Handicap Parking and Disability

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Handicap Parking and Disability in America

Before you start frothing at the mouth, let me say that I have no problem with allowing a crippled person to have preferential treatment in parking. That is not the issue here. The issue is that far too many people take advantage of this social subside. Moreover, far too many people are allowed to take advantage of this privilege.

I see people all the time with handicap plates and stickers who can walk just fine. They do not need to have preference in parking. At what point should we consider them for preference? It should take far more than just a little pain. I also think age should come into play. You can handle paid better when you are younger.

I think that you should have debilitating pain caused by motion and/or a crippling condition in order to get parking preference. I also think that if you are under 50 your application should be strictly scrutinized and require medical documentation.

Being fat, and complications suffered therefrom, should never be a basis for parking preference. 99 times out of 100, it is YOUR eating choices and YOUR lifestyle choices that make you fat. I don’t care about some obscure medical condition that makes you fat beyond your control. Those can be dealt with on an ad hoc basic. So save your breath trying to use one of those hypothetical cases to argue with me. You all know damn well that 99/100 cases of obesity and complications therefrom are caused by poor decision making. Fuck them. Let them walk across the parking cross in 100 degree heat. They need the exercise.

I think these handicapped spaces should be set aside for those who most need them. Even though they are closer to the entrances of locations, they still have to walk a certain distance to enter said locations. Thus, unless they are struggling between their car and the front door, then they do not deserve parking preference. I want to see them in pain as they walk to the front door. THIS is who these handicap spots are for, and nobody else. If you are not in pain walking from your handicap spot to the front door, then you do not deserve a handicap spot!

Ever since the 2008 recession, when Obama unconstitutionally eased the requirements for Social Security Disability handouts as a response to the situation where people have exhausted their unemployment benefits, more and more people gladly take the designation of disabled. It means free money, handicap parking, and Medicare. Barry 5-0 took a system from disabled people and converted it into a wealth redistribution system with absolutely no constitutional authority to do so (“fundamental transformation”). This is but one of many examples of the left’s tribal warfare practices.

I was thinking to myself this morning that even if I could get a handicap tag, I would not do it. I am from a time when being “disabled” was avoided. It was a thing nobody wanted to befall himself, his friends and family, his neighbors, or his enemies. When you think of “disabled”, you think (or, used to think) about some dude without a leg. Maybe a crane falls over on it. Maybe he gets sucked into a thresher. Whatever the case, the poor bastard has a physical condition that prevents him from being gainfully employed.

But now the system has expanded. People get disability payments because of all sorts of bullshit, like anxiety, diabetes, depression, etc… This is horse shit. It takes SSD away from people who desperately need it and makes it a general welfare plan.

To be sure, there are people who would be shitting in a bucket in an alley in the winter if not for SSD; but for their condition, they would work and support themselves. Today, a portion of SSD beneficiaries are just lazy fuckers….. Lazy, no-good, trough feeding motherfuckers who do not pay taxes.

My feeling is this: If you are going to give SSD payments to someone with some “soft disability” (e.g., anxiety, depression), then they should also have their legs broken in order to legitimize the expense. I would not have a problem with it then because they paid the same price as the guy with a “hard disability”. This would equalize it in my eyes.

You are probably wondering at this point whether I park in handicap spaces given your inaccurate assessment of me as hostile to invalids. Yes, I have. But 99% of the time I do not park in them because I follow the law. When I have parked there it was very short term and there were other welfare parking spots available. I do this maybe once in every 10 years period. You probably thought I did this all the time, but that is where you are wrong. See, I am not a Democrat voter. I have morals and standards.

My Vision for Handicap Parking

If a person is so physically crippled that he/she cannot from his car to the front door, then they should be shuttled inside in something like an electric golf cart. This will make it easier on them. Further, it means that we can park them wherever. We could put them at the far end of the lot, then shuttle them in on golf carts, getting them out of the way for general parking.

Obviously, we cannot do this everywhere. I propose that shuttle service be limited to establishments involving necessities (food and medical, not porn and liquor) with some threshold traffic level. We then pay for it with money we take back from the people taking taxpayer money on account of “soft disabilities”. If you cannot work due to anxiety or stress, then you don’t belong in society. You are no good to anybody like that! There is no reason we should be encouraging this behavior by subsidizing it with taxpayer money. In the places we cannot do this, like the Asian massage parlor, then the current handicap parking convention will suffice.


