Fasting for Bloodwork reeks havoc on my blood sugar..when i have to fast i will figure out the last hour i can eat and drink...set an alarm and get up..not having water that long is the hard part...

Wait. What? The lab technician told my dad to drink tons of water.
When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
Is it a Lipid panel?
Is it a Lipid panel?

Maybe but I think fasting is a reasonable accommodation. Now I hate my dad with a passionate fury. He has did absolutely 100% nothing in the last 90 days I have been here and more than likely 3 years prior to that. He had one job. Fast for twelve hours, drink plenty of water, and have your blood work done. He refused to do it because it was a thing and he doesn’t do things.
Don't withhold water, of course. Fasting is GOOD for blood sugar as it resets the metabolism.
I was putting on some weight so I stopped eating dinner... I have a healthy breakfast... a big lunch and that's it until the next day... My bloodwork has improved and I've lost 10 pounds in 3 months...
When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’nd plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
I've gone in having eaten 4 hours earlier. No big deal, cholesterol and blood sugar was a little higher. reeks havoc on my blood sugar..when i have to fast i will figure out the last hour i can eat and drink...set an alarm and get up..not having water that long is the hard part...
I have never had blood work that required not drinking. AAMOF, the lab encourages you to drink. It makes drawing blood easier.
If he doesn't want the blood work then that's his problem, not yours.
Then I can leave him here to live by himself if he is a big boy. My mom passed on August 13. I have been living here with him ever since. He asks me to do dozens of things every day.

I guess I don’t have to do any of them either by your logic. I have lost three months income dealing with him. If I want him to fast for 12 hours and have bloodworms done, I think I am being pretty reasonable. I lost a lot so far being here. I could lose even more if he lives 5 or 10 more years.

I get a third of the inheritance whether I stay here with him or not. I’m not benefiting. He is. I can’t make him drink water but I am in a position to force him to fast.
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When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
Why not call his Dr & see what he says?
Why not call his Dr & see what he says?
The blood work was their idea. It wasn’t mine and it sure wasn’t his. They require bloodwork ever 90 days before sending prescriptions to the pharmacy. Apparently they aren’t too strict about it though.
When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
Fasting is important only for certain of the many tests they can do. Many tests do not require fasting.

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