Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 y/o disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts Wednesday night came to the U.S. via the Biden admin’s ...

Nothing but the best for America under Biden.

So far, Biden has had 138,000+ Haitians alone flown here. We don't need any Haitians.

BREAKING: Per DHS sources to me & @GriffJenkins, the Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 y/o disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts Wednesday night came to the U.S. via the Biden admin’s parole program for Haitians, which allowed him to fly into JFK airport in NYC direct from Haiti in June 2023 w/ a 2 year parole grant. We’re told that ICE has now filed a detainer on 26-year-old Cory B. Alvarez with local authorities, & that he had a sponsor listed in New Jersey as part of his parole.
The Biden admin’s controversial CHNV parole program allows up to 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to fly into the U.S. after they’ve supposedly been vetted and have a sponsor in the U.S.
The recipients typically receive two year “humanitarian parole” grants, which allow them to apply for work authorization and live in the U.S.
According to CBP data, at least 138,000 Haitians have been brought to the U.S. since the start of the Biden admin’s program in January 2023.
The Biden admin considers this program a “lawful pathway”, and the recipients bypass the border entirely, flying over it instead. The program is an effort to cut down on high numbers of illegal crossings at the border.
I reached out to CBP & DHS for comment yesterday, and have not heard back yet.

Will Biden begin bringing Haitians by boat to Florida shores? They've done everything else to help illegals and harm Florida so that would seem a logical extension of their actions.
Another crime that shouldnt have happened.
There is LOTS of crime in the US that shouldn't happen.
Yes, this is terrible, but it's not the ONLY crime happening.
But it is convenient to Blame it all on Biden.
Make no mistake, DemoKKKrats LOVE this.

Southern KKK.png
It shouldnt have happened at all. Period.
You can try to shake blame away from your pedo-in-chief but its his fault.
Crime in the US has always been rampant.
Is Biden responsible for ALL crime?
No he is responsible for crime that wouldnt have ever happened without his BS border policies.
You understand yet, or do i need to get a 4 year old to explain it?
Condescending Elitist says what?

I simply Blame, and always have blamed, the do nothing congress.
No matter the POTUS, Congress simply can't come up with a solution.
It's NOT that difficult, but both parties of Congre$$ are money whores and don't really care about America, they care about $$$$ and Re-Election.
Condescending Elitist says what?

I simply Blame, and always have blamed, the do nothing congress.
No matter the POTUS, Congress simply can't come up with a solution.
It's NOT that difficult, but both parties of Congre$$ are money whores and don't really care about America, they care about $$$$ and Re-Election.
No, neither party cares about immigration. But we are suffering from illegals because of BIDEN. No matter how much you want to dance around that.
Condescending Elitist says what?

I simply Blame, and always have blamed, the do nothing congress.
No matter the POTUS, Congress simply can't come up with a solution.
It's NOT that difficult, but both parties of Congre$$ are money whores and don't really care about America, they care about $$$$ and Re-Election.
HR 1 is a decent solution. E Verify will not stop it but it will stop the Asylum BS, until they find another loop hole, and remain in Mexico POLICY
When he opens the doors in the millions South of our border, you damn straight hes responsible for some of it.

Who gives you guys the Authority to VIOLATE our LAWS?

You know exactly what Im asking
Quit yelling at ME.
Congress needs to do their JOB and find a bipartisan solution.
I laugh at this, because we all know that Congress is inept and will bitch about the situation but NEVER find a solution. This has happened for decades.

One of these Candidates needs to VOW as a Promise to attack Congress repeatedly until Congress passes a Border Bill.

Dear Lord. Quit YELLING at the POTUS or common Americans, and start DEMANDING that CONGRE$$ does their JOB.
HR 1 is a decent solution. E Verify will not stop it but it will stop the Asylum BS, until they find another loop hole, and remain in Mexico POLICY
Tell Congress.
Demand Congress finds a solution.
Quit yelling at ME.
Congress needs to do their JOB and find a bipartisan solution.
I laugh at this, because we all know that Congress is inept and will bitch about the situation but NEVER find a solution. This has happened for decades.

One of these Candidates needs to VOW as a Promise to attack Congress repeatedly until Congress passes a Border Bill.

Dear Lord. Quit YELLING at the POTUS or common Americans, and start DEMANDING that CONGRE$$ does their JOB.

Tell Congress.
Demand Congress finds a solution.
Congress already passed HR1 dumbass. Senate and Biden say NO
Congress already passed HR1 dumbass. Senate and Biden say NO

You are trying to reason with a Spinning Black hole. There is no hope for some idiots. They support Obiden 2020 takeover thru Election fraud and they are happy with open borders no matter how many innocents are slaughtered caused by the NEWLY IMPORTED criminals from down South. As long as they are not white Germans or Swedes, the Marxist scum are thrilled with all of it.//
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You are trying to reason with a Spinning Black hole. There is no hope for some idiots. They support Obiden 2020 takeover thru Election fraud and they are happy with open borders no matter how many innocents are slaughtered from the NEWLY IMPORTED criminals from down south. As long as they are not white Germans or Swedes, the Marxist scum are thrilled with all of it.//
I know. But I counter there BS so their constant Lies are countered

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