Gaza is the most densely populated area on earth, more densely populated than Tokyo with 2 million folks living there


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

Fuck off. The land was given as Israel by Britian in 1947. If you don't like it, bomb Britian. But Israel is gonna fuck you up if you kill their people.

You didn't own your land 100 years ago, do the descendants of the people who owned it before you have a right to come and kill you and take it back? No. History is history. MOVE ON.

Don't start shit if you can't finish it.
People get crazy when they’re packed together.

It’s why Moe used to tell The Stooges to “Spread Out!”
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

If Palestinians could also show peace, then there could be peace. Remember what happened when Israel first handed over Gaza? Palestinans destroyed all the farming greenhouses that were provided to them, ripping the structures apart. They also used that new found concession by israel as an opportunity to attack.

If they had not done all of that, it would have been much easier for those Palestinians to gain international support to gain even more concessions from Israel. Peace agreements require 2 sides.

All that land to the south and Egypt doesnt want them there because they will destabalize their country. Same goes for Jordan.

The solution was always to deal with the head of the snake and main perpetrator against peace, which is IRAN.
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

Or, and this will floor a simpleton like you, maybe the Palestinians can stop waging war against Israel.

See, that way, Israel won’t have to keep delving into the “land” (where Palestinians are permitted to live) in order to root-out the scumbag Hamas terrorists.
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

Not one word of truth in your post. First of all, Gaza City is not the most densely populated are on Earth. It does not even make the list of the 50 most densely populated cities in the world.

According to the Jewish Virtual Libarary,Gaza City is the 63rd most densely populated urban area in the world at 42,059 per square mile. This is far below Bnei Brak in Israel (76,000 per square mile). A more apt comparison is Manhattan, which is 23 square miles compared to Gaza City's 17. Its population density is more than 70,000 per square mile.

Second, and critically important to any discussion of a diplomatic solution, there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel, and these is not likely to be in the foreseeable future, so no diplomatic solution is possible.

Third, falsely claiming Israel is an apartheid state defines you as an ignorant bigot.
Not one word of truth in your post. First of all, Gaza City is not the most densely populated are on Earth. It does not even make the list of the 50 most densely populated cities in the world.

According to the Jewish Virtual Libarary,Gaza City is the 63rd most densely populated urban area in the world at 42,059 per square mile. This is far below Bnei Brak in Israel (76,000 per square mile). A more apt comparison is Manhattan, which is 23 square miles compared to Gaza City's 17. Its population density is more than 70,000 per square mile.

Second, and critically important to any discussion of a diplomatic solution, there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel, and these is not likely to be in the foreseeable future, so no diplomatic solution is possible.

Third, falsely claiming Israel is an apartheid state defines you as an ignorant bigot.

Right. Doesnt an APARTHEID state refer to the way a country treats its various citizens within its borders? Are these people trying to suggest that Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank are Israeli citizens? I guess so.
meanwhile, the way Israel treats its arab citizens is pretty good from what I have seen
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

Of course there is a solution: self-determination of the Palestinian people on some part of the land. No bloodshed required to attain that goal, just peaceful negotiations and investment by the Palestinians into their own future.

Re: Apartheid. Look, you can't have it both ways, let alone weaponize your hypocrisy against Israel by trying to have it both ways and slinging slurs at Israel. EITHER the Palestinians are working towards an independent self-determining nation and are considered citizens of Palestine (in which case Israel will legally treat them as foreign nationals) OR Palestine is part of Israel and all who reside there are Israeli citizens (and Israel will legally treat them as citizens) BUT there is no self-determination for the Palestinians. I don't know which side of the discussion you are trying to argue here, but you can't have it both ways.
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel

you figure with tht many people they could throw the terrorist out,,

guess its just more proof they are all terrorists,,
Fuck off. The land was given as Israel by Britian in 1947. If you don't like it, bomb Britian. But Israel is gonna fuck you up if you kill their people.

You didn't own your land 100 years ago, do the descendants of the people who owned it before you have a right to come and kill you and take it back? No. History is history. MOVE ON.

Don't start shit if you can't finish it.
It wasn’t given by Britain, it was first given by the League of Nations when it partitioned the Ottoman Empire after WWI, then it was further sub-divided by the UN post WWII. The UN partition plan split Israel into two intermixed statelets without defensible borders, one Jewish and the other Muslim, with Jerusalem as a neutral city administered by the UN. The Muslims immediately rejected the partition and started a low grade war with the Jews while the Brits did everything they could to disarm the Jews while arming and training the Muslims. As soon as the UN voted partition into place, the Arab world immediately attacked Israel to destroy it and kill all the Jews. The Grand Mufti ordered the Muslim citizens of Israel to evacuate so the Arab armies would have a free hand destroying the Jews. Unfortunately that didn’t work out as planned.
surely there can be a solution to be found where the land is returned to the Palestinians without Palestinian bloodshed. end the occupation, end the slaughter, end the Apartheid of Israel
There's a lovely piece of sentimental virtue signalling.

Next you will be inviting all successful people to redistribute their wealth , join hands with the less successful and sing , All we need is Love .
And then we will all fly off to Never Never Land on our flying pigs .

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