Haley challenges Trump for a debate; questions his 'mental competency'

If you think Biden engineered and manufactured his win in 2020 when he wasn't even in power....
I never said that. As long admitted and detailed in national print, a large cabal of financiers and organizers got together in 2019 when the impeachments weren't working as they hoped spending a year rigging 2020 to best assure a Trump loss as the only way left to win. Biden got in only because he was the best puppet they had at the time properly conditioned by theft, extortion and bribery from his family taking foreign money for ages to put in office to act as their front-man puppet. They even write his agenda, his answers and his speeches for him. They just point Joe in the direction they want and promise him more rewards.

Well what's stopping him from doing it this time?
That is the $200.00 question. I've heard that some reforms and steps have been taken to catch more cheating since 2020 (never-mind after the cheating of 2012 after the IRS was caught holding back Romney organizations or the 2005 proposed election reforms signed by Jimmy Carter) but I have my druthers whether it is near enough. We are now dealing with international/global/chinese crime conglomerates. You see--- Trump's problem is that he isn't on the take, so can't be bought like everyone else in Washington and he won't be threatened. Trump will have to have an overwhelming decisive victory to end up pulling off a close win over Joe I think.

Unless they manage to arrest and jail him first or manage to arrange an "accident."

All under the manufactured guise of telling the public what a quintessential "threat" Trump was to the republic.

Do not worry: Joe is here to "save" it (but for who?).
Trump would DESTROY HER in a debate!!!!
No, he wouldn't. He'd try to bully her, talk over her, yell at the moderator, change the direction of the question, do his usual riffing. Biden ran him over in debate #2 in 2020. But Haley is younger and smarter than Trump. She would shred him in a debate where he couldn't riff like one of his pep rallies. You'd get to see how much of a fucking moron Trump really is. Not that you would care. :) He's your savior.
Trump would DESTROY HER in a debate!!!!

Haley is dottering on the precipice and needs that debate to reinvigorate her/their campaign while Trump stands to gain NOTHING. So Trump's answer will be no, Haley will try to spin that as weakness, but maybe the counter offer should be first to have Joe take a mental test first and her beat HIM in a debate!

Funny they want to suddenly give presidents "tests" now, meanwhile, these same people could not even ascertain Obumma'a treasonous background on Kenyan origins.

And just who determines what the gold standard is for a passable grade in mental competency after having never tested presidents before, and on what? Questions better suited for a game show? None of these tests can ascertain one's integrity, loyalty to country, or ambition to fight to preserve one's national solidarity--- the things which actually COUNT in a president.
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When a Governor of South Carolina took down the Confederate flag that was pretty much bat shit crazy.
No, he wouldn't. He'd try to bully her, talk over her, yell at the moderator, change the direction of the question, do his usual riffing. Biden ran him over in debate #2 in 2020. But Haley is younger and smarter than Trump. She would shred him in a debate where he couldn't riff like one of his pep rallies. You'd get to see how much of a fucking moron Trump really is. Not that you would care. :) He's your savior.
You're just in a fever-dream, LMAO.
Poor Nikki Haley "had a bad night."
He'd try to bully her, talk over her, yell at the moderator, change the direction of the question, do his usual riffing.
So in other words, you already admit to and expect another shameful, slanted "debate" as in 2020 heavily geared towards making Trump look bad driving him to object and protest again in his defense as participants are given 30 second time-slots to quickly ferret out solutions to the world's woes while ignoring the real issues.

Biden ran him over in debate #2 in 2020. But Haley is younger and smarter than Trump. She would shred him in a debate where he couldn't riff like one of his pep rallies.
In other words, you admit that Haley NEEDS this debate to save her dying campaign and you are for helping her out as anything that keeps Biden from having to face Trump again.
You're just in a fever-dream, LMAO.
Poor Nikki Haley "had a bad night."
Well, most likely, she won't win the nomination. And after SC, it will probably be over. But Trump was expecting her to tuck tail and fold after last night. But her major donors said they are backing her, so it's game on!

Trump's the one who should be a bit worried after last night. Enthusiasm just doesn't seem to be there this year. :)
I never said that. As long admitted and detailed in national print, a large cabal of financiers and organizers got together in 2019 when the impeachments weren't working as they hoped spending a year rigging 2020 to best assure a Trump loss as the only way left to win. Biden got in only because he was the best puppet they had at the time properly conditioned by theft, extortion and bribery from his family taking foreign money for ages to put in office to act as their front-man puppet. They even write his agenda, his answers and his speeches for him. They just point Joe in the direction they want and promise him more rewards.

That is the $200.00 question. I've heard that some reforms and steps have been taken to catch more cheating since 2020 (never-mind after the cheating of 2012 after the IRS was caught holding back Romney organizations or the 2005 proposed election reforms signed by Jimmy Carter) but I have my druthers whether it is near enough. We are now dealing with international/global/chinese crime conglomerates. You see--- Trump's problem is that he isn't on the take, so can't be bought like everyone else in Washington and he won't be threatened. Trump will have to have an overwhelming decisive victory to end up pulling off a close win over Joe I think.

Unless they manage to arrest and jail him first or manage to arrange an "accident."

All under the manufactured guise of telling the public what a quintessential "threat" Trump was to the republic.

Do not worry: Joe is here to "save" it (but for who?).
Well I hope you're wrong. I think I would rather Trump be president then to think that there is some cabal that makes all the decisions for us.
Trump hasn't debated since 2020 and he was fairly incoherent then... Recently his cognitive decline has sharply increased. You won't see him debating Nikki but he did challenge her to a cognitive test where they could look at pictures of men, cameras and elephants.
Cringe. :rolleyes:
Well, most likely, she won't win the nomination. And after SC, it will probably be over. But Trump was expecting her to tuck tail and fold after last night. But her major donors said they are backing her, so it's game on!

Trump's the one who should be a bit worried after last night. Enthusiasm just doesn't seem to be there this year. :)
You're only gaslighting yourself. :itsok:
Well, most likely, she won't win the nomination. And after SC, it will probably be over. But Trump was expecting her to tuck tail and fold after last night. But her major donors said they are backing her, so it's game on!

Trump's the one who should be a bit worried after last night. Enthusiasm just doesn't seem to be there this year. :)
When a Governor of South Carolina took down the Confederate flag that was pretty much bat shit crazy.
For one...it wasn't the Confederate flag. It was a unofficial battle flag that was later adopted by segregationalists and white supremacists.
So in other words, you already admit to and expect another shameful, slanted "debate" as in 2020 heavily geared towards making Trump look bad driving him to object and protest again in his defense as participants are given 30 second time-slots to quickly ferret out solutions to the world's woes while ignoring the real issues.

In other words, you admit that Haley NEEDS this debate to save her dying campaign and you are for helping her out as anything that keeps Biden from having to face Trump again.
As a candidate for President, you are expected to at least make an attempt to answer the moderators questions. Even if it's a bullshit answer, it's expected. Also, as an adult, you are expected to behave with some decorum. It isn't a pep rally after all. In the first debate, Chris Wallace (a sympathetic conservative) gave Trump more chances than I would have to answer the questions. But since Trump had no answers and couldn't freewheel, he reverted to the only thing he knew how to do, be a bully. Well, that didn't work out so well for him in the second debate. He was forced to answer questions...that he had no answers to..and he was exposed. He believes nothing, he knows nothing.

Haley isn't going to win, debate or no. Trump is the nominee. Joe Biden will beat him in November.

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