Ex-Rittenhouse Spox Turns On Him In Blistering Post

This is just amazing. The Marine Corps refused Rittenhouse on August 27, 2020. Trump praised him as a hero.

Ex-Rittenhouse Spox Turns On Him In Blistering Post

Ex-Rittenhouse Spox Turns On Him In Blistering Post

Crooks & Liars reports:
David Hancock was the spokesman for Killer Kyle Rittenhouse and his family during Killer Kyle's criminal proceedings three years ago. At the time, Hancock was laying it on as thickly as anyone, trying to portray Killer Kyle as a poor innocent waif of a boy just trying to do the right thing and who just wanted to go back to his old life and go on to Arizona State University and study to be a nurse to help people. But that was then and this is now. And Hancock is, quite frankly, sick and tired of Killer Kyle's bullshit and he's calling him out on it.

Click to expand...From Hancock's post on X:
Is anyone surprised that Kyle's far-right political handlers ensured this particular detail didn't make it into his book? (See photo)

Regarding his online high school diploma, we had to force him to complete the four years of credits in just ten months, which he did using the "Google machine."

We invested significant effort to craft the image you witnessed during the trial. We outfitted him in new suits, arranged for his haircut every weekend during the trial, and dedicated over 200 hours to prepare him for direct and cross-examination. We employed the world's leading jury consultant and conducted extensive research through three mock trials to identify the ideal jurors and the most effective approach for his testimony.

Transforming a middle school dropout who was "angry at the world" with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat.
It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into.

Instead, he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses.

Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth.

Now, he genuinely believes he is the show pony we created and has surrounded himself with sycophants who fuel his inflated ego because they prioritize their political agenda and Christian Nationalist worldview over his well-being.

Despite my efforts to guide him toward a better path in life, the allure of notoriety triumphed over the prospect of putting in the hard work of pursuing an education. Kyle is ill-equipped to offer advice to young people. I regret my role in shaping him into whatever he has become. If I had known what I know now about Kyle's history, I wouldn't have been involved.
"Crookandliars reports" ?! You've really hit rock bottom
He's old enough to break curfew and shoot people.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Democrats hate children from the moment of conception until they’re old enough to vote Democrat. Then they still keep hating most of them who don’t vote Democrat.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Democrats hate children from the moment of conception until they’re old enough to vote Democrat. Then they still keep hating most of them who don’t vote Democrat.

Kyle Rittenhouse is 20 . Why do you think he's a child?

disclaimer at bottom;

'This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member."

get a clue!

This kid is not as good as he's played. Crisis actor or autistic....his lawyers have the strings on this money puppet. But firing an amazing lawyer based on his personal beliefs is not a normal thing. He's a political pawn. Patriots have raised this teen too high up," wrote another Telegram user with the ID April Axsom.

Meanwhile, Telegram users on QAnon influencer Ron Watkins' channel called Rittenhouse a "false flag" and accused him of being part of a "psyop" to divide the QAnon world.


Rittenhouse also blasted Wood and lawyer John Pierce for raising $2 million as a legal defense fund for him that he said they used "for their own benefit."

For his part, Lin Wood posted on November 23 to his Telegram channel, telling his 766,788 subscribers that he has "said enough" about Rittenhouse.

"Please know that while I am not happy with those individuals and entities engaged in the most recent false accusations against me related to my efforts a year ago for Kyle Rittenhouse, I forgive them and I pray for them. They are influenced by the enemy and know not what they do," Wood wrote.
This kid is not as good as he's played. Crisis actor or autistic....his lawyers have the strings on this money puppet. But firing an amazing lawyer based on his personal beliefs is not a normal thing. He's a political pawn. Patriots have raised this teen too high up," wrote another Telegram user with the ID April Axsom.

Meanwhile, Telegram users on QAnon influencer Ron Watkins' channel called Rittenhouse a "false flag" and accused him of being part of a "psyop" to divide the QAnon world.


Rittenhouse also blasted Wood and lawyer John Pierce for raising $2 million as a legal defense fund for him that he said they used "for their own benefit."