The thumb sucking crybabies on the left will wet themselves over this. But remember, Eskimos used to place their elders on chunks of ice and push them off the coast and out into their ocean. Hypothermia is a very peaceful way to die. The old could not pull their weight, yet required food and care. As such, they were a drag on their society. I am not going there with what I say. I want to care for our old and feeble people. I do not want my tax money going to some 30 year old with easily hurt feelings so he can spend $200/mo. to access jack-off videos online or use to buy lottery tickets.

This is beyond debate. We ALL see the abuses around us, no the least of which is preferential parking. Nobody under 50 should get a handicap sticker unless they are in a wheelchair. When people get older, they start having balance problems (see e.g., old man Biden). They don’t need to be walking by themselves if they have balance problems. But if you are under 50, then you need to be missing limbs. PERIOD.
Handicap Parking and Disability in America

Before you start frothing at the mouth, let me say that I have no problem with allowing a crippled person to have preferential treatment in parking. That is not the issue here. The issue is that far too many people take advantage of this social subside. Moreover, far too many people are allowed to take advantage of this privilege.

I see people all the time with handicap plates and stickers who can walk just fine. They do not need to have preference in parking. At what point should we consider them for preference? It should take far more than just a little pain. I also think age should come into play. You can handle paid better when you are younger.

I think that you should have debilitating pain caused by motion and/or a crippling condition in order to get parking preference. I also think that if you are under 50 your application should be strictly scrutinized and require medical documentation.

Being fat, and complications suffered therefrom, should never be a basis for parking preference. 99 times out of 100, it is YOUR eating choices and YOUR lifestyle choices that make you fat. I don’t care about some obscure medical condition that makes you fat beyond your control. Those can be dealt with on an ad hoc basic. So save your breath trying to use one of those hypothetical cases to argue with me. You all know damn well that 99/100 cases of obesity and complications therefrom are caused by poor decision making. Fuck them. Let them walk across the parking cross in 100 degree heat. They need the exercise.

I think these handicapped spaces should be set aside for those who most need them. Even though they are closer to the entrances of locations, they still have to walk a certain distance to enter said locations. Thus, unless they are struggling between their car and the front door, then they do not deserve parking preference. I want to see them in pain as they walk to the front door. THIS is who these handicap spots are for, and nobody else. If you are not in pain walking from your handicap spot to the front door, then you do not deserve a handicap spot!

Ever since the 2008 recession, when Obama unconstitutionally eased the requirements for Social Security Disability handouts as a response to the situation where people have exhausted their unemployment benefits, more and more people gladly take the designation of disabled. It means free money, handicap parking, and Medicare. Barry 5-0 took a system from disabled people and converted it into a wealth redistribution system with absolutely no constitutional authority to do so (“fundamental transformation”). This is but one of many examples of the left’s tribal warfare practices.

I was thinking to myself this morning that even if I could get a handicap tag, I would not do it. I am from a time when being “disabled” was avoided. It was a thing nobody wanted to befall himself, his friends and family, his neighbors, or his enemies. When you think of “disabled”, you think (or, used to think) about some dude without a leg. Maybe a crane falls over on it. Maybe he gets sucked into a thresher. Whatever the case, the poor bastard has a physical condition that prevents him from being gainfully employed.

But now the system has expanded. People get disability payments because of all sorts of bullshit, like anxiety, diabetes, depression, etc… This is horse shit. It takes SSD away from people who desperately need it and makes it a general welfare plan.

To be sure, there are people who would be shitting in a bucket in an alley in the winter if not for SSD; but for their condition, they would work and support themselves. Today, a portion of SSD beneficiaries are just lazy fuckers….. Lazy, no-good, trough feeding motherfuckers who do not pay taxes.

My feeling is this: If you are going to give SSD payments to someone with some “soft disability” (e.g., anxiety, depression), then they should also have their legs broken in order to legitimize the expense. I would not have a problem with it then because they paid the same price as the guy with a “hard disability”. This would equalize it in my eyes.

