Gas prices decrease, thanks to Biden

Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.

You fool.
All they are thinking about is November.

All that America wants to give Brandon is a slap upside the head.
Well, production is rising, more well are being drilled to get in on the sale price of crude, winter is breaking into spring in the northern hemisphere where the bulk of industrialized countries, decreasing need for fuel oil production and that part possibly going to gasoline. Temporary use of the Strategic Reserves will work as a bridge to the future. Sounds like sound policy and economics working to re-establish a more stable market to me.
We don't need a bridge to the future. We only need to return to the policies of President Trump. See, wasn't that easy?
Curious isn't it that this raiding of our strategic reserves runs up to the midterms.
Releasing them for 6 months.................hmmmmm......

Nobody is going to think about the 3 cent drop in record high prices and say HEY, LET'S VOTE FOR THE OIL AND GAS HATING DIMWINGERS!
We don't need a bridge to the future. We only need to return to the policies of President Trump. See, wasn't that easy?
His policies were what made the pandemic worse. Coming out of the pandemic, with industry cranking back up, with more people back at work, during the Biden administration and around the industrialized world is why we have a shortage. Remember, the lowest oil production in January 2020 since January 2017 when trump inherited a rising production, giving him the highest production and then dropping back on January 2020 to where it was when he came in at 273,000 barrels a day?
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I'll give him FULL credit. At 7% inflation heading to 10%, people can't afford to buy anything so they have fewer trips to make, which reduces demand for gas which reduces prices for gas.

Do you understand that most of us have jobs, and that inflation or not, we still have to drive just as far to get to our jobs and to get home again?

And that for many of us, getting to and from our jobs is nearly all of the driving that we do?
Do you understand that most of us have jobs, and that inflation or not, we still have to drive just as far to get to our jobs and to get home again?

And that for many of us, getting to and from our jobs is nearly all of the driving that we do?

Of course it is nearly all the driving you do, thanks to Joe making it too expensive to do anything else
Since Republicans have agreed that gas prices are dictated exclusively by Joe Biden, we must give him credit for the fact that gas prices just went down.
LMAO---Gas is $4.13 a gallon here today and you think the prices went down?

oh and fyi, the oil that Biden is stealing from the reserve now will have to be replaced---and when I say replaced, I mean at a higher $$$ cost to the US taxpayers and since it will create more demand at that time, it will push gas and oil prices up more.

We're usually right behind the Western continental peasants ....
Things gonna get UGLIER
Thing is the reserve will run out before the mid terms. 😆
Potatohead doesn't think ahead does he?

He begged his Saudi buddies to bail him out and they told him to go fuck himself.

As long as the Democrats have any power at the Federal level the stupid Environmental Wackos will be calling the shots on energy and we are fucked.
Well, production is rising, more well are being drilled to get in on the sale price of crude, winter is breaking into spring in the northern hemisphere where the bulk of industrialized countries, decreasing need for fuel oil production and that part possibly going to gasoline. Temporary use of the Strategic Reserves will work as a bridge to the future. Sounds like sound policy and economics working to re-establish a more stable market to me.
We were energy independent when Trump was President the price was low.

Then Potatohead stole the election from Trump and that meant the Environmental Wackos were call the shots and that meant the price was going to shoot up and it did.

Potatohead knew that was going to cause the American people to be pissed at the ballot box so he begged the Saudis to bail him out. When that didn't work he decided to drain the Strategic Reserve.

That is providing some temporary relief but it won't last long. When the oil is gone it is gone. Trump wanted to replenish the Reserve when the price of oil was low but the stupid Democrats blocked it.

As long as the Democrats have any power at the Federal level the American people are fucked because the Democrat agenda is one of destruction on several levels.
Then Biden will probably kiss and make up with Putin, and start importing Russian oil again. Hell, he's already importing it from Iran and Venezuela, might as well go full-retard.

Never underestimate this administration's willingness to go full-retard. They've done that so many times over the last year.
We're also importing from Trump's buddies over in S.A., fool.

Funny how you failed to mention that fact in your rant.
Tapping into the strategic reserve is like tapping into your 401K. It's fucking stupid. It's called a "strategic reserve" for a reason.... and that reason is not to cover for a stuttering shit clown's dumb fuckery.

Get back to me when it comes down another $2.50 like it was under President Trump... and the strategic reserve is still intact. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Gas was down a couple years ago because of Covid, fool. Trump had nothing to do with it.

Trump doesn't know his fucking ass from a hole in the ground but you Bozos thing he's an energy expert.

It's laughable.

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