Evidence of Machine Hacking for Biden Comes Out in Michigan: Citizens Should Demand the Ballot Images

Evidence of vote-counting machine hacking has emerged in Michigan. Republican officials are questioning how a deep red county like Antrim, which went 62% - 32% Trump over Clinton in 2016, and 60% - 38%Romney over Obama in 2012, could suddenly flip to 62% Biden to 38% Trump. Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula have always been notoriously red.

The concern is not the small number of votes in the one small county, but the possibility that the weakness in the vote-counting machine used across Michigan, Imagecast Precinct, may have been used in less noticeable ways to build Biden's slim margin across the state.

A Michigan state representative has called the results in Antrim County "upside down."

In election watching parlance, this is primary evidence of a machine hack. Machine hacking is when optical vote-counting machines are hacked to add or subtract votes erroneously, to deliver an advantage to a candidate. If there is one thing only that optical scan machine must be able to do very precisely, it is to count votes. And they do. But not when they are programmed specifically to alter those votes.

At the annual Def Con Annual Hacking Conference in Las Vegas, the hacking of vote-counting machines has been called "child's play."

HBO documentary Hacking Democracy, vote-count hacking demonstration

A programing mistake on a ballot reader that counted the wrong ⚫ is not a deep state hack. The paper ballots will still be recounted on another device.

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