Famine Coming Thanks to Liberal Hysteria

I can't speak for Gator, but I'll get mine along with seasonal flu shot. You gonna go suck down your weekly horse paste?
You either listen to too much CNN or are a CNN type shill. Ivermectin whether in horse paste or pill form that is used for humans and animals alike is simply avermectin molecule that has been used since its discovery in the 70's. Do you equate Penicillin to horses only too since it is still used in livestock frequently?

Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective

You either listen to too much CNN or are a CNN type shill. Ivermectin whether in horse paste or pill form that is used for humans and animals alike is simply avermectin molecule that has been used since its discovery in the 70's. Do you equate Penicillin to horses only too since it is still used in livestock frequently?

Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective

But COVID19 is NOT a fungus and is not bacteria, it is a VIRUS???? So, why would a wonder drug that is used for fungal and bacterial infections, be used to treat a viral infection?
But COVID19 is NOT a fungus and is not bacteria, it is a VIRUS???? So, why would a wonder drug that is used for fungal and bacterial infections, be used to treat a viral infection?
Because it also kills certain single stranded RNA viruses.
Because it also kills certain single stranded RNA viruses.
And dear Lord, I hope it works! But we need trials to be completed, to know for certain....before people start self medicating....dosage, when to use etc get determined by trials as well. Unless you are under a doctor's care, I wouldn't jump the gun, on your own.

The preliminary results of several studies may show potential for the effectiveness of ivermectin as an antiviral in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. However, it is too early to draw overarching conclusions. Clinical trials and further research are still necessary to determine whether the drug is both safe and effective in human patients infected by SARS-CoV-2
And dear Lord, I hope it works! But we need trials to be completed, to know for certain....before people start self medicating....dosage, when to use etc get determined by trials as well. Unless you are under a doctor's care, I wouldn't jump the gun, on your own.

The preliminary results of several studies may show potential for the effectiveness of ivermectin as an antiviral in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. However, it is too early to draw overarching conclusions. Clinical trials and further research are still necessary to determine whether the drug is both safe and effective in human patients infected by SARS-CoV-2
We all have the absolute God given right to take responsibility for our own health choices.

I do hope you realize that there is way too much fraud and greed going down to trust much of anything in the medical sphere right now. Many of us have been self medicating and making our own health choices for years because we already knew how corrupt that many of the medical venues are.

How many people died for lack of preventive medicine and believed the lies before this was retracted? Do the research and look to see how many died in that those trials that were purposely OD'd with hydroxychloroquine in order to push the covid agenda.

Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID ...
https://www.nature.com › ... › review articles
by F Heidary · 2020 · Cited by 206 — It is an enveloped, non-segmented, single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus from the Alphavirus genus, Togaviridae family. The drug reduced ...

The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of ...

https://www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii
by L Caly · 2020 · Cited by 1584 — Ivermectin is an inhibitor of the COVID-19 causative virus (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro. •. A single treatment able to effect ~5000-fold reduction in virus at 48 h ...

Repurposing Ivermectin for COVID-19: Molecular Aspects and ...

https://www.frontiersin.org › fimmu.2021.663586 › full

by Z Wehbe · 2021 · Cited by 9 — One of these drugs is ivermectin (IVM), an antiparasitic drug created in the 1970s. IVM later exerted antiviral activity against various viruses ...

Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication ... - NCBI

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC3888155

by E Mastrangelo · 2012 · Cited by 305 — The well-tolerated drug ivermectin may hold great potential for treatment of YFV ... The genus Flavivirus comprises small single-stranded RNA viruses within ...

Exploring the binding efficacy of ivermectin against the key ...

https://www.futuremedicine.com › pdf › fvl-2020-0342
by A Choudhury · 2021 · Cited by 6 — Results: Ivermectin was found as a blocker of viral replicase, ... a 29,903 base long, positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome [3].

A systematic review of experimental evidence for antiviral ...

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › fcp
Jan 11, 2021 — Ivermectin inhibited the replication of many viruses including those in ... positive-sense, single-stranded flaviviruses including Dengue, ...
Effectiveness of Ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Patients - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov
We all have the absolute God given right to take responsibility for our own health choices.

I do hope you realize that there is way too much fraud and greed going down to trust much of anything in the medical sphere right now. Many of us have been self medicating and making our own health choices for years because we already knew how corrupt that many of the medical venues are.

How many people died for lack of preventive medicine and believed the lies before this was retracted? Do the research and look to see how many died in that those trials that were purposely OD'd with hydroxychloroquine in order to push the covid agenda.
You can't just ditch medical trials Rodishi. They are very important!
You can't just ditch medical trials Rodishi. They are very important!
So just allow big pharma to start poisoning peoples children even more so with all this shit and let MSM liars have their way with no major push back against what they are doing? That isn't going to happen and Rod and I will both stand with parents and people trying defend themselves against these tyrants.

FDA just like most MSM lost their credibility long ago.

I don't take issue with valid and credible clinical trials. I do take issue with liars and thieves and those who pander to them though and I always will. Especially with those who use and abuse their positions as if they have the right to do so because they get paid to do such.
What kind of a fucking moron thinks stores having trouble getting shipments and stockers is a famine?
In modern western society, it would take about a week for chaos to break out if the food supply chain is disrupted too much. Very few have any idea just how fragile it really is and assume there will always be someone to make sure they get fed.

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