German Nazism’s Successor: Islamic Nazism

German Nazism’s Successor: Islamic Nazism

17 Oct 2023 ~~ By Dennis Praeger

“In every generation they arise to annihilate us.”

That statement appears in the Haggadah, the book read from at the Passover Seder. The book is about 1,000 years old; the statement is more than 2,000 years old.

A generation or two ago, it was the Nazis who arose to annihilate the Jews.
In this generation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Islamic movements have risen to annihilate the Jews.
The widespread overuse of the term “Nazi” — like the overuse of the terms “fascist,” “racist,” “existential threat,” “genocide,” “misinformation,” “threat to our democracy,” among others -— has rendered “Nazi” little more than a word to dismiss people who oppose the Left.
“Nazi” should never be used to describe non-Nazis. Nazi evil was sui generis. There has never been as organized, as industrialized, an attempt to murder every member of a religious/ethnic group — “every member” meaning babies, women, and the elderly as well as adult males — as the Nazi attempt to murder every Jew in Europe. Within a mere four years, they nearly succeeded: The Nazis murdered two out every three Jews in Europe.
But the term “Nazi” is applicable to one ideology today. There is an ideological successor to the Nazis. Just as the primary aim of Nazism was to kill every Jew in Europe, the primary aim of tens of millions of radical Muslims is to kill the seven million Jews in Israel and eradicate the one Jewish state.
The Muslim leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran regularly announce that the annihilation of Israel is their paramount aim. They would rather murder the Jews of Israel and eradicate Israel than feed their people. In fact, they have stated that the death of tens of millions of their fellow Iranians is a price worth paying if it means annihilating Israel.
Ecstatic Joy in the Streets
The celebrations in Gaza and elsewhere in the Muslim world were over Jews having been murdered and displayed. You can see the ecstatic joy of throngs of Palestinians in Gaza as Hamas terrorists display Jewish bodies in the back of pickup trucks driving through the streets of Gaza.
From the Times of Israel:
The video of the woman stripped down to her underwear appears to be of Shani Louk, a German citizen who was identified by her mother, and who had been attending the music festival which was staged close to Kibbutz Re’im. Hamas operatives are seen celebrating and cheering in the pickup truck in which they had placed Louk’s body, which was contorted in an unnatural angle, while Palestinians surrounding the truck shouted, ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘God is the greatest’). Two of the men spit on her.​
The result was that on Oct. 7, 2023, more Jews were murdered than on any one day since the Holocaust. Percentagewise, it was as if 40,000 Americans had been murdered. And these Israelis were murdered for the same reason Jews were murdered during the Holocaust — because they were Jews.
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Excellent thesis by Mr. Praeger.
Ever notice how all those supporting the terrorist groups murdering Jewish civilians and Iran are always leftists? Never a conservative on that side because, well, it’s inhuman. It’s amoral. It’s despotic and degenerate. It’s always the left.
Similarly, all Leftist groups in America seen to be with Democrats, whether it's the practice of Marxism, antisemitism, racism, or anarchism... Indeed all roads lead to Democrats and their Party.
Israel is the new Nazi Germany. They want to be known as the Jewish State, no different than Germany wanting to be known as the Ayran Nation.
Iran owes jews a lot more than a BILLION

Israel decided against paying the debt at a meeting in 1979 and granted legal indemnity to Israeli companies which owed it. At least one Israeli bank account is known to hold $250 million owed to Iran. Since the 1980s, Iran has been suing in the European courts for payment of the debts and has won several cases.
Israel decided against paying the debt at a meeting in 1979 and granted legal indemnity to Israeli companies which owed it. At least one Israeli bank account is known to hold $250 million owed to Iran. Since the 1980s, Iran has been suing in the European courts for payment of the debts and has won several cases.
screw Iran-----they can pay for their clients---HAMAS----a lot more than 250 million
I know of no country wanting to call themselves the Islamic State. I've heard of a terrorist group that calls itself the Islamic State, but no country making that claim similar to Israel and Germany in the 30's.
If you know of no country designating itself AN ISLAMIC STATE---you are in a coma
The answer is no country has come out and stated they want to be known as the Islamic State. None.

Until the 1930s the Palestinians didn't know the Jews were a separate race. They thought they were Arabs with a different religion...... part of the Arab family.

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