God Help America: Over A Quarter Of Gen Z Now Say They’re Queer According To New Poll

This is 'another' issue that makes up the political divide. Americans feel so strongly about this one that they will turn to violence and killing over it too.
It's just as much a hot button as abortion and that question leading to extreme violence,
Right wing authoritarianism is showing itself here.

The authoritarians here think they get to tell people what they are, not what they say they are.

When you look at the data, the majority of those in the Gen Z population identifying as LGBTQ are identifying as bisexual. Don’t get your panties in a wad.
Right wing authoritarianism is showing itself here.

The authoritarians here think they get to tell people what they are, not what they say they are.

When you look at the data, the majority of those in the Gen Z population identifying as LGBTQ are identifying as bisexual. Don’t get your panties in a wad.

Leftists mostly identify as ACDC.... given the odds they're so unattractive they try anything
Leftists mostly identify as ACDC.... given the odds they're so unattractive they try anything
Save it. I’ve been to Trump country. The BMIs goes up while the number of teeth to down.

Just let people be who they want to be. Is that so hard?
School vouchers wouldn't have solved the education problem any more than section 8 vouchers solved the housing problem.

Private schools work because the parents are spending their own money. While I don't have any happy memories of 12 years of Catholic School, I will admit my parents were committed to the result.
We won't admit that a percentage of children are disruptive. They affect the rest of the children in learning. There are also children slower than others. Too much slower and it affects how the class learns from year to year. Catholic schools only tolerated that to a point.
If your son or daughter, age 4-6, gets homo-raped, then you have a homo as a son or a daughter, there is nothing you can do about it, and figuring that out is the #1 reason for


NO HOMOS near America's kids!!
I went to a Catholic School. Two of the priests in my parish were credibly accused of inappropriate relationships with minors, Meanwhile, at the High School, a coach for the Sophmore Football team was showing gay porn films to his players at his house.
I went to a Catholic School. Two of the priests in my parish were credibly accused of inappropriate relationships with minors, Meanwhile, at the High School, a coach for the Sophmore Football team was showing gay porn films to his players at his house.

No wonder you're a hot mess
I went to a Catholic School. Two of the priests in my parish were credibly accused of inappropriate relationships with minors, Meanwhile, at the High School, a coach for the Sophmore Football team was showing gay porn films to his players at his house.

How many Catholic Schools are there in Tel Aviv???
I'd like to say this stuff bothers me, but we'll I have more important things to do like brush my golden retriever. I could care less how anybody identifies. It doesn't affect me. Next issue?
Perhaps collectively the most pathetic generation to ever exist. I blame Obama, Joe Biden, public school liberal indoctrinariums, Jewish run Hollywood, TikTok, same-sex marriage, and single-parent families with no alpha-male heterosexual fathers present. They have their consequences.

destroy american family.jpg
This is a result of.....

Letting kids grow up with a phone in their hand and let them use social media. They see other young people on social media being fags and feel like it makes them special so they stay in their online echo chambers.

Christianity is frowned upon now and spoken negatively of very publicly.

Poor parenting by soft, weak willed parents. Parents that don't push responsibility, morals, values and standards. So the kids grow up bored and bored kids cling to the internet. They are raised to be social retards so they find all their friends online and only find others just like them or freaks.

Politicians, media outlets, and companies pushing fags into the limelight praising them and giving them special attention. Kids crave attention and they see fags getting attention and praise so they want it also.

Schools have too fag teachers desperate to turn kids into fags also.

Children are being sexualized by perverts with drag time story hour, public queer events, fags being pushed into all kinds of tv shows and movies, they even have tv shows specifically about underage kids in the adult world of drag and it's called "drag kids", and you have people trying to normalize pedophilia by referring to themselves as minor attracted persons or maps.

America is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah slowly and children are being pulled into it. Our society makes me sick at what it allows.

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