Gee, I Thought Liberals Were the Ones Who "Truly Cared" About American Workers


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.
It is odd how parties shift in opposite positions on things as years pass. Makes you think it is a giant game doesn't it. Like there is really only 1 party and they keep us arguing as they pick our pockets.
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.
Today's Democratic Party is controlled by Left/Globalists. American Citizens' interests are not a priority for that Party. It's decided to cast its lot with foreign interests. For instance, Democrats see millions of future loyal Democrat Voters in Illegals.

I'm always shocked the few Worker Unions left, still support Democrats. Their Open Borders policy especially, only hurts American Workers. Americans just need to become more informed about Globalists. Once they do, they'll realize they've been sold out by them.
The bought and paid for politicians both Dem and Rep have sold out American workers. The people are so fed up with their shit we elected Trump to combat the problem.
Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make

i'll agree on principal, BUT the consumer will be paying more for it....

Why Trump's threat to slap tariffs on foreign steel is a bad idea

4 charts showing why putting tariffs on your friends is a bad idea

The bought and paid for politicians both Dem and Rep have sold out American workers. The people are so fed up with their shit we elected Trump to combat the problem.

Unions fought for the concept of bettering the American worker

Both parties have been helping unions slice their own throats for a generation , neither is appearing to be any salvation for union decline


Go ahead....'splain how tariffs fix ^^^^

For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Sorry, but is just plain NONSENSE. China and many other countries have proven in spades that you can indeed enact high enough tariffs to protect your workers and industries and also enjoy good economic growth at the same time.

And for those who don't think we have a trade deficit with Canada, here's some reading for you:
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Sorry, but is just plain NONSENSE. China and many other countries have proven in spades that you can indeed enact high enough tariffs to protect your workers and industries and also enjoy good economic growth at the same time.

Actually they have Mike

But while they built up their trade defenses, our free trade policies decimated ours

That the rub, you see.....

Thier manufacturing skyrocketed, while ours withered

Thinking tariffs will magically spawn American manufacturing decades later is like going to the pharmacy for skins the morning after

For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.
Nobody is complaining about tariffs on China, it's the ones on our allies that everybody thinks are stupid.

If you are gonna complain, at least get the facts on what you are complaining about.
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Sorry, but is just plain NONSENSE. China and many other countries have proven in spades that you can indeed enact high enough tariffs to protect your workers and industries and also enjoy good economic growth at the same time.

And for those who don't think we have a trade deficit with Canada, here's some reading for you:

Yes, China and many other mostly socialist nations have proven that tariffs work great in a socialist economy.

But, I guess in the name of "growth" you are willing to give up some freedoms.

I am not
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Sorry, but is just plain NONSENSE. China and many other countries have proven in spades that you can indeed enact high enough tariffs to protect your workers and industries and also enjoy good economic growth at the same time.

And for those who don't think we have a trade deficit with Canada, here's some reading for you:

Yes, China and many other mostly socialist nations have proven that tariffs work great in a socialist economy.

But, I guess in the name of "growth" you are willing to give up some freedoms.

I am not

China is a "socialist" country?! Ah, okay. You must be using a very broad definition of "socialist." I have friends who work in China. China is far more business friendly than America and most European nations (although we are improving in that category, thanks to Trump's enormous deregulation efforts).

And, uh, America flourished and grew into an industrial giant behind the protection of high tariffs enacted and protected by Republican presidents and Congresses from Abraham Lincoln to Calvin Coolidge to Dwight Eisenhower. Globalists like to ignore that 100-year period of history.
This might be a shock to you, but the world has changed much since the days prior to the civil war. Things that worked back then are not as good these days.

Actually, the economic principles have not changed. Economic principles do not change from one generation to the next. The only difference is the speed and modi with which they are carried out. Whether in 1850 or 2018, if American factories are forced to compete against foreign factories that can get away with paying dirt wages, that provide few if any benefits to their workers, that have few if any health and safety regulations to worry about, etc.--American factories are going to lose every time. Well, unless you wanna start paying American workers the same dirt-level salaries that second- and third-world factories pay their workers, that is.