You are probably wondering at this point whether I park in handicap spaces given your inaccurate assessment of me as hostile to invalids. Yes, I have. But 99% of the time I do not park in them because I follow the law. When I have parked there it was very short term and there were other welfare parking spots available. I do this maybe once in every 10 years period. You probably thought I did this all the time, but that is where you are wrong. See, I am not a Democrat voter. I have morals and standards.

My Vision for Handicap Parking

If a person is so physically crippled that he/she cannot from his car to the front door, then they should be shuttled inside in something like an electric golf cart. This will make it easier on them. Further, it means that we can park them wherever. We could put them at the far end of the lot, then shuttle them in on golf carts, getting them out of the way for general parking.

Obviously, we cannot do this everywhere. I propose that shuttle service be limited to establishments involving necessities (food and medical, not porn and liquor) with some threshold traffic level. We then pay for it with money we take back from the people taking taxpayer money on account of “soft disabilities”. If you cannot work due to anxiety or stress, then you don’t belong in society. You are no good to anybody like that! There is no reason we should be encouraging this behavior by subsidizing it with taxpayer money. In the places we cannot do this, like the Asian massage parlor, then the current handicap parking convention will suffice.


The thumb sucking crybabies on the left will wet themselves over this. But remember, Eskimos used to place their elders on chunks of ice and push them off the coast and out into their ocean. Hypothermia is a very peaceful way to die. The old could not pull their weight, yet required food and care. As such, they were a drag on their society. I am not going there with what I say. I want to care for our old and feeble people. I do not want my tax money going to some 30 year old with easily hurt feelings so he can spend $200/mo. to access jack-off videos online or use to buy lottery tickets.

This is beyond debate. We ALL see the abuses around us, no the least of which is preferential parking. Nobody under 50 should get a handicap sticker unless they are in a wheelchair. When people get older, they start having balance problems (see e.g., old man Biden). They don’t need to be walking by themselves if they have balance problems. But if you are under 50, then you need to be missing limbs. PERIOD.
They need to change it to "Black Only Parking", because they always park in the handicapped spot even if they don't have a placard.
Blacks are told that the white man is screwing them over, so they have no issue with breaking laws.
Matter of fact, they feel now that they have the perfect right to steal whatever they want.
Handicap Parking and Disability in America

Before you start frothing at the mouth, let me say that I have no problem with allowing a crippled person to have preferential treatment in parking. That is not the issue here. The issue is that far too many people take advantage of this social subside. Moreover, far too many people are allowed to take advantage of this privilege.

I see people all the time with handicap plates and stickers who can walk just fine. They do not need to have preference in parking. At what point should we consider them for preference? It should take far more than just a little pain. I also think age should come into play. You can handle paid better when you are younger.

I think that you should have debilitating pain caused by motion and/or a crippling condition in order to get parking preference. I also think that if you are under 50 your application should be strictly scrutinized and require medical documentation.

Being fat, and complications suffered therefrom, should never be a basis for parking preference. 99 times out of 100, it is YOUR eating choices and YOUR lifestyle choices that make you fat. I don’t care about some obscure medical condition that makes you fat beyond your control. Those can be dealt with on an ad hoc basic. So save your breath trying to use one of those hypothetical cases to argue with me. You all know damn well that 99/100 cases of obesity and complications therefrom are caused by poor decision making. Fuck them. Let them walk across the parking cross in 100 degree heat. They need the exercise.

I think these handicapped spaces should be set aside for those who most need them. Even though they are closer to the entrances of locations, they still have to walk a certain distance to enter said locations. Thus, unless they are struggling between their car and the front door, then they do not deserve parking preference. I want to see them in pain as they walk to the front door. THIS is who these handicap spots are for, and nobody else. If you are not in pain walking from your handicap spot to the front door, then you do not deserve a handicap spot!

Ever since the 2008 recession, when Obama unconstitutionally eased the requirements for Social Security Disability handouts as a response to the situation where people have exhausted their unemployment benefits, more and more people gladly take the designation of disabled. It means free money, handicap parking, and Medicare. Barry 5-0 took a system from disabled people and converted it into a wealth redistribution system with absolutely no constitutional authority to do so (“fundamental transformation”). This is but one of many examples of the left’s tribal warfare practices.

