Fact Check: Did Anheuser-Busch Lose $4bn Value Amid Dylan Mulvaney Issue?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
On the surface, they have lost market share. When you do a deep dive, it's not totally clear if ALL the losses were directly due to the tranny, but clearly it hasn't helped their sales.


Culture war arguments around the visibility of trans people have magnetized toward beer brand Bud Light after it employed Dylan Mulvaney as a promoter on Instagram, incensing conservative voices online. Some have suggested boycotting the company behind Bud Light, Anheuser-Busch InBev, for its use of a transgender celebrity in its advertising.

I don't care how this gets spun... when you lose over 5 billion in market share it hurts.... If I owned Transhiser Busch I would of fired that idiot woman by now.... this boycott has legs and its not over by a longshot yet....
I read that Kidboy and Tritt don't have a say in what is sold in concessions at their shows. Something called a signed contract???
I read that Kidboy and Tritt don't have a say in what is sold in concessions at their shows. Something called a signed contract???
You Lefties seem to have a go-to response that always includes the idea that you can compel others to your will. Is there also a clause in their contracts that force their fans to choose something with this freak's face on it? No, I didn't think so.
I read that Kidboy and Tritt don't have a say in what is sold in concessions at their shows. Something called a signed contract???
Those 2 mucks can cancel their shows, but if they did who would the losers be then?
You Lefties seem to have a go-to response that always includes the idea that you can compel others to your will. Is there also a clause in their contracts that force their fans to choose something with this freak's face on it? No, I didn't think so.
What part of that image on a can isn't available to the public?

Get your facts together and quit talking nonsense.
It's now closer to $6 billion.
And the kind of people that drink Bud Light are also the kind of people that tend to stick with something that say. So... not a good thing for AB.
The company has now back tracked in the weakest way by throwing the VP that THEY HIRED under the bus and say that no senior member was aware of this and has cancelled all connections with Dylan
Outrage about the trannie Bud Lite representative and you can't connect the dots over the sudden loss of revenue? Get real.
Here's the way I see it, and I would love to have been in the boardrooms of companies and corporations like Budweiser to get the whole story, but anyway here's my take.

I think in this particular case they figured going in with an ad campaign such as this that in the near term they would take a hit, but I think they're looking down the road, and they know that the Baby Boomers will be gone in a couple more decades, and they need to start attracting more people who are open to this sort of shit we are seeing more and more.
It's called 'CEI' 'Corporate Equality Index'.
Today's corporations are under the thumb of this index, and they know going forward they will have no choice but to bend over and grab their ankles for the screeching minority leftists who like it or not have growing #'s and they will perform Jesse Jackass and Al Sharpton type strong arm tactics if they dare go astray.
Just look at things like what MLB did a couple years back with the All Star game. Businesses cave to the screechers that howl with the usual, "racist, sexist, homophobe, nativist, blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" shit that we've been dealing with for years now. They usually don't cave very far to conservatives, because they know where the future is.
So in the end with this case, I'm betting they knew they'd take a hit for now, but at the same time be able to wave their CEI score around claiming "they be woke!" and eventually they'll make it up later by appealing to the future weird ass fucks that will be taking over for us down the road.
CEO of Anhueser-Busch writes letter in response to controversy -

Weak, and is a letter saying more how awesome he is than anything else.
It is a well thought out letter to apologize without apologizing. To say a mistake was made without saying they made a mistake.

Meanwhile the company has cut all ties with the mentally ill Dylan. It was the company that told the VP of Marketing to delete everything on the net about Dylan, about social issues etc.

ME - Let this be a lesson to dumbass, weak companies who hire people like her.
I still like RED BUDWEISER from top shelf back of fridge cold. Tall bottles only, properly recycled.

I feel sorry for STL workers over MGT screwups.
On the surface, they have lost market share. When you do a deep dive, it's not totally clear if ALL the losses were directly due to the tranny, but clearly it hasn't helped their sales.


