George Clooney admits money he raised for Hillary Clinton is 'obscene'

Did you know Clooney has an illegitimate black baby? I swear it's true! We should arrest traitors like George Clooney and send him to Gitmo.
Say what you will about the left but they are masters of hypocrisy and have no shame, none.
oh yes...are we are talking here about that traitor Clooney...married to that muslim Amal Alamuddin, right?

what a piece of crap he is....:puke:

but yes

money raised for the inmate Hillary is obscene..i agree
This is interesting the two lowest were....
"What's worse from Wall Street's perspective is that the candidates it least supports have been dominant on the campaign trail, and scored dramatic wins in the New Hampshire primary this week. Democrat Bernie Sanders received just $55,226 from the securities and investment industry, while billionaire Donald Trump, who is largely self-financing his campaign, has received just $11,900."

And the three highest were...

"For this cycle, the center tracked Wall Street donations to 22 candidates in both parties. The top overall Wall Street money recipient for 2015 was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who raised $34.6 million. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was second, with $17.3 million. Next was Sen. Ted Cruz, with $12.2 million."

Wall Street to candidates: Where's our return on investment?

from Banks and investment firms on Wall Street

Republican Marco Rubio's presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party's establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.

According to your chart Trump did not even make the top ten.But your girl Hillary did. Do you really think she will bite the tit that feeds here?
YES, without any doubt, she will and she has.... there is absolutely no record at all for her supporting the shenanigans of Wall Street while senator for 8 years and secretary of state for 4 years, only the OPPOSITE.
oh yes...are we are talking here about that traitor Clooney...married to that muslim Amal Alamuddin, right?

what a piece of crap he is....:puke:

but yes

money raised for the inmate Hillary is obscene..i agree
This is interesting the two lowest were....
"What's worse from Wall Street's perspective is that the candidates it least supports have been dominant on the campaign trail, and scored dramatic wins in the New Hampshire primary this week. Democrat Bernie Sanders received just $55,226 from the securities and investment industry, while billionaire Donald Trump, who is largely self-financing his campaign, has received just $11,900."

And the three highest were...

"For this cycle, the center tracked Wall Street donations to 22 candidates in both parties. The top overall Wall Street money recipient for 2015 was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who raised $34.6 million. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was second, with $17.3 million. Next was Sen. Ted Cruz, with $12.2 million."

Wall Street to candidates: Where's our return on investment?

from Banks and investment firms on Wall Street

Republican Marco Rubio's presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party's establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.

According to your chart Trump did not even make the top ten.But your girl Hillary did. Do you really think she will bite the tit that feeds here?
YES, without any doubt, she will and she has.... there is absolutely no record at all for her supporting the shenanigans of Wall Street while senator for 8 years and secretary of state for 4 years, only the OPPOSITE.
If and I say IF wall street agreed with you they would NOT give her a cent. Maybe they know something you don't?
oh yes...are we are talking here about that traitor Clooney...married to that muslim Amal Alamuddin, right?

what a piece of crap he is....:puke:

but yes

money raised for the inmate Hillary is obscene..i agree
This is interesting the two lowest were....
"What's worse from Wall Street's perspective is that the candidates it least supports have been dominant on the campaign trail, and scored dramatic wins in the New Hampshire primary this week. Democrat Bernie Sanders received just $55,226 from the securities and investment industry, while billionaire Donald Trump, who is largely self-financing his campaign, has received just $11,900."

And the three highest were...

"For this cycle, the center tracked Wall Street donations to 22 candidates in both parties. The top overall Wall Street money recipient for 2015 was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who raised $34.6 million. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was second, with $17.3 million. Next was Sen. Ted Cruz, with $12.2 million."

Wall Street to candidates: Where's our return on investment?

from Banks and investment firms on Wall Street

Republican Marco Rubio's presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party's establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.

According to your chart Trump did not even make the top ten.But your girl Hillary did. Do you really think she will bite the tit that feeds here?
YES, without any doubt, she will and she has.... there is absolutely no record at all for her supporting the shenanigans of Wall Street while senator for 8 years and secretary of state for 4 years, only the OPPOSITE.
If and I say IF wall street agreed with you they would NOT give her a cent. Maybe they know something you don't?
nope, her 2 biggest donors from Wall Street to her PAC who donated more than 50% of the money she/her PAC have received, BELIEVE Wall street needs reigning in and tighter regulations....and support her position on this...
Another Hollywood hypocrite.

Speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press, the actor was asked by host Chuck Todd whether the sums involved in his events, such as $353,400 a couple to be a “co-chair”, were, as critics and protesters have said, obscene.

“Yes,” he said. “I think it’s an obscene amount of money. I think – you know that we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they’re right to protest, they’re absolutely right, it is an obscene amount of money.

George Clooney admits money he raised for Hillary Clinton is 'obscene'

And yet he held the fund raiser anyway for this election's most bought and paid for Wall Street candidate.
Tazzie being disingenuous. Pity.
"George Clooney admits money he raised for Hillary Clinton is 'obscene''

And yet disturbingly, unsurprisingly, he gets no credit for being honest; indeed, he gets attacked for being honest.

This is why politicians and those who participate in politics are loath to be honest: because when they are they’re attacked and pilloried.

Consequently, the fault with our politicians not being honest lies with capricious, inconsistent voters, not politicians.
most bought wall street candidate out of whom? the Republican candidates have received 600% MORE from Wall Street than the Dem candidates from what I have read...???

From Clooney
He said that most of the money he had helped raise for Clinton would actually go to down-ticket Democrats running for Congress. If a Democratic president could get the right justice appointed to the supreme court, he argued, then the US could again begin to separate money from politics.

“We need to take the Senate back because we need to confirm a supreme court justice, because that fifth vote on the supreme court can overturn Citizens United and get this obscene, ridiculous amount of money out so I never have to do a fundraiser again.”
That is not true at all! It is usu even, but many times the Dems receive more money than Rep.
oh yes...are we are talking here about that traitor Clooney...married to that muslim Amal Alamuddin, right?

what a piece of crap he is....:puke:

but yes

money raised for the inmate Hillary is obscene..i agree
This is interesting the two lowest were....
"What's worse from Wall Street's perspective is that the candidates it least supports have been dominant on the campaign trail, and scored dramatic wins in the New Hampshire primary this week. Democrat Bernie Sanders received just $55,226 from the securities and investment industry, while billionaire Donald Trump, who is largely self-financing his campaign, has received just $11,900."

And the three highest were...

"For this cycle, the center tracked Wall Street donations to 22 candidates in both parties. The top overall Wall Street money recipient for 2015 was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who raised $34.6 million. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was second, with $17.3 million. Next was Sen. Ted Cruz, with $12.2 million."

Wall Street to candidates: Where's our return on investment?

from Banks and investment firms on Wall Street

Republican Marco Rubio's presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party's establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.

According to your chart Trump did not even make the top ten.But your girl Hillary did. Do you really think she will bite the tit that feeds here?
#1 - no one has accused Drumpf of taking Wall St. money, so your comment is just more of your stupidity.

#2 - Wall St. is going to give money to the people they believe will have a chance to win. That was Bush, Clinton, Rubio, a little Christie, and no one else - no one thought Drumpf would survive the summer, and Cruz was a joke (still is).

#3 - As Clooney said, these fundraisers are for the down tickets, less for the candidates themselves. So why would I be upset that Hillary is raising tons of money for all the Democratic candidates?
Hillary is treating her Goldman Sachs speeches like they were state secrets -- better, in fact
Another Hollywood hypocrite.

Speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press, the actor was asked by host Chuck Todd whether the sums involved in his events, such as $353,400 a couple to be a “co-chair”, were, as critics and protesters have said, obscene.

“Yes,” he said. “I think it’s an obscene amount of money. I think – you know that we had some protesters last night when we pulled up in San Francisco and they’re right to protest, they’re absolutely right, it is an obscene amount of money.

George Clooney admits money he raised for Hillary Clinton is 'obscene'

And yet he held the fund raiser anyway for this election's most bought and paid for Wall Street candidate.

George Clooneys' movies......One being Syriana ; that is about as left as left can get.

George Clooney, Steven Seagal, and Sean Penn ; with all of their movies.....and roles ; that are overly conservative and left. Using movies to make a large political statement, and to sway voters to the Democratic agenda.......and/or start complete anarchy.

George thinks his crap don't stink. If he could get a manicure, perm his hair, he would model for the world in a two piece bikini.....he believes he looks so good.

Shadow 355
Steven Segal is very Right Wing.

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