That speed you speak of makes more difference than you wish to pretend. The quicker and cheaper that products from other countries can arrive at our shores the less effective tariffs are. They also worked well back then because the difference between our workers and theirs was not that big and the difference in pay was not that great.

Yes, American factories are going to lose and it is impossible to impose high enough tariffs to counteract those differences without crashing the economy as the price of everything will go up. And in the process all you do is move the pain from one industry to another...steel workers get some benefit and the Ag industry gets bent over the barrel. What you are supporting is the central government picking winners and loser and telling the citizens what they should and should not buy. Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

We have trade deficits with other countries because we the people have chosen to buy things from them. That is called freedom, that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Sorry, but is just plain NONSENSE. China and many other countries have proven in spades that you can indeed enact high enough tariffs to protect your workers and industries and also enjoy good economic growth at the same time.

And for those who don't think we have a trade deficit with Canada, here's some reading for you:

Yes, China and many other mostly socialist nations have proven that tariffs work great in a socialist economy.

But, I guess in the name of "growth" you are willing to give up some freedoms.

I am not

China is a "socialist" country?! Ah, okay. You must be using a very broad definition of "socialist." I have friends who work in China. China is far more business friendly than America and most European nations (although we are improving in that category, thanks to Trump's enormous deregulation efforts).

And, uh, America flourished and grew into an industrial giant behind the protection of high tariffs enacted and protected by Republican presidents and Congresses from Abraham Lincoln to Calvin Coolidge to Dwight Eisenhower. Globalists like to ignore that 100-year period of history.

China has a socialist market economy. Just ask them they will tell you that.

And once again, things have changed, times have changed. We cannot go back 100 years in time to the "good old days".
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

Gee, I Thought Liberals Were the Ones Who "Truly Cared" About American Workers
Negative....”Liberals” and Mexicrats have pigeonholed themselves....they’ve sold their asses to illegal wetbacks, criminals, bottom feeders, weirdos, men in dresses, pole puffers and feminazis. They can’t care less about good quality, productive, REAL Americans.
For decades, liberals have presented themselves as being the only ones who truly care about American workers, and they have equated that caring with support for labor unions. Well, now that we finally have a president who is standing up for American workers with protective tariffs, which most unions have long advocated, liberals are bashing Trump and repeating the globalist talking points against protectionism. To hear liberals scream, you'd never guess that most unions have openly supported high tariffs for years. How many liberals know that the AFL-CIO has defended Trump's tariffs? See here:

What Are Tariffs, Anyway? | AFL-CIO
Strategic Tariffs Against China Are Critical Part of Trade Reform to Create More Jobs and Better Pay | AFL-CIO

Every time this or that item goes up in price because of new high tariffs, liberals jump on here and repeat the arguments of the same multinational corporate globalist interests that they used to attack just a few years ago. They don't tell you the flip side, i.e., that when those items are made in America instead of in some overseas dirt-wage factory, more Americans are earning good wages and benefits, and all that money is staying here.

Most multinational corporations love "free trade" because it enables them to produce goods with rock-bottom labor costs. They don't want more items made in America because they don't want to pay the decent wages and benefits that American factory workers make. You'd think that liberals would be cheering Trump's defense of American workers. Instead, liberals are suddenly parroting the anti-protectionist talking points being peddled by multinational globalist interests.

Go back and read the trade debates in Congress between the slave-holding, pro-free-trade South and the pro-protectionist North. Southern spokesmen endlessly noted that protective tariffs made them pay more for many items. But Northern spokesmen pointed out that although many items cost more, the overall benefit from having those items made in America far outweighed the increase in cost for those items.

Gee, I Thought Liberals Were the Ones Who "Truly Cared" About American Workers
Negative....”Liberals” and Mexicrats have pigeonholed themselves....they’ve sold their asses to illegal wetbacks, criminals, bottom feeders, weirdos, men in dresses, pole puffers and feminazis. They can’t care less about good quality, productive, REAL Americans.

And more and more Americans are catching on.

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