In my never to be considered humble opinion--but it IS just an opinion--most Americans don't want in your face sociopolitical propaganda on/in their products, services, entertainment or whatever.

Live your life as you choose and allow me and others to do the same and we will get along fine. But get in my face or demand that I or anybody else accept your choices or whatever you demand of us, and we are going to have problems.

Most of us had zero problem with Aunt Jemima's or Uncle Ben's lovable smiling faces on syrup bottles or rice boxes and these were positive images for children and adults who saw those images as lovable. They were a positive influence in allowing people to just be people and accept people. But then ordinary lovable white people, black people, all people see such lovable images as normal and appropriate and aren't in your face about anything.

Transgendering by anybody's definition exists but cannot be considered 'normal' human behavior.

Should we allow the abnormal whether it be that or any other abnormal biological situations? Yes.

Should we be forced to see it as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

Should Dylan Mulvaney be allowed to be whatever/whoever he is? Yes.

Should we be forced to see Dylan Mulvaney as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

That was the mistake Anheuser-Busch made, i.e. pushing the abnormal and/or sociopolitically controversial on us as 'normal'. And normal Americans everywhere recoiled and rejected that as inappropriate, undesirable, and/or something they were expected to just accept as normal.
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In my never to be considered humble opinion--but it IS just an opinion--most Americans don't want in your face sociopolitical propaganda on/in their products, services, entertainment or whatever.

Live your life as you choose and allow me and others to do the same and we will get along fine. But get in my face or demand that I or anybody else accept your choices or whatever you demand of us, and we are going to have problems.

Most of us had zero problem with Aunt Jemima's or Uncle Ben's lovable smiling faces on syrup bottles or rice boxes and these were positive images for children and adults who saw those images as lovable. They were a positive influence in allowing people to just be people and accept people. But then ordinary lovable white people, black people, all people see such lovable images as normal and appropriate and aren't in your face about anything.

Transgendering by anybody's definition exists but cannot be considered 'normal' human behavior.

Should we allow the abnormal whether it be that or any other abnormal biological situations? Yes.

Should we be forced to see it as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

Should Byron Mulvaney be allowed to be whatever/whoever he is? Yes.

Should we be forced to see Dylan Mulvaney as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

That was the mistake Anheuser-Busch made, i.e. pushing the abnormal and/or sociopolitically controversial on us as 'normal'. And normal Americans everywhere recoiled and rejected that as inappropriate, undesirable, and/or something they were expected to just accept as normal.
yeah... we can just go ahead and close this thread now.
Nothing is going to top this response.
In my never to be considered humble opinion--but it IS just an opinion--most Americans don't want in your face sociopolitical propaganda on/in their products, services, entertainment or whatever.

Live your life as you choose and allow me and others to do the same and we will get along fine. But get in my face or demand that I or anybody else accept your choices or whatever you demand of us, and we are going to have problems.

Most of us had zero problem with Aunt Jemima's or Uncle Ben's lovable smiling faces on syrup bottles or rice boxes and these were positive images for children and adults who saw those images as lovable. They were a positive influence in allowing people to just be people and accept people. But then ordinary lovable white people, black people, all people see such lovable images as normal and appropriate and aren't in your face about anything.

Transgendering by anybody's definition exists but cannot be considered 'normal' human behaviour.

Should we allow the abnormal whether it be that or any other abnormal biological situations? Yes.

Should we be forced to see it as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

Should Dylan Mulvaney be allowed to be whatever/whoever he is? Yes.

Should we be forced to see Dylan Mulvaney as commonplace, normal, desirable? No.

That was the mistake Anheuser-Busch made, i.e. pushing the abnormal and/or socio-politically controversial on us as 'normal'. And normal Americans everywhere recoiled and rejected that as inappropriate, undesirable, and/or something they were expected to just accept as normal.
USMB post of the year so far.

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