I was thinking to myself this morning that even if I could get a handicap tag, I would not do it. I am from a time when being “disabled” was avoided. It was a thing nobody wanted to befall himself, his friends and family, his neighbors, or his enemies. When you think of “disabled”, you think (or, used to think) about some dude without a leg. Maybe a crane falls over on it. Maybe he gets sucked into a thresher. Whatever the case, the poor bastard has a physical condition that prevents him from being gainfully employed.

But now the system has expanded. People get disability payments because of all sorts of bullshit, like anxiety, diabetes, depression, etc… This is horse shit. It takes SSD away from people who desperately need it and makes it a general welfare plan.

To be sure, there are people who would be shitting in a bucket in an alley in the winter if not for SSD; but for their condition, they would work and support themselves. Today, a portion of SSD beneficiaries are just lazy fuckers….. Lazy, no-good, trough feeding motherfuckers who do not pay taxes.

My feeling is this: If you are going to give SSD payments to someone with some “soft disability” (e.g., anxiety, depression), then they should also have their legs broken in order to legitimize the expense. I would not have a problem with it then because they paid the same price as the guy with a “hard disability”. This would equalize it in my eyes.

You are probably wondering at this point whether I park in handicap spaces given your inaccurate assessment of me as hostile to invalids. Yes, I have. But 99% of the time I do not park in them because I follow the law. When I have parked there it was very short term and there were other welfare parking spots available. I do this maybe once in every 10 years period. You probably thought I did this all the time, but that is where you are wrong. See, I am not a Democrat voter. I have morals and standards.

My Vision for Handicap Parking

If a person is so physically crippled that he/she cannot from his car to the front door, then they should be shuttled inside in something like an electric golf cart. This will make it easier on them. Further, it means that we can park them wherever. We could put them at the far end of the lot, then shuttle them in on golf carts, getting them out of the way for general parking.

Obviously, we cannot do this everywhere. I propose that shuttle service be limited to establishments involving necessities (food and medical, not porn and liquor) with some threshold traffic level. We then pay for it with money we take back from the people taking taxpayer money on account of “soft disabilities”. If you cannot work due to anxiety or stress, then you don’t belong in society. You are no good to anybody like that! There is no reason we should be encouraging this behavior by subsidizing it with taxpayer money. In the places we cannot do this, like the Asian massage parlor, then the current handicap parking convention will suffice.


The thumb sucking crybabies on the left will wet themselves over this. But remember, Eskimos used to place their elders on chunks of ice and push them off the coast and out into their ocean. Hypothermia is a very peaceful way to die. The old could not pull their weight, yet required food and care. As such, they were a drag on their society. I am not going there with what I say. I want to care for our old and feeble people. I do not want my tax money going to some 30 year old with easily hurt feelings so he can spend $200/mo. to access jack-off videos online or use to buy lottery tickets.

This is beyond debate. We ALL see the abuses around us, no the least of which is preferential parking. Nobody under 50 should get a handicap sticker unless they are in a wheelchair. When people get older, they start having balance problems (see e.g., old man Biden). They don’t need to be walking by themselves if they have balance problems. But if you are under 50, then you need to be missing limbs. PERIOD.

My hubby had a parking placard because of his advanced age and a bona fide disability and he always wondered why I didn't want him to park in the marked spot when it was ME who was getting out of the car and going into the store to do the shopping.

Handicap Parking and Disability in America

Before you start frothing at the mouth, let me say that I have no problem with allowing a crippled person to have preferential treatment in parking. That is not the issue here. The issue is that far too many people take advantage of this social subside. Moreover, far too many people are allowed to take advantage of this privilege.

I see people all the time with handicap plates and stickers who can walk just fine. They do not need to have preference in parking. At what point should we consider them for preference? It should take far more than just a little pain. I also think age should come into play. You can handle paid better when you are younger.

I think that you should have debilitating pain caused by motion and/or a crippling condition in order to get parking preference. I also think that if you are under 50 your application should be strictly scrutinized and require medical documentation.

Being fat, and complications suffered therefrom, should never be a basis for parking preference. 99 times out of 100, it is YOUR eating choices and YOUR lifestyle choices that make you fat. I don’t care about some obscure medical condition that makes you fat beyond your control. Those can be dealt with on an ad hoc basic. So save your breath trying to use one of those hypothetical cases to argue with me. You all know damn well that 99/100 cases of obesity and complications therefrom are caused by poor decision making. Fuck them. Let them walk across the parking cross in 100 degree heat. They need the exercise.

