Glenn Beck Tries Out Decency

Partisans will always flip flop on issues depending who is supporting them and who is not. Truth be told, we need both Left and Right for balance just like we need a Mother and Father for balance. It's Yin-Yang. When in balance, everything is for the best. When one completely dominates the other, we have problems.

Unless one side is completely out of their minds, which is currently the case for the Republican Party. They're going to have to flush out all of the racist turds within the party if they ever want a chance to win the White House again.

The Democrats have far more racists than the GOP.

"Completely out of their minds" would be people who put a criminal in the office of the presidency.

Keep telling yourself that, goober. You Repugs live in denial and that's why you'll never see another Repug in the White House during your lifetime.

I'm not in denial. Hillary Clinton is a criminal, YOU are in denial dumbass.

Hmmm....those are profound words, Repug goober. I'll contemplate that today while Hillary shoves her foot up your ass with a resounding victory.

You are a bigger idiot than I first thought. When she wins, she will have put her foot up the ass of the whole country.
Beck is an uneducated media whore who made a fortune serving up conspiracies and red meat to the rightwing deplorables

The fact that he is looking for leftwing suckers to buy into his rhetoric does not impress me
He saw how well Rachel Maddow was doing with LW suckers and decided to cash in. God Bless America!
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.
Who said he was the Left's hero? Black and white thinking is for conservatives, not Liberals.

I think he's a weird dude. Another junkie like Limbaugh, and a Mormon to boot.
I don't know what to make of this guy any longer. I've always considered him a bit of a nutcase, but it looks like he may have come to that conclusion about himself, also.

Glenn Beck Tries Out Decency


Glenn Beck clicked on a video of Michelle Obama campaigning for Hillary Clinton in a New Hampshire gymnasium. The First Lady ripped into Trump’s comments, calling them “disgraceful” and “intolerable,” and adding, “It doesn’t matter what party you belong to—Democrat, Republican, Independent—no woman deserves to be treated this way.” Beck was mesmerized. On his radio program that day, he heralded Obama’s remarks as “the most effective political speech I have heard since Ronald Reagan.”

“Those words hit me where I live,” Beck said the other day. He was speedwalking up Eighth Avenue with his wife, son, and daughter, all in from Toronto. “If you’re a decent human being, those words were dead on.”

Decency is a fresh palette for Beck, who, at Fox, used to scribble on a chalkboard while launching into conspiratorial rants about looming Weimar-esque hyperinflation, Barack Obama’s ties to radicals with population-cleansing schemes, and a Marxist-Islamist cabal itching to take over America. He once described Clinton as “a stereotypical bitch” and accused Obama of being a racist with a “deep-seated hatred for white people.”

That was the old Beck, he insists: “I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama.” But, he said, “Obama made me a better man.” He regrets calling the President a racist and counts himself a Black Lives Matter supporter. “There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he said. “I had to listen to them.”

Beck’s interactions with Donald Trump helped, too. He told a story of Trump summoning him to a guest room at Mar-a-Lago; Trump then telephoned him from an adjacent room. “We had this weird, almost Howard Hughes-like conversation,” Beck said. He left convinced that Trump was nuts. “This guy is dangerously unhinged,” he said. “And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.”

Beck went on, “What’s most tragic about this is us. We have, as a culture, embraced the bad guys. I love Tony Soprano. But, when a Tony Soprano shows up in your life, you don’t love him so much.


There was a good article about Beck in Rolling Stone recently. I'll never like the guy, but he seems to genuinely regret some of the terrible things he said regarding President Obama. And Beck does understand how dangerous Trump is, so I'll give him credit for that. I think he may also be mentally ill, which causes him to say and do things that he later regrets.
I agree, but watch out: the wingnuts are going to accuse you of being a Beck fan now!
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.

Post an observation about a conservative public figure, and next thing you know some piss ignorant cult-tard is labelling him "the left's brand new hero."

Different day .... Same ol' shit.
Beck went under the bus as soon as he criticized Trump. Cultists do that to people.

What will be interesting to see is if they toss Trump under the bus, or if they keep following their disgraced and humiliated DearLeader.

No doubt Trump is under the bus before Christmas.
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.
Who said he was the Left's hero? Black and white thinking is for conservatives, not Liberals.

I think he's a weird dude. Another junkie like Limbaugh, and a Mormon to boot.

He's your hero of the moment.
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.

Post an observation about a conservative public figure, and next thing you know some piss ignorant cult-tard is labelling him "the left's brand new hero."

Different day .... Same ol' shit.

Liberals lie and spin. Different day, same stupid shit.
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.

Post an observation about a conservative public figure, and next thing you know some piss ignorant cult-tard is labelling him "the left's brand new hero."

Different day .... Same ol' shit.

Liberals lie and spin. Different day, same stupid shit.

There is not one liberal on here that said Beck is their hero. Just more lies by Repug assfucks such as yourself.

It's in a Repug's nature to be a shameless liar, which is why Hillary is going to kick all of your asses today.
I don't know what to make of this guy any longer. I've always considered him a bit of a nutcase, but it looks like he may have come to that conclusion about himself, also.

Glenn Beck Tries Out Decency


Glenn Beck clicked on a video of Michelle Obama campaigning for Hillary Clinton in a New Hampshire gymnasium. The First Lady ripped into Trump’s comments, calling them “disgraceful” and “intolerable,” and adding, “It doesn’t matter what party you belong to—Democrat, Republican, Independent—no woman deserves to be treated this way.” Beck was mesmerized. On his radio program that day, he heralded Obama’s remarks as “the most effective political speech I have heard since Ronald Reagan.”

“Those words hit me where I live,” Beck said the other day. He was speedwalking up Eighth Avenue with his wife, son, and daughter, all in from Toronto. “If you’re a decent human being, those words were dead on.”

Decency is a fresh palette for Beck, who, at Fox, used to scribble on a chalkboard while launching into conspiratorial rants about looming Weimar-esque hyperinflation, Barack Obama’s ties to radicals with population-cleansing schemes, and a Marxist-Islamist cabal itching to take over America. He once described Clinton as “a stereotypical bitch” and accused Obama of being a racist with a “deep-seated hatred for white people.”

That was the old Beck, he insists: “I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama.” But, he said, “Obama made me a better man.” He regrets calling the President a racist and counts himself a Black Lives Matter supporter. “There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he said. “I had to listen to them.”

Beck’s interactions with Donald Trump helped, too. He told a story of Trump summoning him to a guest room at Mar-a-Lago; Trump then telephoned him from an adjacent room. “We had this weird, almost Howard Hughes-like conversation,” Beck said. He left convinced that Trump was nuts. “This guy is dangerously unhinged,” he said. “And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.”

Beck went on, “What’s most tragic about this is us. We have, as a culture, embraced the bad guys. I love Tony Soprano. But, when a Tony Soprano shows up in your life, you don’t love him so much.


Whaaaaa???? You're only now thinking that beck is a fruitcake? Really? I would have thought that obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together years and years ago....
All of a sudden, Beck is the left's hero. He'll go back to the way they always viewed him when he starts criticising Hillary. The left are the most ignorant people on the planet.
Who said he was the Left's hero? Black and white thinking is for conservatives, not Liberals.

I think he's a weird dude. Another junkie like Limbaugh, and a Mormon to boot.

He's your hero of the moment.
Where the fuck do you get this bullshit? I just finished calling him a weirdo junkie Mormon.

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