Florida Man Sentenced To 5 Years After Attacking 6 Officers On Jan. 6

She was the only one shot the whole day, and she was hanging in and out a window when it happened.

Was she the one who smashed the window?
There were other cultists who were smashing windows to get to members of Congress and had guns pulled on them, but thankfully they didn’t try to jump through the window like she did.

"The fact I made you probably waste 10 minutes putting together that bullshit makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Swim in the swamp, expect the alligator, bitch."

Oh, no need to fret the 10 minutes, Marty. I don't. They were not spent for you. Rather, for the lurkers and educated posters here who are receptive to civil discourse and responsible conversations.

And....to be honest....also hold their nose at the vulgarity, allusions to sodomy, and 'sex-anger' that we observe from so many of the MAGA and QAnon incels here.

And Marty, ---and I mean no disrespect, but------but you seemingly personify that obsession with sodomy and anger at sex.. Which is OK if it was just you; however......your debilities reflect also onto the whole MAGA & QAnon movements. Meaning, what you say on this venue makes them look really really icky.

And we need not reference how it makes your own avatar look.

Just sayin'. ;)

Oh, no need to fret the 10 minutes, Marty. I don't. They were not spent for you. Rather, for the lurkers and educated posters here who are receptive to civil discourse and responsible conversations.

And....to be honest....also hold their nose at the vulgarity, allusions to sodomy, and 'sex-anger' that we observe from so many of the MAGA and QAnon incels here.

And Marty, ---and I mean no disrespect, but------but you seemingly personify that obsession with sodomy and anger at sex.. Which is OK if it was just you; however......your debilities reflect also onto the whole MAGA & QAnon movements. Meaning, what you say on this venue makes them look really really icky.

And we need not reference how it makes your own avatar look.

Just sayin'. ;)

Wow talk about unearned hubris. Like anyone takes you seriously on this board.

You read too much into it mouth-breather.
"But why send a conservative to prison for 5 years and not even charge democrat rioters for the exact same crimes? Your ignoring this obvious double standard......"

OK, poster Godboy, which "rioter" in which city did the exact same crime and was not charged?

So, pick one or two out of the reported "14,000" or "17,000" arrested and describe the city and the charges.
We all can then more intelligently discuss the actual situation, and not some hypothetical.

Of note and reported:

"Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020.

A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.

Despite the large number of arrests, The Hill reported most of those protesters were booked not for violent crimes, but for low-level offenses such as violating curfews. Obstructing roadways and carrying open containers were other reasons for the arrests, as well as “failure to disperse.”
So, pick one or two out of the reported "14,000" or "17,000" arrested
Ok, then lets look at arrestee #487 and arrestee #9,381 of the 17,000. How much time did they get? Unless YOU have a specific example of a rioter fighting with a cop and getting 5 years for it. Do you?
Unless YOU have a specific example of a rioter fighting with a cop and getting 5 years for it. Do you

Ummm, poster Godboy, you've skipped a class. Or two.
It works like this: YOU asserted there was little enforcement of the Police Abuse Protest during the summer of 2020 following the Floyd murder.

And when asked to find an analogous attack comparable to the egregious criminality of the Florida MAGA guy in the OP.......you whiff it.

What's up with that?

So let's do this again. A free 'do-over'.

Name for the forum a circumstance where one of the Social Justice protestors beat the hell out of several uniformed cops and was widely video'd doing it by multiple cameras where he was easily identifiable.

So, good poster, Godboy, saddle-up.
Or go.

Good luck.
Ummm, poster Godboy, you've skipped a class. Or two.
It works like this: YOU asserted there was little enforcement of the Police Abuse Protest during the summer of 2020 following the Floyd murder.

And when asked to find an analogous attack comparable to the egregious criminality of the Florida MAGA guy in the OP.......you whiff it.

What's up with that?

So let's do this again. A free 'do-over'.

Name for the forum a circumstance where one of the Social Justice protestors beat the hell out of several uniformed cops and was widely video'd doing it by multiple cameras where he was easily identifiable.

So, good poster, Godboy, saddle-up.
Or go.

Good luck.
So you do NOT have an example of a leftwing rioter getting 5 years for fighting with a cop? Me either. Im not aware of a single case like that. Thank you for proving my point.
So you do NOT have an example of a leftwing rioter getting 5 years for fighting with a cop?

Ah, Marvin, you continue to miss the point.

Show the forum your photos of a Social Justice protestor beating the crap out of uniformed police like the photos we have of the Trump supporter on j6 brutalizing police on the steps of the Capitol.

You claim they did that.

Yet, you show the forum no proof.

What's up with that?

Look, Marv, don't go all Alex Jones on us. Be a stand-up reliable poster with integrity.
Or go.
The problem is, we saw democrats violently attack cops for a year straight, and i dont remember them getting 5 year sentences for it. Most simply werent charged at all.
See post 64, credulous boi. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Now you want us to swallow a conservative getting 5 years. Do you REALLY honestly think that is going to sit well with half the country? Do you even care about the inevitable war such a one sided system would create?
I think it will sit very well with the country that a terrorist who attacked six cops, injuring one permanently.

What kind of special asshole are you that is not okay with that?

Blue lives matter, my ass.
See post 64, credulous boi. Your ignorance knows no bounds.

I think it will sit very well with the country that a terrorist who attacked six cops, injuring one permanently.

What kind of special asshole are you that is not okay with that?

Blue lives matter, my ass.
Blue lives matter.

MAGA lives matter more.
MAGAs who perform acts of terror against blue lives deserve every day in prison they get.
What's makes it truly nauseating is that every single one of them thought they would get away with it, because they thought the President had their backs and was supporting their violent acts.

Because he made them believe that.
What's makes it truly nauseating is that every single one of them thought they would get away with it, because they thought the President had their backs and was supporting their violent acts.
Yep. They were so deluded, they actually filmed themselves sacking the Capitol and injuring the police.

And now they are shocked, shocked they are being charged.

Poor widdle "hostages". :lol:

Because he made them believe that.
Indeed. In fact, every GOP candidate is talking about pardons for these terrorists.
Yep. They were so deluded, they actually filmed themselves sacking the Capitol and injuring the police.

And now they are shocked, shocked they are being charged.

Poor widdle "hostages". :lol:

Indeed. In fact, every GOP candidate is talking about pardons for these terrorists.
If Trump does not go to jail, then I would agree. Let them all out of prison.
Imprisoning a violent convicted criminal who assaulted and injured uniformed police officers is "political opposition"? To imply such is nonsense and corrosive to our civil society. The poster Hawk desiring to coddle violent criminals does not further our societal safety and well-being
Nonsense. We all know they are being persecuted for being the political opposition. Throwing the book at them for minor “assault”, while giving a slap on the wrist to BLM violent rioters that attack innocent bystanders and cops. You aren’t fooling anyone.

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