I think these handicapped spaces should be set aside for those who most need them. Even though they are closer to the entrances of locations, they still have to walk a certain distance to enter said locations. Thus, unless they are struggling between their car and the front door, then they do not deserve parking preference. I want to see them in pain as they walk to the front door. THIS is who these handicap spots are for, and nobody else. If you are not in pain walking from your handicap spot to the front door, then you do not deserve a handicap spot!

Ever since the 2008 recession, when Obama unconstitutionally eased the requirements for Social Security Disability handouts as a response to the situation where people have exhausted their unemployment benefits, more and more people gladly take the designation of disabled. It means free money, handicap parking, and Medicare. Barry 5-0 took a system from disabled people and converted it into a wealth redistribution system with absolutely no constitutional authority to do so (“fundamental transformation”). This is but one of many examples of the left’s tribal warfare practices.

I was thinking to myself this morning that even if I could get a handicap tag, I would not do it. I am from a time when being “disabled” was avoided. It was a thing nobody wanted to befall himself, his friends and family, his neighbors, or his enemies. When you think of “disabled”, you think (or, used to think) about some dude without a leg. Maybe a crane falls over on it. Maybe he gets sucked into a thresher. Whatever the case, the poor bastard has a physical condition that prevents him from being gainfully employed.

But now the system has expanded. People get disability payments because of all sorts of bullshit, like anxiety, diabetes, depression, etc… This is horse shit. It takes SSD away from people who desperately need it and makes it a general welfare plan.

To be sure, there are people who would be shitting in a bucket in an alley in the winter if not for SSD; but for their condition, they would work and support themselves. Today, a portion of SSD beneficiaries are just lazy fuckers….. Lazy, no-good, trough feeding motherfuckers who do not pay taxes.

My feeling is this: If you are going to give SSD payments to someone with some “soft disability” (e.g., anxiety, depression), then they should also have their legs broken in order to legitimize the expense. I would not have a problem with it then because they paid the same price as the guy with a “hard disability”. This would equalize it in my eyes.

You are probably wondering at this point whether I park in handicap spaces given your inaccurate assessment of me as hostile to invalids. Yes, I have. But 99% of the time I do not park in them because I follow the law. When I have parked there it was very short term and there were other welfare parking spots available. I do this maybe once in every 10 years period. You probably thought I did this all the time, but that is where you are wrong. See, I am not a Democrat voter. I have morals and standards.

My Vision for Handicap Parking

If a person is so physically crippled that he/she cannot from his car to the front door, then they should be shuttled inside in something like an electric golf cart. This will make it easier on them. Further, it means that we can park them wherever. We could put them at the far end of the lot, then shuttle them in on golf carts, getting them out of the way for general parking.

Obviously, we cannot do this everywhere. I propose that shuttle service be limited to establishments involving necessities (food and medical, not porn and liquor) with some threshold traffic level. We then pay for it with money we take back from the people taking taxpayer money on account of “soft disabilities”. If you cannot work due to anxiety or stress, then you don’t belong in society. You are no good to anybody like that! There is no reason we should be encouraging this behavior by subsidizing it with taxpayer money. In the places we cannot do this, like the Asian massage parlor, then the current handicap parking convention will suffice.


The thumb sucking crybabies on the left will wet themselves over this. But remember, Eskimos used to place their elders on chunks of ice and push them off the coast and out into their ocean. Hypothermia is a very peaceful way to die. The old could not pull their weight, yet required food and care. As such, they were a drag on their society. I am not going there with what I say. I want to care for our old and feeble people. I do not want my tax money going to some 30 year old with easily hurt feelings so he can spend $200/mo. to access jack-off videos online or use to buy lottery tickets.

This is beyond debate. We ALL see the abuses around us, no the least of which is preferential parking. Nobody under 50 should get a handicap sticker unless they are in a wheelchair. When people get older, they start having balance problems (see e.g., old man Biden). They don’t need to be walking by themselves if they have balance problems. But if you are under 50, then you need to be missing limbs. PERIOD.
You may have a valid complaint 10% of the time but you don't have any idea on how to address the problem.
It should be addressed but not with extremist right ideology. Canada has found some answers through socially responsible government and policing. Some answers might be possible with Americans?
Yes, we all know the disabled placard rules are violated.

