GOP candidates skip Iowa’s only minority-focused forum

Is this new? Republicans have be talking bad about minorities for as long as I can remember. Mind you, niether of the two parties are worth a crap, but minorities do not and probably will not ever have a voice, other than token appearance in what is left of the Republican Party. Surely, you are aware, every white supremacy group in the US supports Trump, right.
Link? You realize those pro-Ukraine neo-nazis support Biden. All those hate filled socialists are lefties or 'independents' like you.
It's no surprise to me. I posted this for all these republicans who keep trying to tell me how blacks are flocking to the party because republicans are doing so much for black people.
You should have gone military. I was taught to resist propaganda.
They pander to white as a race. This has been the case since Nixon.
You are younger than I thought. It goes back further than Nixon, by far and that was just the normal Republican party, before the started publicly welcoming white supremacist groups, militias, fascists, anti-constitutionalist, etc. Mind you again, as a party, the Democrats also suck, but just don't suck as much on your issue. Got to point out though, it is quite true, whether by native stupidity or as some people say by design, the Democrat party of the Great Society, did more to destroy the black family unit, than slavery ever did and the effects on the black population especially in the inner cities is still being seen today. Now, the Dems listen, but tend more toward coddling, than making a change, that will help. Throwing free money at it certainly won't do it, and that is about all they do, kind of like a one trick pony or, er, uh, mule.
Got to point out though, it is quite true, whether by native stupidity or as some people say by design, the Democrat party of the Great Society, did more to destroy the black family unit, than slavery ever did and the effects on the black population especially in the inner cities is still being seen today.

LBJ was right.
You are younger than I thought. It goes back further than Nixon, by far and that was just the normal Republican party, before the started publicly welcoming white supremacist groups, militias, fascists, anti-constitutionalist, etc. Mind you again, as a party, the Democrats also suck, but just don't suck as much on your issue. Got to point out though, it is quite true, whether by native stupidity or as some people say by design, the Democrat party of the Great Society, did more to destroy the black family unit, than slavery ever did and the effects on the black population especially in the inner cities is still being seen today. Now, the Dems listen, but tend more toward coddling, than making a change, that will help. Throwing free money at it certainly won't do it, and that is about all they do, kind of like a one trick pony or, er, uh, mule.
Republicans have not been friendly to blacks from the party's inception. But these guys love clinging to the "we freed the slaves" line.

You are wrong on several counts. First is the lie about the Great Society and black families. And when you talk about throwing money, trillions of dollars were thrown to whites in the form of various programs blacks were excluded from that created the white middle class. Welfare began basically in 1910 in what was called the Childrens Bureau. In 1935, Aid to Dependent Children(changed to ADFC and now TANF) was created as part of Social Security and the program was money specifically granted to states by the Federal government to assist women who had children without a man in the house. Blacks were excluded from this program. Did that and other FDR New Deal programs destroy white families?

Black "Inner cities" were destroyed by highway construction, factories moving out of areas close to black communities as well as moving factories overseas. The "Demoxratic city" arguments made by the right in this forum is dishonest as Republicans are never responsible for anything bad, but they will take the credit for anything good.
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Yeah Republicans, keep on telling us about the 1860 Democratic Party while simultaneously telling people how you aren't responsible for the past. This is the Republican Party of 2024.

GOP candidates skip Iowa’s only minority-focused forum​

Nearly every Republican presidential candidate has rejected an offer to participate in what the organizer describes as the nation’s oldest minority-focused presidential forum, despite GOP optimism — and repeated campaign trail comments from several candidates — about improving the party’s performance with voters of color in 2024.

For nearly as long as Iowa has held its first-in-the-nation title, Wayne Ford has organized the Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum. The event often focuses on issues of national significance, such as crime, education and the economy, but it gives presidential aspirants an opportunity to tailor their message specifically to communities of color. Ford co-founded the organization behind the forum alongside Iowa-based Latina activist Mary Campos in 1984.

Ford, a Democratic former state representative who was working with Iowa Republican leaders to try to put on a 2024 event, said he has extended invitations to Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls alike since the forum started 40 years ago. But only Democratic presidential candidates have participated so far. Past attendees include President Joe Biden as well as former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Jesse Jackson and George McGovern.

Ford had reason to think this election cycle might be different: Exit polls have shown Republicans making gains with Black and Latino voters since Donald Trump’s election as president in 2016. But only a few months after extending invitations, organizers for the Republican forum canceled it due to “a low number of committed participants.”

“We’ve reached out to the Republican Party — whether it was Bush, Reagan, it didn’t matter. We always reached out to both parties,” Ford said. “Over the years, we started recognizing that Republicans were not coming but Democrats were.” He added: “I’m disappointed that as of today, we still have not done a Republican forum from the presidential level.”

This is the oldest such forum in the country and Republicans refused to show up.
Iowa population: 3.2 million.

4.4% of which is black (140;000)…..90% of which will vote for their handlers in the Dimwinger party.

I wouldn’t waste my time on 14,000 potential voters either. Just smart electoral politics, Simp.

But it is fun that you get butthurt over it.


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