FDA asks federal judge to seal Pfizer vaccine data for 55 years

Nothing surprises me anymore. I don’t know what that says about me.

This is all so appalling as to be unbelievable. We as a nation are willingly walking into the trap of totalitarianism. A trap set for us by the oligarchy.
I booked marked this article.

I now have Pfizer's own vaccine research & stats to throw right into the face of these Covidiots when they are bullshitting me.

I booked marked this article.

I now have Pfizer's own vaccine research & stats to throw right into the face of these Covidiots when they are bullshitting me.
You can bookmark this too... Reports from Sweden, their equivalent to FDA.

Reported suspected adverse reactions - corona vaccines

Up to 09/12/21 a number of 87 738 reports on suspected adverse reactions has been sent to the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Swedish MPA).

Remember folks, it's "safe and effective".

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