Fully Vaxxed About to See “Tsunami” of Illness and Death, Warns Virologist


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Good things come to those that wait. Well, maybe not.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

Good things come to those that wait. Well, maybe not.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

It will lead to the collapse of the nation. So many took it, even on the right. The entire military was forced to take it. If even 20% of the vax get major health problems or death, it will lead to mass scale collapse of the military and commercial capabilities.
If this in fact happens, any takers on the bet that the political class will have a markedly lower rate of death/injury?
Congress and their staff were exempt from the mandates. Macron and other globalists never took the vax they just say they did. Incest Joe would be dead if he really took it. Hands down, it was and is a bio weapon.
Good things come to those that wait. Well, maybe not.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who recently published an alarming manifesto. In it, Dr. Bossche makes a number of incorrect or exaggerated claims about the use of mass vaccination during a pandemic and urges international health authorities to stop the current crop of COVID-19 vaccines or else risk unleashing “a global catastrophe without equal.” This is scary stuff, but it’s all quite misguided.
Good things come to those that wait. Well, maybe not.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

A scientist’s open letter to the World Health Organization claims that the large-scale Covid-19 vaccination drives currently underway around the world should cease before they produce the catastrophic appearance of more deadly variants of the coronavirus and increased risk for younger people. But medical experts say the claims are false and that vaccination is urgently needed to control virus mutation through widespread immunity.
It's sad, it's really said. Those democrats keep a sharp eye on Trump 24/7 but they fail... they fail big time, to keep a sharp eye on Biden as he lied to them about that deadly covid vaccine full of chimera, graphene oxide, etc...

Once that covid vaccine gets into the body it cannot be removed. It's there constantly destroying T-cells that fight off disease and infections. That mRNA turns the body into AIDS that's why we are seeing all the turbo cancers. Doctors cannot treat cancers any more in vaccinated people.

the mRNA virus that normally 80-100 degree temperatures could kill it, now it is encapsulated by graphene oxide and it can withstand 1,700 degree temps and live on inside the body. The mRNA is poison to the body's white blood cells (T-cells).

the mRNA virus that normally 80-100 degree temperatures could kill it, now it is encapsulated by graphene oxide and it can withstand 1,700 degree temps and live on inside the body. The mRNA is poison to the body's white blood cells (T-cells).

How does a virus replicate "graphene oxide"? Link?
Bit late with your forecast ,OP .
This has been solidly asserted for the last 18 months by top specialists .
"They" have been desperately manipulating the so called official figures to keep the evil hidden from the Sheeple for as long as possible .
Despite the "coincidence" of Turbo Cancers

It is the Big Die-Off .

the mRNA virus that normally 80-100 degree temperatures could kill it, now it is encapsulated by graphene oxide and it can withstand 1,700 degree temps and live on inside the body. The mRNA is poison to the body's white blood cells (T-cells).

Just like the eclipse on Monday was the end of the world?
Good things come to those that wait. Well, maybe not.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

Oh here it is. I was looking all over for this d-bag's article.
Wasn't this the asshole who said there was going to be a mass extinction of vaxxed people on the day of the solar eclipse?? :auiqs.jpg:
Has that goalpost moved now? :)
How does a virus replicate "graphene oxide"? Link?
I did not mention replicating nor did I mention mutating in what I posted. However, now that you brought it up, once inside the body all it does is mutate more covid that's why vaccinated people were gettin covid over and over again in 2021-2022.

As far as graphene oxide, I said it encapsulates.

Those who fell victim to Biden's "safe and effective" lie will never believe anything other than what Biden tells them. Biden is NOT going to ever tell them the truth.
Think about this... when something is encapsulated in a vaccine, its not like a pill encapsulated in a "pill bottle" where you can open the pill bottle and get a pill out of the encapsulation.

With the mRNA being encapsulated by graphene oxide, both the mRNA and the encapsulated graphene are both injected into the body, so please understand that.

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