Florida Man Sentenced To 5 Years After Attacking 6 Officers On Jan. 6

As opposed to the hundreds or thousands beaten and ignored during the BLM summer of love.

And "Seriously" is a weasel word. How many were hospitalized?

How many J6 protesters brandished firearms?
BLM has nothing to do with it. Zero relevance to the justification for use of deadly force. Don't even try.

Some without helmets sustained brain injuries, one officer had two cracked ribs, two shattered spinal discs, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, said Gus Papathanasiou, the chairman of the Capitol Police Union.

The officers in the Capitol had a lot more reason to fear for their lives than the officers in the hallway of the hotel.
He was mistaken for someone with a warrant out for a violent crime.

So all those protesters for Gaza should be charged with a felony because they occupied part of the capitol?
What would be the justification for assaulting him even if he did have a warrant out?
BLM has nothing to do with it. Zero relevance to the justification for use of deadly force. Don't even try.

Some without helmets sustained brain injuries, one officer had two cracked ribs, two shattered spinal discs, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, said Gus Papathanasiou, the chairman of the Capitol Police Union.

The officers in the Capitol had a lot more reason to fear for their lives than the officers in the hallway of the hotel.

you were the one who brought up felonies for beating up police officers, and the BLM protests resulted in far more of those incidents. Don't go running because you got called out and bitch-slapped. Bitch.

And an unarmed woman got murdered by a fucktard police officer.
you were the one who brought up felonies for beating up police officers, and the BLM protests resulted in far more of those incidents. Don't go running because you got called out and bitch-slapped. Bitch.

And an unarmed woman got murdered by a fucktard police officer.
There's no bitch slapping because we aren't debating anything relating to BLM protests. It bears zero relevance to justification of use of force at the Capitol.

An unarmed woman was violently entering the capitol, not responding to commands as part of a widely violent riot.

Daniel Shaver was unarmed and gunned down by a cop while begging for his life.

Yet you think the cops in the Capitol had no justification to fear for their lives but the cops in the hotel did.
There's no bitch slapping because we aren't debating anything relating to BLM protests. It bears zero relevance to justification of use of force at the Capitol.

An unarmed woman was violently entering the capitol, not responding to commands as part of a widely violent riot.

Daniel Shaver was unarmed and gunned down by a cop while begging for his life.

Yet you think the cops in the Capitol had no justification to fear for their lives but the cops in the hotel did.

it's all relative, you gun for your political opponents at the Capitol, and like the local government ignore the BLM/Antifa shit (because deep down they agree with them).

It's all part of the same thing.

What commands? Directed at her? Oh yeah we don't know any of that because there was no open inquiry, never mind a trial.

Shoe me the transcript of where he was "begging for his life"

Like the "Hands up, Don't shoot" lie, right?
So any cop can become suddenly violent without warning with anyone they intend to arrest?

That's your America I guess.

It was investigated, he was cleared, and the city settled.

Unlike the Byrd bullshit where he was given a full pass.
Lie upon lie upon lie upon lie ad infinitum.

It all started with Trump's Big Lie, claiming he won the 2020 election. He then went on to weaponize his weak-minded followers into sacking the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

At first, even the Republican lickspittles in Congress condemned him, but not enough to vote for his permanent removal from office.

Now they are backpedaling and have joined Trump's choir of liars about the events of January 6.

Next thing you know, the MAGA mob started claiming, "They wuz jus' tresspasin'!"

And in true schizophrenic style, the "trespassers" weren't even MAGA! They were FBI and Antifa! :auiqs.jpg:

Then, continuing in their schizoid mentality, the Capitol police let the FBI/Antifa "trespassers" in!

Of course, it doesn't matter that the MAGA terrorists filmed themselves sacking the Capitol, and that over a hundred have been convicted, and not one Antifa in the bunch.

Then, magically, these supposed Antifa people are now being called "political prisoners" by the MAGA parrots.

Antifa. Political prisoners. Just trespassing. Ummmm...yeah.

You can see why I frequently say the reason the MAGA tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance is because that would require actual cognition.

And now the latest lie is from Trump himself, again. He's calling the terrorists "hostages".

Well, here's what one of those "political prisoners/hostages" did that day:

At 6 feet 6 inches and nearly 300 pounds, the force of Kenneth J. Bonawitz launching himself through the air and slamming his forearms into the throats of two police officers standing below him during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot must have been enormous. One officer suffered back injuries such that he was forced to retire in permanent pain.


Bonawitz, 58, wasn’t done. As other officers rushed in, they spotted an eight-inch hunting knife on Bonawitz’s hip and seized it from him. But the police were too overwhelmed to arrest Bonawitz and returned him to the crowd on the Capitol’s West Terrace, where he proceeded to fight with more officers, including putting one officer in a chokehold and lifting her off the ground. He ultimately assaulted six officers before retreating after being hit with chemical spray. Prosecutors called him “one of the most violent Jan. 6 rioters” and said his attacks “were barbaric and left his victims with lasting physical, emotional and psychological injuries.”

This was all caught on video, but you won't see lying Tucker Carlson airing it. He is the king of the lie of omission.

The Big Lie. Antifa. Political prisoners. Hostages.

There is no bottom to the alternate unreality and evil of MAGA's brainless parroting schizos.

Fla. man sentenced to 5 years after attacking 6 officers on Jan. 6

^^ as you can see another Commie is gleeful that the government is imprisoning people of the political opposition.

Everyday patriots protested an obviously rigged election. So much for free speech and “democracy”. In a free country you’d be able to debate such topics, but in Biden’s America you aren’t allowed to question anything. You can’t question the government, the media, or giant corporations that silence you on behalf of the government.
it's all relative, you gun for your political opponents at the Capitol, and like the local government ignore the BLM/Antifa shit (because deep down they agree with them).

