For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

I think it's because Biden flip-flops. He's insincere, unreliable, and erratic. Biden is seen as playing both sides, folding to these critics, and pandering to those critics, and he is seen a a liar, a coward, a snake and a back stabbing self-serving weasel of a man.
That has never bothered them before.
HAMAS is a creature of Mossad, any baby knows it
Nah. You also don't believe it.

It wouldn't be the first time in the last 85 years when some convinced others in what they themselves did NOT even believe it.
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Your concession is duly noted.

Concession to what?
I can get that you don't like the ass-whuppins I regularly inflict on your sophistry and gaslighting.
Sophistry and gaslighting about what, exactly?

If you think Sunni Man’s question to Lisa about relocating to Israel due to fear of antisemitism and my response to that question is relevant to anything you’re talking about, please explain how.
question to Lisa about relocating to Israel due to fear of antisemitism
Surely all of the Israeli Nazis and friends relocating to Khazaria where they mostly came from , or , somewhere like Mongolia or the Atacama Desert in Chile would be excellent .

Exodus 2.0 .
They would be happy if we threw in a few camels and we would be spared their continual moaning and victim routines .
So can I assume you can’t tell me how it is relevant to what you’re talking about?
Um, I already did... oh, never mind...

The theme of this thread is the tiresome Lisa rant about how one person at a Pro-Palestine Rally said something awful, instead of the other 99% who make a valid point about Genocide being committed in Gaza.

That's the topic. Pay attention, McFly.
Um, I already did... oh, never mind...

The theme of this thread is the tiresome Lisa rant about how one person at a Pro-Palestine Rally said something awful, instead of the other 99% who make a valid point about Genocide being committed in Gaza.

That's the topic. Pay attention, McFly.
claiming there is genocide being committed in Gaza is not a valid point
Right. Donald Trump is so popular, he’s in a special category with Kim Jong Un, Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin who received similar shares of the vote.
I am glad you mention Saddam, I see so much of Saddam in Xiden....from corruption, to deplorable's remarkable
I am glad you mention Saddam, I see so much of Saddam in Xiden....from corruption, to deplorable's remarkable
What are you talking about? Saddam was incredibly popular just like Trump is, probably because they believed in the same supremacy of their own countries. How inspiring.

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