Father of Fallen Marine Interrupts Joe Biden’s State of the Union And Gets Tossed Out And Arrested

How many American service members died in Afghanistan in the last year of Trump's presidency?
How many died in the first year of Biden's?

We didn't lose a single soldier in combat with the Taliban while Biden has been president.

Why did Trump withdraw all those troops in 2020 while the Taliban refused to comply with their Doha Accords conditions? Weren't our troop withdrawals suppose to be based on them complying with those conditions before we removed them. Also, weren't those troops the leverage we needed to make sure the Taliban complied?
We didn't lose a single soldier in combat with the Taliban while Biden has been president.

Why did Trump withdraw all those troops in 2020 while the Taliban refused to comply with their Doha Accords conditions? Weren't our troop withdrawals suppose to be based on them complying with those conditions before we removed them. Also, weren't those troops the leverage we needed to make sure the Taliban complied?
We lost 13 at that airport in Kabul, you clueless buffoon! All because Joe Biden FUBARED that withdrawal! Those service members didn't need to die.
Joining the military is killer.
Joining the military when your Commander In Chief is an idiot is what is "killer", Moonglow! Joe Biden has always been stupid. Barack Obama WARNED us that he'd screw things up! It's what he does.
We lost 13 at that airport in Kabul, you clueless buffoon! All because Joe Biden FUBARED that withdrawal! Those service members didn't need to die.
Calm down Trigger. They died because of a ISIS suicide bomber who blew himself up. How come the real fuck up, you know Trumpyberra, how come he didn't insist the Taliban comply with the conditions, (especially the condition of cracking down on terrorist like ISIS) of our so called conditional withdrawal before he withdrew 80 % of our troops. Why did the leave the next CiC just 2,500 troops.
Calm down Trigger. They died because of a ISIS suicide bomber who blew himself up. How come the real fuck up, you know Trumpyberra, how come he didn't insist the Taliban comply with the conditions, (especially the condition of cracking down on terrorist like ISIS) of our so called conditional withdrawal before he withdrew 80 % of our troops. Why did the leave the next CiC just 2,500 troops.
They died because Biden put them in an indefensible position at the airport in Kabul instead of at Bagram where they would have been safe from suicide bombers! Did the Taliban kill any Americans the last year before Trump left office? The answer to that is NO. That didn't happen until Clueless Joe got behind the desk in the Oval Office and started making stupid decisions.
...and that piece of Pototathead shit just ignored him. There have been other scumbag Presidents like LBJ, Slick Willy and Gay Barry but Potatohead is the King of the Scumbags.

His massive incompetent in the withdrawal from Afghanistan caused the death of that Marine. A big fuck up just like Gay Barry said he would fuck up everything he touched.

Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
At the State of the Union, you saw the real Joe Biden, mean, irritable, and unrepentant.

He has no feeling for the father of the fallen soldier, nor for the fallen soldier that died under his inept command.
We lost 13 at that airport in Kabul, you clueless buffoon! All because Joe Biden FUBARED that withdrawal! Those service members didn't need to die.

Don't forget helpless civilians died, too. Some were so desperate to get out after Biden handed it over to the Taliban, they clung to the outside of departing planes, and died horrible deaths.
Don't forget helpless civilians died, too. Some were so desperate to get out after Biden handed it over to the Taliban, they clung to the outside of departing planes, and died horrible deaths.
That's not even talking about our Afghan allies that Biden left behind...many of whom were then executed by the Taliban. All the while Biden was bragging about how he'd gotten us out of Afghanistan. You did Joe...you just abandoned thousands of our friends in the meantime! Oh and billions of dollars of military equipment that now is in the hands of terrorists!
At the State of the Union, you saw the real Joe Biden, mean, irritable, and unrepentant.

He has no feeling for the father of the fallen soldier, nor for the fallen soldier that died under his inept command.
That stupid worthless sonofabitch doesn't give a shit about anybody except himself.

He doesn't even give a shit about the Illegals he is allowing to flood in. All he is doing is using them to do the job that most Americans find so disgusting - vote for Democrats.

He sure as hell doesn't give a shit about working American families. His massive inflation and high energy prices have been a disaster for all families. Family income is down.

He doesn't give a shit about our military. He has weaken it significantly.

He doesn't give a shit about young White girls. He allows criminals to come in and kill the girls.

He doesn't give a shit about the Constitution. Last night he advocated infringing upon one of the Rights in the Bill of Rights. The very one that says "shall not be infringed".
Afghanistan was a 15-year hot potato that never should have happened

Bush43 screwed up by his attempted nation building in a country stuck in the 17th century

We should have invaded after 9/11, killed every foreign fighter we found along with any taliban who objected and came home after 6 months

Bush and obama were wrong, and trump lead the way toward getting out
They died because Biden put them in an indefensible position at the airport in Kabul instead of at Bagram where they would have been safe from suicide bombers! Did the Taliban kill any Americans the last year before Trump left office? The answer to that is NO. That didn't happen until Clueless Joe got behind the desk in the Oval Office and started making stupid decisions.

The evacuation was planned and carried out by the best military in the world. President Biden didn't micromanage our military experts. The Taliban didn't engage the US or our Nato Allied after the Doha Accord was signed. Not a single soldier was KIA by the Taliban after that was signed. Benedict Donald didn't enforce 6 out of 7 conditions of the Accord on the Taliban but forced our Generals to comply with all 8 of ours. Why did he do that?
Afghanistan was a 15-year hot potato that never should have happened

Bush43 screwed up by his attempted nation building in a country stuck in the 17th century

We should have invaded after 9/11, killed every foreign fighter we found along with any taliban who objected and came home after 6 months

Bush and obama were wrong, and trump lead the way toward getting out
I can't disagree with that. Except maybe we should have left as soon as we knew Bin Laden had escaped at Tora Bora,
The evacuation was planned and carried out by the best military in the world. President Biden didn't micromanage our military experts. The Taliban didn't engage the US or our Nato Allied after the Doha Accord was signed. Not a single soldier was KIA by the Taliban after that was signed. Benedict Donald didn't enforce 6 out of 7 conditions of the Accord on the Taliban but forced our Generals to comply with all 8 of ours. Why did he do that?
Biden set policy, Boo. Why you think the Generals did amuses me. They weren't the ones who closed Bagram. That was Biden and his gang of idiots. Generals follow orders. Those orders came from the Biden White House. Claiming anything else is to claim that the military was running our foreign policy and not Biden and the State Department.
Biden set policy, Boo. Why you think the Generals did amuses me. They weren't the ones who closed Bagram. That was Biden and his gang of idiots. Generals follow orders. Those orders came from the Biden White House. Claiming anything else is to claim that the military was running our foreign policy and not Biden and the State Department.
You've been lied too.

"Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation."

Military Leaders, Gen. Milley Testify on Afghanistan Exit: Full Hearing Transcript | Rev Blog

".....So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)
We all can understand the grief that Mr. N. feels for his beloved son.

But he was wrong to interrupt the president's speech.

He should, instead, work hard to defeat President Biden's reelection.
Consider his interrupting the president's speech as an act of civil disobedience which may very well contribute to Biden's defeat in the election.
Joining the military when your Commander In Chief is an idiot is what is "killer", Moonglow! Joe Biden has always been stupid. Barack Obama WARNED us that he'd screw things up! It's what he does.
I served during Reagan when over two hundred and fifty Marines were killed in Lebanon in a terrorist attack and the GOP worshipping Saint Reagan.

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