Zone1 Great Moments in Republican Race relations


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
US Civil War to Free the slaves1861-1865LincolnRepublican
Ordered 101st Airborn to Little Rock to enforce desegreation1954EisenhowerRepublican
Civil Right Act Ending Jim Crow1957EisenhowerRepublican

Just a few select highlights of how the Republican Party helped blacks in America

Ike sent the heroes he ordered to Bastogne to hold off the German last desperate attack of WWII to Little Rock to make sure the local democrats followed SCOTUS ruling in Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education
US Civil War to Free the slaves1861-1865LincolnRepublican
Ordered 101st Airborn to Little Rock to enforce desegreation1954EisenhowerRepublican
Civil Right Act Ending Jim Crow1957EisenhowerRepublican

Just a few select highlights of how the Republican Party helped blacks in America

Ike sent the heroes he ordered to Bastogne to hold off the German last desperate attack of WWII to Little Rock to make sure the local democrats followed SCOTUS ruling in Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education
Democrats don't care if they're hypocrites.

They think they have enough support from their corrupt propagandists to appear like they are virtuous.
Republican President Harding's tremendous October 1921 speech on civil rights in the middle of Far Left Birmingham Alabama was a tremendous moment in race relations. Alabama went heavy duty for the far left in 1920

Republican President Harding's tremendous October 1921 speech on civil rights in the middle of Far Left Birmingham Alabama was a tremendous moment in race relations. Alabama went heavy duty for the far left in 1920

This is fantastic! Thank you!! I earned something very new
Republican President Harding's tremendous October 1921 speech on civil rights in the middle of Far Left Birmingham Alabama was a tremendous moment in race relations. Alabama went heavy duty for the far left in 1920

Amazing speech!

"[21] Take first the political aspect. I would say let the black man vote when he is fit to vote: prohibit the white man voting when he unfit to vote. Especially would I appeal to the self-respect of the colored race. I would inculcate in it the wish to improve itself: distinct race, with a heredity, a set of traditions, an array of aspirations all its own. Out of such racial ambition and pride will come natural segregations, without narrowing any rights, such as are proceeding in both rural and urban communities now in Southern States, satisfying natural inclinations and adding notably to happiness and contentment.

[22] On the other hand I would insist upon equal educational opportunity for both. This does not mean that both would become equally educated within a generation or two generations or ten generations. Even men of the same race do not accomplish such an equality as that. They never will. The Providence that endowed men with widely unequal capacities and capabilities and energies did not intend any such thing.

But the demagogues who would array class against class and group against group have fortunately found little to reward their efforts. That is because, despite the demagogues, the idea of our oneness as Americans has risen superior to every appeal to mere class and group."
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"[26] It is a matter of the keenest national concern that the South shall not be encouraged to make its colored population a vast reservoir of ignorance, to be drained away by the processes of migration into all other sections...

[28] Every consideration, it seems to me, brings us back at last to the question of education. When I speak of education as a part of this race question. I do not want the States or the Nation to attempt to educate people, whether white or black, into something they are not fitted to be. I have no sympathy with the half-baked altruism that would overstock us with doctors and lawyers, of whatever color, and leave us in need of people fit and willing to do the manual work of a workaday world. But I would like to see an education that would fit every man not only to do his particular work as well as possible but to rise to a higher plane if he would deserve it. For that sort of education I have no fears, whether it be given to a black man or a white man. From that sort of education. I believe, black men, white men, the whole Nation, would draw immeasurable benefit."

Harding over 100 years ago!

The Department of Education and their proud "0% function at grade level in the Inner City" accomplishment, is a call to action, an act of war against blacks, against the nation!
This is a load of bullshit. Eisenhowers Civil Rights Act did not end Jim Crow.
Republican President Harding's tremendous October 1921 speech on civil rights in the middle of Far Left Birmingham Alabama was a tremendous moment in race relations. Alabama went heavy duty for the far left in 1920

No it wasn't.
US Civil War to Free the slaves1861-1865LincolnRepublican
Ordered 101st Airborn to Little Rock to enforce desegreation1954EisenhowerRepublican
Civil Right Act Ending Jim Crow1957EisenhowerRepublican

Just a few select highlights of how the Republican Party helped blacks in America

Ike sent the heroes he ordered to Bastogne to hold off the German last desperate attack of WWII to Little Rock to make sure the local democrats followed SCOTUS ruling in Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education
US Civil War to Free the slaves1861-1865LincolnRepublican
Ordered 101st Airborn to Little Rock to enforce desegreation1954EisenhowerRepublican
Civil Right Act Ending Jim Crow1957EisenhowerRepublican

Just a few select highlights of how the Republican Party helped blacks in America

Ike sent the heroes he ordered to Bastogne to hold off the German last desperate attack of WWII to Little Rock to make sure the local democrats followed SCOTUS ruling in Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education

Harding and Coolidge with Coolidge one of the 5 best ever

President Harding faced greater challenges than did Coolidge. Internationally, there was a lot of discord in Europe after WW1, we had a major, heavy duty recession in progress when Harding took office in 1921, high Wilsonian tasks, the Wilson Flu, etc.

Could Coolidge have been successful in such a situation? Probably, he was a solid Preisdent as well.

But I think as far as accomplishments, Warren G Harding was probably the better of the 2.
President Harding faced greater challenges than did Coolidge. Internationally, there was a lot of discord in Europe after WW1, we had a major, heavy duty recession in progress when Harding took office in 1921, high Wilsonian tasks, the Wilson Flu, etc.

Could Coolidge have been successful in such a situation? Probably, he was a solid Preisdent as well.

But I think as far as accomplishments, Warren G Harding was probably the better of the 2.

Well Coolidge was Harding's VP at the time and together with SecTres Mellon they vowed to let free enterprise self correct in the post war economy. What started out as a possible Depression was completely turned around in 18 months and lead directly to the Roaring 20's.
Free enterprise brought us mass production and electricity. Capitalism, rather than government intervention grew the economy.

This was also the only period since the hijacking of the US economy by the Fed that America buying power INCREASED!

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