People who do not deserve them get them.

The powers that be do not want to be accused of discrimination of any kind.

Here in Los Angeles, the scofflaws include both citizens and non-citizens.

Human beings are the pits.

Dogs are better than 90% of human beings -- of any gender or any ethnicity.
You may have a valid complaint 10% of the time but you don't have any idea on how to address the problem.
It should be addressed but not with extremist right ideology. Canada has found some answers through socially responsible government and policing. Some answers might be possible with Americans?
Yes.......arrest anyone praying outside. Canada and the UK both do this.
Evidently in WV you get one with scratch-offs or smokes.

About a month before he passed my dad finally got a handicapped placard. It was like pulling teeth to get one.

I would take him to his heart doctor in Winchester, Virginia and every-single-time I took him there the handicapped spots would be taken by people with WV tags.
The ADA is easily the most abused federal gubmint policy of all time....Drove up the costs of hotel stays by about 1/3 almost immediately...The tort lawyers have become insanely rich.

You may have a valid complaint 10% of the time but you don't have any idea on how to address the problem.
It should be addressed but not with extremist right ideology. Canada has found some answers through socially responsible government and policing. Some answers might be possible with Americans?
Nothing done under the Soy Boy Trudeau regime merits any consideration whatsoever.
Evidently in WV you get one with scratch-offs or smokes.

About a month before he passed my dad finally got a handicapped placard. It was like pulling teeth to get one.

I would take him to his heart doctor in Winchester, Virginia and every-single-time I took him there the handicapped spots would be taken by people with WV tags.
After my wife's hip surgery I asked the doctor if she could get one and they didn't want to give her one.
I think these folks are stealing them.
Evidently in WV you get one with scratch-offs or smokes.

About a month before he passed my dad finally got a handicapped placard. It was like pulling teeth to get one.

I would take him to his heart doctor in Winchester, Virginia and every-single-time I took him there the handicapped spots would be taken by people with WV tags.
How long did it actually take for the placard to be given to y'all?

God bless you and your family always!!!

I have a temp placard and it's been renewed a couple times.
I actually need it due to my failed hip replacement.
Before that I would never even consider parking in a handicapped space.
At our favorite Cajun joint there's a certain demographic who abuse handicapped parking rules on a regular basis.
You'll see them park and walk into the restaurant without issue.
The Wife will just drop me off at the front door and she'll go find a place to park.
And yeah it pisses me off to no end.
Handicapped tags are handed out way too easily. They need to be more restrictive and reserved for people who actually need them.

If your handicapped tag qualified it should be noted on your driver's license and if you're parking in a handicapped spot with a tag but your license doesn't also say your handicapped you should be heavily fined. Too many people use others tags, drive someone else's car or just make fake ones.

If someone parks in a handicapped spot with no tags then their car should be towed and fined.

If your handicapped your license plate should have a symbol on it that way even if you lose your window tag or anything you still have proof. That also cuts down on abuse of the rear view mirror tag abuse.
My wife's handicapped placards are issued in KY by the doctor completing a form and then you take it to the DMV. No waiting, as my wife got hers the same day.

In regard to the OPs comment, you have obviously never needed one. My wife had hers because she has had both hips replaced. You cannot tell by looking at her that she is handicapped but she tires after only a short walk. People with heart problems don't look handicapped either. We used to have our groceries ready for pickup, but that is inconvenient. She rode an electric cart for a long time.

When I had my complications after my liver transplant, I was flat of my back for about 2 months straight. When I recovered from my illness last summer, I could not walk or even stand without assistance. My time after the hospital lasted about 2 months of recovery where I could not walk through a store and rode an electric cart. I then transitioned to a cane and then getting better took about another two months. I am finally fully recovered, walking three miles on Saturday and doing yardwork all day Sunday. I am glad my wife had her handicapped placard, or I would have never been able to leave the house, even after spending three months in the hospital.t

Don't knock something until you might just need it.
Well, someone has to fill up all those empty spaces at Lowes all day.

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