For his part, Lin Wood posted on November 23 to his Telegram channel, telling his 766,788 subscribers that he has "said enough" about Rittenhouse.

"Please know that while I am not happy with those individuals and entities engaged in the most recent false accusations against me related to my efforts a year ago for Kyle Rittenhouse, I forgive them and I pray for them. They are influenced by the enemy and know not what they do," Wood wrote.
Just what the country needs: another racist Republican coward in Congress.

Meanwhile, Telegram users on QAnon influencer Ron Watkins' channel called Rittenhouse a "false flag" and accused him of being part of a "psyop" to divide the QAnon world.

Rittenhouse went out of his way, traveling to another state, with the intent of murdering black Americans.
he'd been there for over 24 hours before he had the need to defend himself, against 3 white men.

his father lived in the city.

The asshole that survived lived nearly 50 miles away, and carried a gun the state said he was not even allowed to own. the second guy he shot lived farther away than Kyle

but, keep whining.

it proves your ignorance
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Kyle Rittenhouse is 20 . Why do you think he's a child?

He was 17 when he was forced at gunpoint - literally - to defend himself.

I have not seen a word from you on this thread, condemning child abusers and a gunman who literally pointed a gun at Rittenhouse. Just general statements about how you don’t like rioters.

Since you don’t seem to know, I’ll give you their names and their information for your comments:

Joseph Rosenbaum.

He tried to take Kyle’s gun likely to kill him. Kyle successfully defended himself by killing Joseph. He was sent to Prison at age 18 for molesting five preteen boys.

He won’t be molesting anymore, that’s for sure.

Anthony Huber.

He tried to kill Rittenhouse with his skateboard. Kyle defended himself successfully. Huber was in prison twice, once for strangling his own brother, and once for kicking his sister.

His siblings are now safe from his escalating violence.

Gage Grosskreutz.

Grosskreutz did not need to try to take Kyle‘s rifle, since he had brought his own pistol. He admitted that his pistol was pointed at Rittenhouse the moment that Rittenhouse shot him. Since the arm disabled him, Rittenhouse did not fire again so this one live to tell the tail.

Alone among the attackers, this one had no prison record. He admitted that he was unlawfully caring a gun, and to pointing it at a minor, but was miraculously not charged for either crime.

So he is the only successful scofflaw among the three.
He was 17 when he was forced at gunpoint - literally - to defend himself.

I have not seen a word from you on this thread, condemning child abusers and a gunman who literally pointed a gun at Rittenhouse. Just general statements about how you don’t like rioters.

Since you don’t seem to know, I’ll give you their names and their information for your comments:

Joseph Rosenbaum.

He tried to take Kyle’s gun likely to kill him. Kyle successfully defended himself by killing Joseph. He was sent to Prison at age 18 for molesting five preteen boys.

He won’t be molesting anymore, that’s for sure.

Anthony Huber.

He tried to kill Rittenhouse with his skateboard. Kyle defended himself successfully. Huber was in prison twice, once for strangling his own brother, and once for kicking his sister.

His siblings are now safe from his escalating violence.

Gage Grosskreutz.

Grosskreutz did not need to try to take Kyle‘s rifle, since he had brought his own pistol. He admitted that his pistol was pointed at Rittenhouse the moment that Rittenhouse shot him. Since the arm disabled him, Rittenhouse did not fire again so this one live to tell the tail.

Alone among the attackers, this one had no prison record. He admitted that he was unlawfully caring a gun, and to pointing it at a minor, but was miraculously not charged for either crime.

So he is the only successful scofflaw among the three.

Gage Grosskreutz.

"The only survivor of the 2020 Wisconsin shootings by teenager Kyle Rittenhouse has a lengthy criminal record that includes burglary, drunk driving and a domestic incident, according to a new report."

Did you understand it or was it just too hard to read?
to be clear, the OP did not post this part, he went back and edited after I called him out on it. MYOB

This is just amazing. The Marine Corps refused Rittenhouse on August 27, 2020. Trump praised him as a hero.

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