It's all part of the same thing.

What commands? Directed at her? Oh yeah we don't know any of that because there was no open inquiry, never mind a trial.

Shoe me the transcript of where he was "begging for his life"

Like the "Hands up, Don't shoot" lie, right?
Lazy. There was an investigation and interviews of everyone involved. This is the product.

The cops were shouting at them to get back. She did not.

He was sobbing and begging for his life.
It was investigated, he was cleared, and the city settled.

Unlike the Byrd bullshit where he was given a full pass.
How are they unlike each other? Byrd was investigated and cleared.

Still waiting for you to tell me if the police can become suddenly violent without warning for someone they intend to arrest. You think that's okay?
BLM has nothing to do with it. Zero relevance to the justification for use of deadly force. Don't even try.

Some without helmets sustained brain injuries, one officer had two cracked ribs, two shattered spinal discs, and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, said Gus Papathanasiou, the chairman of the Capitol Police Union.

The officers in the Capitol had a lot more reason to fear for their lives than the officers in the hallway of the hotel.

It has to do with the level of prosecution after the event. Be a lefty protester? Slap on the wrist. On the right? book thrown.
How are they unlike each other? Byrd was investigated and cleared.

Still waiting for you to tell me if the police can become suddenly violent without warning for someone they intend to arrest. You think that's okay?

Byrd was given a pass.

You think shooting an unarmed woman halfway through a window is OK. That shows you are a ghoul.
It has to do with the level of prosecution after the event. Be a lefty protester? Slap on the wrist. On the right? book thrown.

Plenty of people were arrested for BLM riots. Your right wing media doesn't talk about it to keep you in the narrative.
That's not even in FL, so idk.

I know a dude it took 12 to take him down and yeah, he got charged for attacking the LEOs.

He got 6 years. :dunno:

Bit one of em's cheek off. Crazy people have crazy strength and are crazy.

Never understimate the power of crazy. Crazy people going off can be serious.

I've seen it take five to take down a little 110-lb girl.

A couple of 'em got thrown far. Yeah, they gave her Lithium, and that seemed to chill her out...eventually.
You don't get to tell the cops 'no'. You know that.
Byrd was given a pass.

You think shooting an unarmed woman halfway through a window is OK. That shows you are a ghoul.
Body slamming a compliant man who committed no crimes is okay with you.

Shooting an unarmed man begging for his life crawling on all fours is okay with you.

That makes you an authoritarian thug. Defending people committing violent felonies just because they're in your tribe.

Plenty of people were arrested for BLM riots. Your right wing media doesn't talk about it to keep you in the narrative.

And the wrist slaps were heard round the world. Then the local governments paid out for "wrong arrests"
Body slamming a compliant man who committed no crimes is okay with you.

Shooting an unarmed man begging for his life crawling on all fours is okay with you.

That makes you an authoritarian thug. Defending people committing violent felonies just because they're in your tribe.

He was acting in a situation where he thought the man was a violent fugitive right next to another officer.

He was not following directions, and brandished what looked like a rifle outside his hotel window.
Well, I ain't gonna go back and forth between a guy shot in a hotel and Ashli Babbitt and the Florida guy sentenced to 5yrs.

I'll stick with the J6 incident.
So, let's turn over those rocks:

She was hanging through a window.
She leaped into a violently breached barrier meant to keep her away from our elected Representative sheltering behind it.. She leaped towards police who had commanded her...and others....not to. Her hands and figure were hidden in a concealing shroud. She disobeyed police commands. She died because of her poor judgement.


Now you want us to swallow a conservative getting 5 years. Do you REALLY honestly think that is going to sit well with half the country? Do you even care about the inevitable war such a one sided system would create?

A "conservative" who was a criminal?
Well, yes, the rest of America expects that conviction and sentence to be accepted and approved of by patriotic and responsible American citizens.
After all, what the perp did was clearly violent criminality.

To wit:

"Bonawitz, 58, wasn’t done. As other officers rushed in, they spotted an eight-inch hunting knife on Bonawitz’s hip and seized it from him. But the police were too overwhelmed to arrest Bonawitz and returned him to the crowd on the Capitol’s West Terrace, where he proceeded to fight with more officers, including putting one officer in a chokehold and lifting her off the ground. He ultimately assaulted six officers before retreating after being hit with chemical spray. Prosecutors called him “one of the most violent Jan. 6 rioters” and said his attacks “were barbaric and left his victims with lasting physical, emotional and psychological injuries.”

Personally, I truly believe his sentence was too light for the harm and violence that he perpetrated against uniformed police officers.


^^ as you can see another Commie is gleeful that the government is imprisoning people of the political opposition.
Imprisoning a violent convicted criminal who assaulted and injured uniformed police officers is "political opposition"? To imply such is nonsense and corrosive to our civil society. The poster Hawk desiring to coddle violent criminals does not further our societal safety and well-being.

To be about fanboying over such a violent criminal.....is on you, poster Hawk. No one else. Cheering for violent criminals is un-American. IMHO And not appropriate for a civil society. Shame on you.


Everyday patriots protested an obviously rigged election

Another "obviously rigged election", eh?
Well, skippy, what have you done about it?
Gone to the FBI with your assertions?
Your state's AG, or whoever is in charge of elections?
Hell, have you demanded an audit of the vote in your very own precinct?

I ask those questions Hawk in order to measure your gravitas, your seriousness as a responsible adult.

I do that, because........well, because my avatar thinks yours is merely an empty suit with no there there. A whiner and complainer and not a doer.

Prove my poor avatar wrong and articulate to the forum just what proactive measures you have performed to convince the authorities that you are right and the election count was wrong.

So saddle up, Skippy. Show us what your little pony can do.

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