Feds going after Jihadi-Rep Ilhan Omar for immigration fraud

Omar is an Illegal Immigrant ! She won't be in office much longer! She can return to Somalia and live under Sharia Law, That's what she wants her constituents to do here!
You should open a travel agency since you're all about telling people they need go live in other countries. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
I must have hit a nerve! Travelocity has a great deal 1 way tickets to shithole third world Muslim Country's, not going very fast but the price is right !
Don't live in America and bite the hand of freedom that cradles your sorry ass!
Save your lecture retard. ... :cuckoo:

I am 3rd generation American born citizen and a US Army veteran.

Thus, I have 1st and 2nd amendment rights to protect me from loons like you. ... :cool:
Omar is an Illegal Immigrant ! She won't be in office much longer! She can return to Somalia and live under Sharia Law, That's what she wants her constituents to do here!
You should open a travel agency since you're all about telling people they need go live in other countries. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Don't live in America and bite the hand of freedom that cradles your sorry ass!
Actually...he fought for the freedoms your sorry ass enjoys.
Which freedoms did he secure? I don't think "NO bama" ever fought for or served anything but his own Political ambition. He'll go down in History as probably the worst President in History along side Woodrow Wilson the first Progressive!
But that isn't similar to what Omar said.

Sure it is what she said,
"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties"

I don't see anything in that that speaks of Muslims being owed something. Rather - I see it as she is tired of all Muslims being blamed for the acts of a few terrorists which is essentially what whites complain about when they feel they are blamed for slavery.
A few? Thousands of attacks a year around the world by Muslims, thousands killed a year by Muslim terrorists and you say a few? Meanwhile retards like you claim a couple random attacks by crazy people that happened to believe in Christ is equivalent. Damn you people are beyond stupid.

We have had far more lethal attacks here in the US by non-Muslim extremists. Omar is right.

Omar is an Illegal Immigrant ! She won't be in office much longer! She can return to Somalia and live under Sharia Law, That's what she wants her constituents to do here!

That is an interesting claim. I suspect it is fictional. Any evidence to support it?

Perhaps her support of gay rights? https:www.haaretz.com/us-news/ilhan-omar-rallies-support-for-bill-banning-gay-conversion-therapy-1.7046785

Her position on women’s rights?
Ilhan Omar – Feminist Majority PAC
She’s supposed to be working for the people, not being a racist POS. You should be thanking the Americans for putting you in office, not being a disrespectful asshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gratitude seems alien to her.


The Star Tribune noticed that Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar filed illegal joint returns with Ahmed Hirsi in 2014 and 2015 in yesterday’s story by Patrick Condon and Patrick Coolican. The illegal returns came to light in connection with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board investigation of Omar for her misuse of campaign funds for personal purposes.

Omar could not have reasonably believed that she lawfully filed joint tax returns with a man who was not her husband for tax years 2014 and 2015 — while she was married to another man.
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