
“the I want women, doctors, AND LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”

Taking about abortion.

Interesting that you have to interpret for him while complaining that Fetterman can’t express himself well enough for you
More interesting that you can’t post the entire quote. You’re a hack.
“the I want women, doctors, AND LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”

Taking about abortion.

Interesting that you have to interpret for him while complaining that Fetterman can’t express himself well enough for you
Hi, Good night.

"I do support fracking, and I don’t, I don’t — I support fracking, and I stand, and I do support fracking."

Sorry but the DNC ran the waterboy for senate in pa
“the I want women, doctors, AND LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS”

Taking about abortion.

Interesting that you have to interpret for him while complaining that Fetterman can’t express himself well enough for you

He is interpreting it for YOU since you clearly can’t understand. Oz simply said that abortion is a state issue, which it CLEARLY is.
He is interpreting it for YOU since you clearly can’t understand. Oz simply said that abortion is a state issue, which it CLEARLY is.
Oz said what he said

Abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders.
Oz said what he said

Abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders.

He simply said the decision regarding abortion needs to be decided at the state level, so natually local political leaders would be involved in that decision. What don’t you understand about that? Despite what you think, society, in this case, local society, does have a say as to whether or not abortion should be legal. There is a legitmate discussion to be had regarding when the fetus becomes a human. The actual abortion debate aside, Oz was simply saying that this is an issue that should be decided at the state level and not the federal level and he is ABSOLUTELY, ENTIRELY correct.
Oz said what he said

Abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders.

He simply said the decision regarding abortion needs to be decided at the state level, so natually local political leaders would be involved in that decision. What don’t you understand about that? Despite what you think, society, in this case, local society, does have a say as to whether or not abortion should be legal. There is a legitmate discussion to be had regarding when the fetus becomes a human. The actual abortion debate aside, Oz was simply saying that this is an issue that should be decided at the state level and not the federal level and he is ABSOLUTELY, ENTIRELY correct.
Lesh is just being obtuse.
He simply said the decision regarding abortion needs to be decided at the state level, so natually local political leaders would be involved in that decision. What don’t you understand about that? Despite what you think, society, in this case, local society, does have a say as to whether or not abortion should be legal. There is a legitmate discussion to be had regarding when the fetus becomes a human. The actual abortion debate aside, Oz was simply saying that this is an issue that should be decided at the state level and not the federal level and he is ABSOLUTELY, ENTIRELY correct.
He didn't say "at the state level"

He said "local political leaders"

Does Oz have a problem communicating?
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NYT poll - fetterman +5

Includes 20% fraud fudge factor

Poll actually showed oz +15
He didn't say "at the state level"

He said "local political leaders"

Does Oz have a problem communicating?
“There should not be involvement from the federal government in how STATES decide their abortion decisions. As a physician, I’ve been in the room when there’s some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

He actually did say the States should decide.

Do you believe that Oz is advocating for local mayors or town councilmen to be in the room with women and their doctors? Do you think that he's advocating for individual towns/counties to make their own laws regarding abortion? What is it exactly do you think he was saying in the entire quote, not the part of a sentence you cut out.

The reality is your only objection to Oz is the R next to his name and the only reason you are supporting Fetterman is the D. I doubt you have any idea where either candidate stands on the majority of the issues and if they switched party affiliation tmw you'd be on here defending Oz and castigating Fetterman.
So, apparently, John Fetterman suffered some sort of auditory damage from his stroke and, as a result, he will have the benefit of closed captioning during his debate with Dr. Oz tonight.

Is this fair? It seems to me that the voters should be able to see how he performs post-stroke, without the benefit of any aid which might not be always available to him. Shouldn't that be a valid concern?

