Giuliani To Mueller, We Want The Same Deal As Hillary

instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal.

Me thinks you're wrong on laws preventing illegals/non-citizens from voting in local elections. Non-citizens are prohibited from providing anything of value, what could be of more value than a vote, aren't votes the reason for all campaign expenses?

Also the 14th Amendment says people of voting age who aren't eligible to vote shouldn't be counted for representation.

instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal. would seem since "we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes"....someone would have done it already. Since it hasn't been done....shut the fuck up.

California should be stripped of Electoral College votes due to high number of illegals in the CA census

Here’s the thing about that: The U.S. Census Bureau counts illegal aliens as part of the 10-year census that is then used to apportion the number of House seats in Congress to each state. That is important because each state’s Electoral College votes are aligned with the number of congressional districts they have.

So in other words, some states (like California) have outsized apportionment (and, thus, outsized Electoral College votes) because they have large illegal immigrant populations.

Even if people here illegally cannot vote in federal elections, the mere fact that they are counted as part of the U.S. Census that is then used to apportion House seats and electoral votes gives states with high illegal immigrant populations more say in deciding who should be president than they should have.

That means if anything, California’s entire Electoral College tally should be discarded because it is artificially inflated.

The law is the law…the Secretaries of State signed off on the election totals. Your blob lost the popular vote.
So fuck off.

WOW!!! Great job Capitan Irrelevance.

[QUOTE="mudwhistle, post: 20624508, member: 20102"'] ...The reason you investigate is because you have evidence of a crime. Where's the evidence? Instead of an investigation of a crime, we have an investigation IN SEARCH OF A CRIME.[/QUOTE]

The reason to investigate is because probable cause has come to the forefront which suggests the commission of crime.

The investigation gathers the evidence... it does not merely confirm it.

Nice try, though.
...wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on that bombshell. Been close to three years and all Mewler has managed to do...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed in May 2017.

That is only fifteen (15) months... nowhere
NEAR the 'close to three years' you mention.

Although I'm sure it FEELS more like three years to some of ya'll... :21:
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Tell that to your fellow anti-Trumpers...
I wouldn't know where to start...

I mean... after all... there are so many of us... Republicans and Centrists, as well as Democrats and Socialists...

...bc they seem to think it’s already been proven...
There are, indeed, Kool-Aid drinkers on both sides, aren't there?

...I was called a dumb bitch not long ago for saying it has yet to be proven Trump colluded with the Russians...
ObamaBots and LibTards can be every bit as simple-minded as TrumpBots and Right Wingers... nolo contendere.

..I guess that person would have similar feelings about you.
Could be... could be... doesn't matter much to me, either way.
[QUOTE="mudwhistle, post: 20624508, member: 20102"'] ...The reason you investigate is because you have evidence of a crime. Where's the evidence? Instead of an investigation of a crime, we have an investigation IN SEARCH OF A CRIME.

The reason to investigate is because probable cause has come to the forefront which suggests the commission of crime.

The investigation gathers the evidence... it does not merely confirm it.

Nice try, though.
Sorry, but that ain't happening here.

Manafort is a prime example of the hunt for a crime.
...Manafort is a prime example of the hunt for a crime.
Not at all.

There is sufficient linkage between the Special Counsel's mandate and Manafort to bring us to this day.

Manafort... convicted... hoping like hell that The Creature will pardon him before he's obliged to spill his guts to cut his sentence.

Cohen... confessed and convicted... guilty of being The Creature's front-man for purposes of felony violations of campaign finance laws.

This is not a good day for ya'll.

Buckle-up, mine good colleague, because The Opposition is just getting warmed-up... today was just the Opening Pitch.
...Manafort is a prime example of the hunt for a crime.
Not at all.

There is sufficient linkage between the Special Counsel's mandate and Manafort to bring us to this day.

Manafort... convicted... hoping like hell that The Creature will pardon him before he's obliged to spill his guts to cut his sentence.

Cohen... confessed and convicted... guilty of being The Creature's front-man for purposes of felony violations of campaign finance laws.

This is not a good day for ya'll.

Buckle-up, mine good colleague, because The Opposition is just getting warmed-up... today was just the Opening Pitch.
Like I said this idiots think that this means you have hope. That a Manafort conviction means Trump is guilty.
Who cares that Manafort was on the Trump team for such a short time he barely got settled in, then he was fired when revelations of his history was deemed a distraction.

Notice the timing of these events. As soon as the Manafort verdict was released, BOOM Mueller gets a guilty plea from Cohen. Wow!!! What a surprise.

How did they convict Manafort? By offering immunity to a scumbag who deserved to spend the rest of his life in prison....but instead testified against him and walked Scott free.

Cohen engineered payouts, even suggested them to Trump, as was revealed in the tapes he made. If anything, Cohen was pleading guilty to doing something that Trump never agreed to. In his secret audio tapes Cohen was filling him in on the financing and Trump asked him, what financing?
Notice that Cohen was trying to set Trump up with a banking charge or campaign finance violations. Trump refused to go along with it and told him to pay for this woman's story by check. Where's the felony in buying the rights to a story with your own money?
Mueller is going to try to prove that Trump ordered him to break the law when in fact Cohen was trying to break the law on his own. The whole thing was setup during the runup to the election.
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When is Crooked Donnie going to testify?

I know....Perjury Trap

Any time he opens his mouth he perjures himself
When is Crooked Donnie going to testify?

I know....Perjury Trap

Any time he opens his mouth he perjures himself
Show the crime...........LOL

This investigation is an investigation to look for a crime..............Not an investigation of an alleged crime............the Russia Russia Russia is now a Whore Whore Whore investigation.

Will you now spin it to Trump screwed a porn star and caused Hillary to lose..............LOL
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
/——/, Tick... tick... tick... waiting for this to blow up in your face. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
When is Crooked Donnie going to testify?

I know....Perjury Trap

Any time he opens his mouth he perjures himself
That was the plan.
So who's the real liar?
And how is paying off a couple of hookers hush money influencing an election or even against the law?

Shit....Democrats offered $750,000 to Stormy Daniels to make up some shit about Trump and she refused. I would think THAT was an attempt to influence the election,.....not the other way around.
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