Allowing him to use closed captioning largely removes the ability of Pennsylvania voters to see the adverse effects of his stroke, thereby presenting a false impression of Fetterman...
I didn't begrudge him the closed captions, like I wouldn't begrudge someone needing a chair if they are unable to stand for long periods of time. A disability is a disability. What I would have preferred, however, is for a camera to show what he was seeing to make sure he's getting only the questions and not suggested answers. Of course, as part of the job of being a Senator, isn't the ability to hear what someone else is saying important?
I didn't begrudge him the closed captions, like I wouldn't begrudge someone needing a chair if they are unable to stand for long periods of time. A disability is a disability. What I would have preferred, however, is for a camera to show what he was seeing to make sure he's getting only the questions and not suggested answers. Of course, as part of the job of being a Senator, isn't the ability to hear what someone else is saying important?
And he can do that. It’s not like senators don’t have staffs

As noted… there are currently at least two Congressmen who have recently had strokes are so their job just fine.

If that is really your concern it is one you needn’t have
And he can do that. It’s not like senators don’t have staffs

As noted… there are currently at least two Congressmen who have recently had strokes are so their job just fine.

If that is really your concern it is one you needn’t have

I know a guy who jumped out of an airplane without a parachute. He's fine. You should try it.

What does one person's recovery from a stroke have to do with another's? Seriously. Just because there are a couple of people in the Senate who have had strokes in the past doesn't mean everyone who's had a stroke is still capable of handling the job.
I didn't begrudge him the closed captions, like I wouldn't begrudge someone needing a chair if they are unable to stand for long periods of time. A disability is a disability. What I would have preferred, however, is for a camera to show what he was seeing to make sure he's getting only the questions and not suggested answers. Of course, as part of the job of being a Senator, isn't the ability to hear what someone else is saying important?
You wouldnt say that about a deaf person.
And he can do that. It’s not like senators don’t have staffs

As noted… there are currently at least two Congressmen who have recently had strokes are so their job just fine.

If that is really your concern it is one you needn’t have
There are varying degrees of damage that can occur after a stroke, so saying somebody else had a stroke and is just fine means nothing. Heck, I work with a guy that had a stroke and you'd never know it happened if he didn't tell you. Some strokes, OTOH, are immediately fatal, it all depends where the bleeding is in the brain and how much blood was lost. So, the question becomes, just like with Quid Pro Joe's dementia, is the damage bad enough that it will affect his ability to do the job? In Quid Pro's case, that's a resounding YES, in Fetterman's case, also yes. We do NOT need another mumbling, incoherent teleprompter reader in Washington who needs a perpetual swarm of sycophants (you know who you are) telling everyone that no, he didn't mean what he just said, this is what he really meant to say.

Fetterman should take the time to heal as much as he can heal before attempting to become a Senator in Washington that will be ignored.
You wouldnt say that about a deaf person.
You mean, ASK that about a deaf person, and why not? The question is NOT, can he do the job with help, it is can he do it well, or would the inability to hear what is being said be a hinderance? Can a deaf person or someone with auditory problems such as Fetterman do the job well if he is always 5 seconds behind everyone else or needs constant explanation about what other people are saying? The voters can rightly decide that such a person is not well suited for the job. The deaf can function quite normally in a lot of situations, but there are jobs that they're not well suited to perform.

And, before you get your panties in a bunch, this is no more discriminatory than asking if a one-legged person would be fit for a job as a firefighter. Sure, we can make all sorts of accommodations for a person with one leg, but should we expect him/her to carry an unconscious person out of a burning building? Would a one-armed LEO be effective trying to handcuff a struggling suspect?
I didn't begrudge him the closed captions, like I wouldn't begrudge someone needing a chair if they are unable to stand for long periods of time. A disability is a disability. What I would have preferred, however, is for a camera to show what he was seeing to make sure he's getting only the questions and not suggested answers. Of course, as part of the job of being a Senator, isn't the ability to hear what someone else is saying important?


And I do begrudge him the closed captions. Unless the guy plans on traveling with a closed-caption set-up everywhere he goes, it becomes a profoundly important issue, and one which rightly should give people pause...
Yea he had an issue then. A couple seconds in and hour plus debate


And those few seconds were monumental.

When Dr. Oz wins in Pennsylvania, you'll be able to look at those "couple seconds" as the reason why...

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